Thanks for that Cisco.
Of course that town is "Fungarey" it is only spelled Whangerai.
Before moving the Sheet blocks along the Boom I wanted to try that position. I had a good reason, so I thought. Off hand I can't remember what it was at the moment. Generally speaking one would use the line of least resistance or the line gravity would take, but then I've always been one for going against convention and the Rules of Engagement. You see we have been so trained to follow convention and rules and reg's that the enemy knows what we are going to do next before we do at times where as I have found that taking a calculated risk and keeping my head down gets me in the trenches with them
[}:)] where I can have my evil way before they KKKnow what's hit them. Always keep the sediment on the bottom of the pool stirred up so they have trouble seeing you
Wheels? it is great to see that at least someone say the humor in my thinking. The center-less wheel is about, some south American chap. They would be ideal for our application, a lot of problems would be solved before we even started to design a LY.
At the moment I am trying to bring in some cast 6" rims from AZUSA. I was going to get Astro's but decided they would be too narrow for the job 3". The tires I have are at least 4" wide rims. I will, however take a look at that site.
Now that was good. I like the way you think
The idea is to use stuff like that all the time. Surely they will wake up sooner or later???
True Australian-ism is long dead. The days of "A Man's word is his bond" I can't say gone as I've made it a part of my credo but it is very rare. I don't give my word lightly as once it is given I am tied by it. It is a pity something like that can not be fashionable.
Well not a serious amount when unloaded
Nice to see another that understands my sense of humor etc.
have a think about your sheeting ron.
you only need 3:1 0n the back of the boom, the rest is just a heap of rope that you will need to sheet in and out. try to get the sheeting to go up and down rather that at that flat angle, as most of your sheeting is being wasted trying to push the boom through the mast. maybe shorten the pulleywhip as well.
the rims for those tyres are still 6"x6" its written on the side still
Thanks Landyacht,
OK! point ;
1. 6'x6' Rims are a problem, I am not prepared to pay, like 3to400bucks per rim.
2. Under the circumstances those tires were designed for 6'wide may well be a prerequisite as the aircraft would use them to their maximum weight under rough touch down, I doubt that I will take them anywhere near those parameters also consider strong cross wind touchdown and side ways bounce in those conditions. In motor vehicle tire fitting we used to consider 1" +- of recommended size quite safe. These aircraft tires are also designed to take higher air pressures than wheel barrow tires and run at far greater speeds I doubt that I will make anywhere near 120MPH, that is unless I take her out in a Cyclone he he he hiyuk. Were I stupid enough to do a thing like that then I would imagine I would suffer my "Just Desserts". Don't you?? I also think that running 4" may give me a bit more rolling diameter under greater tire pressures. I think it will be safe enough but you will be the first to know if it isn't.
No second, I will be the first
I am about to give you the reasoning behind the Sheet angle on Schrodinger's Cat and as per usual I treat this Forum as I usually do--------- "A place for open and frank discussion" on our Sport. I believe it is not a place to be offended unless of course a "Discuss-er/Threader
becomes Offensive and or abusive and then there ways of removing that person from the scene.
Here goes nothing
I am not a great one on dynamics but my logical thought says that
" "
Direction of pull by the sheet should apply greater pressure towards the mast step coursing lesser pressure on the mast step Base while applying greater pressure towards the curving/loading of the Mast above the Boom mast intersection. 5:1 sheet ratio makes it easier for the weaker sex to operate?? May-hap I will change that at a later date.
Do not be offended anyone but consider I have never built nor operated one of these beasts before but I have used certain of the principles behind them on a lot of different rigs, ( Raising a 1500Gal tank 5mtrs onto a tank-stand then tipping it onto it's bottom up there unassisted I was told by many that I could not do this on my "Pat Malone").
To these ends I can never take the thoughts of one man as gospel but I do take his thoughts and ideas aboard and apply them where and when necessary. Hey who knows I might do something useful some day I also am using different materials and jointing methods to you guys so once again I only play by ear.
