Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

Just working out a build

Created by Nikrum > 9 months ago, 26 Aug 2010
TAS, 1972 posts
4 Mar 2011 8:50PM
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Right. It seems that I'm getting a handle on the Main Nav Data Logger now to get the Downloading working.

The below pictures should have something pleasing to Paul incorporated.
Since the Last pic's of Occum's Razor I have made a couple of alterations to it's Rigging. I have a couple of doubts about certain areas of the new sail and I would like members to study the pic's and remark on the way it sets to see what cross checking I can get with my thoughts.

Looking directly up the sail does not show the slack Sail Head.
Anyway comments please. Not it looks great but criticisms.

430 posts
4 Mar 2011 6:47PM
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That sail is designed for a guy standing on a surfboard with no leverage. The wind surfer has to let go a lot of the wind force he gets to stay upright hence the floppy top. It will be a slow sail. You have a meter of leverage and a solid surface to push against so you should be able to move the world.

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
4 Mar 2011 7:38PM
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Your main sheet/rope should be coming direct to you from front pulley, giving you better control when boom is to either side. No need to pull from midway down boom as your downhaul and rear sheeting are already accomplishing any possible effect you may have at mid point.

TAS, 1972 posts
4 Mar 2011 11:33PM
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Ta muchly,
What I am perceiving is that I have a powerful sail, which will either give me more power on softer surfaces or power the Razor in Lower Winds???

As for the Sheet the pic gives the false impression that I use it through the Jam Cleat.
That only happens when I need to rest my arms or set and forget. In higher Winds I would think the Cleat would be dangerous. Generally speaking I have a slip knot in the Sheet End to prevent loss of the sheet in the event it slips from my hands. If one is hurtling down the beach on a long Reach then I do lock the Sheet off in the Jam Cleat but am ever ready to release it. I find that I have plenty of time to release as the Mast tends to wind up a lot before the upwind wheel lifts off. This is a good thing as that stored energy is then released back into the center of effort.

I can have a degree of the slack taken out of the sail head, would that help increase Speed??

WA, 5921 posts
4 Mar 2011 9:00PM
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NEVER a jam cleat, its just an accident.
the sail looks to me like the completely flat part of really big windsurfer sail . I can see any shape, so you will need to set it up in a bit of wind for us to judge

WA, 6277 posts
4 Mar 2011 11:28PM
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Clemco said...

That sail is designed for a guy standing on a surfboard with no leverage. The wind surfer has to let go a lot of the wind force he gets to stay upright hence the floppy top. It will be a slow sail. You have a meter of leverage and a solid surface to push against so you should be able to move the world.

I don't really agree...

If this were the case then we'd just use a smaller sail

The floppy top acts to make the one sail work well in gusts and lulls, by changing the foil in a gust so that the centre of effort doesn't move around as much. If the centre of effort moves back on a windsurfer this gets transferred to the back hand, which then gets transferred to the fin, which overloads it and causes spinout (you go sideways). This isn't nearly as much of an issue on a landsailor, as your mast is stayed and things aren't quite so critically unstable.

I think there's enough shape in the sail there, I can see from the side shot that you have almost enough downhaul, perhaps a little bit more could help. The bottom batten is in an 's' shape, and the battens are pointing directly at the mast, both of which will change once some wind hits the sail.

I'd give it a go and see how it performs

TAS, 1972 posts
5 Mar 2011 9:19AM
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To quote Rosco "P" Coltrain "Love it I love it"
Great stuff. This is a Discussion!.
Jam Cleat?? Paul I understand the risks but I do not like loosing the Sheet out of the Luff tension Block. NASTY! and it really does nothing for my Ego[}:)].
Do you like what I have done with the Sheet set up, other wise??

