Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

Just working out a build

Created by Nikrum > 9 months ago, 26 Aug 2010
TAS, 1993 posts
19 Sep 2010 10:27AM
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Yes, definitely give him another buzz!!

TAS, 1972 posts
19 Sep 2010 11:15AM
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Hey Dave! Do you ever get air-born in those things or does it appear that way??

Can't remember if I've already posted this nor if I have sent it on to you.

TAS, 1972 posts
19 Sep 2010 11:27AM
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I know I haven't posted this before but for those among us that partake of the "Gentlemanly Art of the Angle" the bloke at the helm is a friend of mine and Fly Fishing mentor.

TAS, 1993 posts
20 Sep 2010 8:04AM
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Hi Ron,

Awesomevideo of the ecotricity!! Wow, that's fast (world record fast)!!

Sailboards get airbourne when they want (they are now doing triple forward loops in the waves), but you try not to when speed sailing. Guys in Victoria have recently managed over 50 knots at Sandy Point (I'm heading there at the end of this week)!!

We use special GPS's to record the speeds (very accurate and cheap - $200). This is an example of windsurfing speed sailing over a 500m course (sorry for posting windsurfing on a landyacht forum, but it does show how the sails work at high speeds)!!

TAS, 1972 posts
20 Sep 2010 9:35AM
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Thanks Dave,
From my point there is now need to apologize for that, after all we (The disciplines) are trying to achieve the same outcomes. Ga Fast and when we get the GO EVEN FASTER. There are certain limitations within the individual sport BUT is we observe and experiment with our equipment (Woa! We won't go there) we can only improve our performance. For instance looking at those guys I see them Fairly upright until they gain speed then they lay back further the faster they travel (Talk to me on that one, I don't get down your way very often and when I do it is to the Huon Valley chasing Trout and Salmon )

Now look at the layout of Pacific Magics Layout (My Plans will do). The Mast Box could be extended to force the sail to lay back even further and I am sure I could design a method of having the mast hauled back even further at top speeds??? The pressure in theory should come off as the craft catches up to the wind??? Damn! If only I were younger and better catered for at the local monetary establishment [LOL] I think I'd be working on some of those Rigid Sail design concept LY's. I guess I've had my fun through life and it is time for the younger one to go for it.

----------------- Everyone should keep in mind that ideas and information should be kept open for all . It is ours to know, improve on and assist the next generation to improve upon again. One should not store it up Miserly and not share. Go forward not backwards.

SA, 1622 posts
20 Sep 2010 9:19AM
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That windsurfing vid is awesome!! Makes me think I should get back into windsurfing!

TAS, 1972 posts
20 Sep 2010 1:51PM
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Ah guess a mans gotsta do, what a mans gotsta do! Dood!

Ok! So that isn't what this all about. But it sure do give you food for thought where Wind Gathering Sports are concerned. Hill Man I've just looked through your pic's and am impressed with the Sail on the little Blowy. I guess that is what we need to do with those Big 11squares I have. Right??

Wheels are another problem. I think I may have to find a Motor Cycle Wrecker somewhere.

TAS, 1972 posts
20 Sep 2010 11:24PM
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Ok! Sorry Dave but you are probably going get herniated over this one.
Guys take a look at AUS02,s pic----------------- Now having done that I think that is the one I have in my shed or at least its twin.. From what I'm looking reading and what I discussed with the Sail-maker down the road I need to loose one hell of a lot of area. Concurring with you guys he reckoned that

1; the mast should be 3.8mtrs or less.

2; Remove and cut Luff to reshape it But we also decided this sail should have
it's foot where the Boards Boom is taking out about 3 battens.
3; Before any of this can be done I have to decide how the mast will be and the angle the Foot Boom will be placed to give plenty of clearance for ones Punkin.

Given these minor alterations, I can make no decision until my "Ground Unit" ([}:)]You is gonna be edified yet!) is built

With all the talk of apparent wind, wind shear, cam battens, Lift, drag aspect ratios etc. My head has swollen to the size of a small Grapefruit, eyes have imploded and the inside of my head is sounding like someone has struck it with a sledge Hammer.
There was a time when a lot of this stuff would have made sense to me ( I was younger then)

For now my intent is to photograph the sail/s from directly above for best perspective and then post them to my pic's and then ask for direct help from all sources. Cos after talking to the Sail-maker and reading up in sail-making I am about to come un-made..

Talk to me. OK?