One is never to old to learn and the day I stop learning is the day I am carted off to look inside the big Furnace
Like I said I may well have the "Bull by the Horns" If so then your opposing thoughts will be listened too.
I don't know how you have attached the pulleys to the boom but I have preferred to use a "Prusik Hitch" a non slip climbing knot, you can put it anywhere along the boom and adjust it easily..... it also eliminates the boom being weakened by drilling holes for bolts or rivets.
Well Gizmo you probably approve of my course method I just whacked a 1/4" drill through and a couple of Pop Rivets to hold a saddle in place.
The Prusik looks like a good hitch but then tying the blocks on starts to look a little untidy I should think.
I was told that multi sheave blocks start to have balance and binding problems so I stuck to singles where I could.
Single blocks are a good idea... With pop rivets just think how much is holding the saddle? Not much at all, only the expansion of the rivet ...
on an aluminium tube is marginal but on a composite tube I wouldn't trust them.
Here is how the prusik hitch looks on a boom...
Thanks LY,
May-hap I have it wrong but the boom mast thing was what I was trying to take advantage of and perhaps release a little pressure from the mast base at the spine/mast step joint
Moving the blocks is not a great hassle and I guess between you and Gizmo I am being forced to rethink my layout That's Cool.
EDDIES??? I tried to find them but came up with everything else but wheels. I have looked in aircraft sites and the wheels there were Mucho Diniero. Too rich for my pocket
and no one is prepared to crash a plane for me to benefit from there tragedy
Yep! I would hope there are a couple of SA lads that will come up with some info on eddies,,,,,,,,,,,,Like an email address or a Phone # or both would be more preferable.
Thanks for the input guys.
Hi hope this helps I purchased 4/50 x6" wheels from attached site for my wind flyer.
Thanks Aus,
I had a look through the site but they didn't have what I am looking for as I realy need a 6"x6" Rim.
It seems that most Land Yachties are Big Softies and prefer to run on low pressures for a softer ride.. Damn! What ever happened to the True Aussie Tough GuyYou know the type, those that sleep out under the stars on Barbed Wire Mattresses, Pick their Noses with Cactus Thorns and Wipe their Butts with 400Grit Sand Paper or Cement Bags
. Aren't there any of us left??
Nikrum if you are a "true aussie" why not go for saw blades for wheels, that way you dont need any rubber for namby pamby vibration dampening [}:)]
Damn! Why the Hell didn't I think of that Shees! I have 4 or 5, 2 footers out in the shed But there is only one problem with that and it is they are a little narrow and may tend to Bog Down. BUT! You have given me a great Idea. A mate of mine has a couple of 3'6" Metal Spoke'd, Spiked farm implement wheels he may let me have which might solve a few problems;
1. Larger dia for lower rolling resistance
2. Spikes will eliminate side slip and opposition in races
3. C of G will be way lower than the wheel center
Test Pilot you really have hit on something here.
Oh! Bye-the-way I have a spare piece of Mast section which, if you ever come up against me in a race may well see you as a Kewpie Doll [}:)][}:)].
Oh! Bye-the-way I have a spare piece of Mast section which, if you ever come up against me in a race may well see you as a Kewpie Doll
Now dont get me wrong, but I just may take you up on that Kewpie doll idea [}:)] [}:)]
Thanks for that Paul,
Whoa! I ain't a goin' there.. I don't know what I did and can't quite remember but I did go to that site and finished up god knows where and got an email back saying they didn't make that product or some such Put it down to "SOF's Disease" ( Course term, initial "F").
You have made me look like a total "Goose" for the world to see.. Ta muchly!. Most of them probably knew that anyway.
I will go there and give them a shake and see what I can make fall out of the tree..
So Test Pilot1 I hope you are only suffering to Land Yacht Jousting[}:)][}:)]
Thanks for your thoughts on mounting Block and Tackle Gizmo. I've taken your advice there and used Prusic Hitch. As for the Pop Rivets, well I took the Bull By The Horns on the Jam Cleats and mounted them over a bit of Stainless with .25 Monnel Rivets and I doubt they will go anywhere under a direct axial pull.