Nebbian. You tend to agree generally with Steve Walker Sails here in Wynyard. Though his spin on the Luff Down Haul was a little less tension and Tension Limiters.
I have used 2:1, 3:1 and now a test on 1:1. There is not a lot of difference, from my (Limited) experience to feel the difference . One thing Steve did say and I did feel was,to back the sail off a little and gain power and speed, at times I did Haul the Sheet in tight then back it off a little and you could feel the Razor accelerate.
With regards to the Sail Head Slack I feel that due to design differences and a more positive ----Ah!---- For the want of a better description------Keel Action that the Slack will be more accented than on a Wind Surfer. Time and Wind will tell.

When the winds pick up a touch I shall do as you ask Paul and get those pic's.
Once again guys thanks.

TAS, 1972 posts
5 Mar 2011 9:35AM
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landyacht said...

NEVER a jam cleat, its just an accident.
the sail looks to me like the completely flat part of really big windsurfer sail . I can see any shape, so you will need to set it up in a bit of wind for us to judge

Paul it was an 11Sqm Speed Surfer; David Morehead the bloke I got the sail from is into Speed-----Big Time and tends to press the issue of Latest Gear, heavily. As he works in the upper sector of Salmon sales for one of the big Salmon Farms down South.. Personally I think the Bugger eats way to much of the product he sells and is Morphing Fins instead of Feet and Hands[}:)][}:)].

TAS, 1972 posts
5 Mar 2011 2:30PM
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This shot taken in a light wind directly side on. I don't know when the next lot of heavier winds will happen. Anyway this will be a little more for comment. I Ran a string along the Sail Head Binding and pulled it up tight which has taken some of the slack out of the sail head. The string is easily cut so that when I am at the beach I can run tests on both settings. Look Closely at the top meter of Mast, I think possibly 1.5' of sail can come out to load a little more pressure there


WA, 6277 posts
5 Mar 2011 11:51AM
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Looks pretty good to me Nikrum

One of the benefits of a fall-away head is that you get your power from lower down on the sail, which means more push for less tipping moment.

Which means you go faster

TAS, 1993 posts
5 Mar 2011 4:03PM
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Ron, looks like you've done a great job with that 11m sail. That last photo of the way it sets looks really good in my opinion.

430 posts
5 Mar 2011 6:05PM
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What's good about that? That floppy bit at the head is a waste of time on a landyacht. You might need it on a surfboard but I can't see the sense of it at 80+ kph. It would be flapping all over the place. Take it out in 20knts and see what happens.

TAS, 1972 posts
5 Mar 2011 11:37PM
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Thanks again fellas,
It seems there are 2 conflicting opinions going here; The Fores and Againsts. Hm? Interesting, no true "Suck It And Sees"?
I would have thought in a Quartering Down Wing Run it would have had a good effect. But As noted the Dynamics of Land Yachts and Wind Surfers are very different.
At this time I am interested in the Sail being "Clean" (As in form) and I think with the exception of the very top section (Littlest Panel) I have managed to clean the wrinkles with the insertion and tensioned of the 75lb Line in the top Bias-binding.
Performance is another thing. I will "Suck It And See".

Will a Razor Neuter a Cat[}:)][}:)]

WA, 6277 posts
5 Mar 2011 9:29PM
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Hey Nikrum,

Just bear in mind that under wind load the mast bends sideways, which will make the sail perform to how it's designed. This will also change how the sail sets -- bits that you think are too floppy will actually tighten up and work properly.
With experience you can tell when a floppy leech is set up correctly on the beach, but it's far from obvious if you haven't tried out lots of settings before.

When I first got a sail with a fat head I thought that it was stupid and tried all sorts of elaborate schemes to try to tighten up the leech. The sail designers didn't know what they were doing, I thought.
Then when I actually sailed it and watched what happens under load I understood.

I'm really interested to see how your sail performs

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
5 Mar 2011 11:36PM
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Nikrum said...