TAS, 1993 posts
21 Sep 2010 8:18AM
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Hi Ron,

Yes, that sail you have is the one in my avatar!! No, I'm not fussed at all about it being chopped to bits, I hope it gets some more use out in the wind. I reckon you might be best experimenting with the other 11m sail first, that way if you do want to make changes, you can do those to the better red sail!!

Here is a link to the sail itself (it's the 11m)!!

That image might be what others can draw outlines over if you post it up?

TAS, 1972 posts
21 Sep 2010 9:50AM
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Thanks for that Dave.I have some thoughts of my own these I will upload later when I have put the below pic through Corel etc.

For now this will have to do for you guys to draw and cut up to your thoughts on Sail alterations.


TAS, 1972 posts
21 Sep 2010 10:40AM
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My thoughts on sale reshape..
By the way how do I manage to remove pic's from my profile???

TAS, 1972 posts
21 Sep 2010 8:33PM
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Just a couple more to make some decisions on..


WA, 5921 posts
22 Sep 2010 4:01PM
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forget the AUS02 sail for now.
lets concentrate on the RAFdynamic 6.1m.
couple of questions before we cut.
what will the dimensions of your yacht be, what do you weigh, what kind of winds will be your norm, and what type of boom (wishbone or under sail)?
once we know this , we can suggest some cut lines

TAS, 1972 posts
22 Sep 2010 6:53PM
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Qvestions qvestions?? Vot are you? the Spanish Inqvisition!!

OK! Some of the info I will need a little time to think. It will be used in stronger winds though I most likely will use it in all winds. Take into account though I am also in the early stages of building a second LY more of a Blowie though, that is with the Carbon bits and it will be a general use piece that my Spouse will use as well.
What a Hide! What a cheek! My weight even OK OK if you insist, 100kg.
Definitely an Under Boom using the top section and a Sailboard mast, There are lots of SS/Nylon Block and a Tackles that can come out of the AUS 02 Sails. My Major unit will be around 3mtrs long or just under and about 2mtrs rear wheel base.
I guess if you want more info' you will have to weight an hour or two as I'm off out.

TAS, 1972 posts
22 Sep 2010 7:59PM
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Just a couple of after thoughts LY. The masts I have for the purpose are Ignition 5.5m and a shortened one that is from memory 3.7m But could be extended a little I also have a couple of extension tubes with Down Haul Pulleys. The 5.5 is a stiff mast.
For the Mini I have a mast that is of lighter construction and about 3.5mtrs. one of the extension tubes is suitable to it.
I hope this info is useful to you.
I think it would be an idea to start a new topic for the Sail cut and shut. What say you? Nah! I will just start one and put the link to it in this page??
The Sail Cut and Shut. RAF dynamic

TAS, 1972 posts
23 Sep 2010 10:38PM
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I just thought I'd add a bit of another win I had today. I managed to pick up a few more bits of broken Carbon Masts and what with extraction of Battens from sails and other little tit bits I acme up with this.

Sure there is a bit of labor to go, but this is the general idea. The Cam/?/Batten position-er will be let into the piece of mast and will pivot in the particle plane and be able to rotate around mast freely without damaging it.

TAS, 1993 posts
24 Sep 2010 8:10AM
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Hey Ron, I reckon that's a great idea, was wondering how you might connect the boom to the mast and I think you're on to something there. Maybe even a piece of strap connected to one side of the camber that then passes around the mast and connects back to the other side? A strap that does exactly this and the attachment fitting that allows you to pull it tight is already on those 11m sails at the base, so you could use one of these?

TAS, 1972 posts
24 Sep 2010 10:08AM
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Yes Dave, I have that in mind, it is a damned good idea. Funny thing, last night I had a whole bunch of Straps with Fasteners-----------Problem is I woke up this morning. Just thinking about it though, it probably a good thin that I woke up[}:)]. Funny what the brain does when you aren't in control of the bloody thing

I have always told that I am a "Jack-of-all-Trades" trouble is we know how that maxim finishes.

"Don't think about it! Do it!


TAS, 1972 posts
24 Sep 2010 4:27PM
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Right! I've been "Out There" Tinkering again..
I'll just load them and only the Securing Strap will pass though the Roller Mount, around the mast and be locked off.
Gees! I love it when a plan comes together

TAS, 1972 posts
28 Sep 2010 7:28PM
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Ok Troops!
This is where we're @ with the build.

The thing looks fast just as it is

TAS, 1972 posts
1 Oct 2010 8:39PM
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OK! So here is the latest on the Beast.