And Yup! You were right about not trusting them in Composite. I hauled the Rear Foot Eyelet to a JC and it lifted right off under a 45deg pull.
Thanks again for that.
PS. The boom looks a little strange with a Mast End Bulge with 2 Jam Cleats.
OK! After having taken by the hand and led to Edwards Karts I managed to, All by myself, purchase a pair of General Purpose 6" x 5" Aluminum Rims and it looks like they will get here for less than $50 a piece. Now who can complain about that for a good price. Now I am dumb foundered.
Someone in this country is selling a good product at a good price " Oh Wonder of wonders "Glory Be!"[}:)][}:)]
I am thinking the Air Track Tires and these Rims will not be much heavier than Barrow wheels and a little higher pressure will allow for faster running.. Anyway we will see.
thats 6" diameter x6" width ron nor 6"x5"
If you wipe a thin layer of adhesive silicon on the indide of the tyres you can then run the tyres tubeless. the sidewalls and side tread can be planed . then run it at 50 pis
Before replying to Landyacht I feer that I must report that on the 05 Day of the 12th month in the "Year of our Lord 2010" That Schrodinger's Cat was launched on the Estate section at the Western End of the Wynyard Airfield.
The wind was from a NE direction at between 5 to 10kts . Barely sufficient to move the Cat under my 100kgs but none the less the Cat managed to move me along, all be it slowly. !
I also must report that my good lady wife encouraged a Japanese visitor (Whom had never even seen a Land Yacht before she came to stay), to " 'ave a Go". Yuki immediately managed to Up Stage my efforts.. Mind you my excuse is that she is a Diminutive person probably only a little over half my weight.
SCHRODINGER'S Cat would seem to be a success.
Bloody Schrodinger's Cat. Damn It! Cisco.
I am absolutely amazed ta no one has displayed any curiosity about the names of my vehicles???? It means that either they aren't interested or they know exactly what they are So Be It.
I took SC out again this morning and it is a pity I had nobody watching with a Movie Camera. No dumby! "Nobody" is not a person..
Anyway it performed brilliantly in 10 to 15kt winds. Scrub outs, wheel of and good speed. The little beast seems to be quite squirty as well. Very pleasing indeed and nick from Peerless Industrial will be pleased to find that the Epoxy product stood up really well to the sail slapping the mast about. It will be interesting to see how long the Carbon Fiber Jointing will stand up to those stresses.
Reply to Landyacht.
You will have to explain Planing to me, or at least the tools used to do the job.
I really am not prepared to use my Falcon 18" to do that job [}:)].
The Rim Width I have seen to and the rest is good sense.
Makita, 240V electric, you will blunt the blades so use old ones, not newies, or the lads will instruct you on balsa planes it looks like a broken mast mini might just work.
I glad it wasnt a "cat"astrophy, then you would have to rename it 'pavlovs dog'
Thank you Gentlemen.
Well then. From what I am hearing I will claim a "Worlds First" for a Carbon Bug.
That is unless someone has date and photographic evidence of an earlier one?? Dang Boys! Sure hope their ain't no one done it a fore me.
I had a heap of fun yesterday Afternoon after my "Last Post"
Schrodinger performed well in heavier gusts though the Spine does wined up pretty well. I am not sure if this is a good thing or not, it does help to keep all wheels on the deck longer even if the front wheel looks strange laying over at 6 or 7 degrees. On airport Tarmac' cheap Chinese tires don't last very long at all. After a total of about 5 hours I have had to reverse the wheels in order to wear the outside half out
. The odd thing is the bicycle tire is showing little sign excess wear and it did a lot of skipping in extremely tight turns (Maxlok). When SC's sail has good wind it fills out perfectly not a ripple to be seen anywhere. Problem is getting the Boss to come out in the wind to take pic's and to top it all off my old camera has just died after 10years.
Anyway! Happy happy happy.
Hmm! Landyacht it would appear that you have at least an inkling about the names..
Well Ron, it seems the "Cat" is alive. When it gets really lively make sure you do not have any Verschränkung with solid objects.
(Credits to Wikipedia)