Had a couple of little hiccups but cleared those OK------------I think The Axles are sleeved to increase there diameter and reinforce them as well as to give them a snug fit in the Axle Tree. The mast step was another of those inexperience with welding, I set it at 7.5deg' and the weld pulled it out of line so I went for the Flared Mast Step style. There is always a cure. I am going to have to take The Beast to a Smash repairs to put it in the Press and draw the spine out straight as the Welding distorted the metal and tilted it up about 10mm. Bugger!. The Carbon Mini is also going well with just a couple of points of order to sort out.


WA, 5921 posts
1 Oct 2010 7:44PM
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to straighten that tube you need to heat the underside . you will need to add a reinforcing strap under the mast step anyway, to stop it ripping off the chassis. when you weld that on it should straighten up

TAS, 1972 posts
1 Oct 2010 11:23PM
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Thanks for that Yachtman. You seem to come to my rescue when I am taking a wrong turn I will deal with that tomorrow.

I inquired about Resins and bonding of Carbon Fiber of the following company and this is the reply I got;
Hi, Thanks for your inquiry. I not sure I can help you too much, we
supply carbon tubing but not engineering services.
I would say that a good carbon laminated joint would be stronger than
any welded joint.
Also wind surf masts will be weak in torsion as most fiber is at o
It is hard to bond carbon to steel however a glue like Plexus is the
best that I know of.

Good luck with the project.


Alex Vallings, C-Tech Ltd
PO Box 71-131, Rosebank 1348
551 Rosebank Road, Avondale 1026

I just thought it might be of interest to you.

TAS, 1972 posts
4 Oct 2010 10:09AM
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High All,
Another one of those annoying Questions;
I noted when I first perused the Plans Of the Pac' Mag' that ther Axle Beam Is under slung on the Axle Stub Is there any reason for this? This is as apposed to fitting it directly into the Axle Beam Via a turned Ali' plug.
I guess I'm lucky in that I have a varied lot of friends that have interests in different fields and equipment to go with that.
I have Axle Beam to Stub Plugs being turned up at this very minute


TAS, 1972 posts
4 Oct 2010 10:12AM
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High All,
Another one of those annoying Questions;
I noted when I first perused the Plans Of the Pac' Mag' that ther Axle Beam Is under slung on the Axle Stub Is there any reason for this? This is as apposed to fitting it directly into the Axle Beam Via a turned Ali' plug.
I guess I'm lucky in that I have a varied lot of friends that have interests in different fields and equipment to go with that.
I have Axle Beam to Stub Plugs being turned up at this very minute


WA, 5921 posts
4 Oct 2010 3:58PM
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Back when i drew those plans most yachts in Oz were running very low to the gorund. The PM was the last yacht I built that had heavily underslung axles. my present Cl 5 has stubs centred on the axles, cos its easier

TAS, 1972 posts
5 Oct 2010 10:46AM
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Great LY, I have two sets coming today. They are turned from Solid Round Stock but at the moment are un-drilled. One set for the PM has to be offset to counter the angle of the Axle Beams and the other pair will have to be angled to give a little cant to the wheels.
Hear is a site for you and the mob to look at

I have been looking at these for the PM Item # WHL-500F They look sound enough to me and the price puts them squarely in the good price range.

WA, 5921 posts
5 Oct 2010 6:52PM
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ron that wheel is a 12" wheel, in a soft cast alloy. I have some on my speedsail board. . you are going to need a 16" on the front or 8" wheelbarrow wheels. I would go the fallshaws myself

TAS, 1972 posts
5 Oct 2010 10:38PM
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Ok. So that shoots that one down. "Nice Shootin' Tex"

They looked good anyway and I thought they might be stronger than the Plastic BMX wheels.

I have cut the sail and the thread will be up shortly.

TAS, 1972 posts
5 Oct 2010 11:50PM
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OK! So here is where I'm at with the Carbon Mast Mini. Hey the stuff is in my shed and I have to use it for something so why not experiment?? Hmmmm!
I thought so, you .
Any to be serious. Look closely at the pic's and you will not that the Spine is made up of 2 sections of mast one the inner is helical wound and the outer parallel laid fiber. The inner mast stub is recessed into the outer Spine and the outer is an over sleeve butt joint. This will be glued in place with Epigen 907, my intent then is after the Epoxy has cured is to Over Bandage the entire joint to reinforce it. Pic's will be posted.

Now sourcing the materials is happening.


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"Just working out a build" started by Nikrum