Will a Razor Neuter a Cat[}:)][}:)]

Best way to neuter a cat?
Carbon monoxide! About 2 hours @100% concentration should do it!
Cheapest way also as you sav on pet food afterwards. [}:)]

TAS, 1972 posts
6 Mar 2011 9:17AM
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So am I, so am I. Wind is in the East this morning and that Shiite at the Airport has Allowed Gravel to be heaped hodgepodge on the Strip to stop people from enjoying themselves. Bloody Petty Bureaucrats.
I will do nothing more until I have tested the Sail. I am thinking that because the Working Load on a Land Yacht Sail isn't as great as is on a Windsurfer, far lower rolling Resistance/Surface Tension the Sail will not Fill Out the same/as much. However the Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating.
I finished up with a MainNav GM 600 Data Logger. Nice unit now all I have to do is learn to use it.

Cats can be Neutered in many ways. They Do Not have wings and do not fair well in an attempt to fly from a multi-story building either.. NO! Not I but I do know someone that experimented in that area. They did not much like Mogies and got upset with Ferrels Pissing around his front Door. Jees! 2Hours sounds a bit excessive But I reckon your car would have looked Strange with a bag hanging off it's exhaust pipe while you were driving about[}:)]


430 posts
6 Mar 2011 3:12PM
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You have a very good platform there Ron for testing different sail concepts. I look forward to your test results. Have you got that GPS sussed yet?

TAS, 1972 posts
6 Mar 2011 10:36PM
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Thanks Clemco,
Yup! This Afternoon. Winds gusting to 18kts directly down the Strip. Regardless of the new Gravel Heaps I set up the Razor with the new Re-Make. It seems to perform very well in these conditions. Can Accelerate Heavily in gusts and under acceleration can readily lift a wheel. The sail has great lowdown power and easily moves The Razor when the wind drops. In an Upwind Run it carries very close to the wind as does the first sail. This style sail is Good for Reaching in a Light Downwind Run. The Sail Head requires a Heavy Gust or Steady Wind to fill out, on the Bike Speedo I made 63.7k on a couple of runs and didn't quite make the Head firm though there was now Luffing of that section at those speeds.
The Razor Handled well with "The Kings New Clothes" but now I have to Take it out to Pegg's Beach for a proper RUN!
I do suspect that I will have to tighten the Sail top a little by removing around .5" to .75", High Wind Tests will Tell though not too High as I think that may well lead to Roll Over and Tickle Me Tummy.

Not as yet with the GPS, just when I get it sussed I lose my Place It is a very Intuitive unit but my memory is getting bad.

I may well have to back off with Land Yachting for awhile as I am an ex-smoker and I have done some serious harm to my Breathing capacity and it is getting worse. I wonder how an Oxygen Tank will look on the Razor. Damn! I hope not but time once again will tell. Bloody Tobacco Companies have a lot to answer for but Play the Game I did and the Pain I will just have too wear. That is unless someone has a bright IDEA.

WA, 5921 posts
6 Mar 2011 8:10PM
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Nikrum said...

This shot taken in a light wind directly side on. I don't know when the next lot of heavier winds will happen. Anyway this will be a little more for comment. I Ran a string along the Sail Head Binding and pulled it up tight which has taken some of the slack out of the sail head. The string is easily cut so that when I am at the beach I can run tests on both settings. Look Closely at the top meter of Mast, I think possibly 1.5' of sail can come out to load a little more pressure there


IMHO, that sail will be woeful. that head will just flap and rattle when hauled in, from the bottom , batten1 is too flat 2 and 3 might get fuller if 1 was fuller.
above that the sail is just a slab.
can you get a photo with wind in the sail but the camera angle from below ?
the danger of a top that flaps is that it can set up an ossilation in the rig which transmits down to the steeringand can make the front wheel lift.
recutting the luff at the top of the sail may help , but you will still have a flat top

TAS, 1993 posts
6 Mar 2011 11:37PM
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Hi Ron,

There'll be a lot of windsurfers up your way at Stanley this long weekend as we have our fourth and final round of the state titles. Be good to catch up if you are around - would be great to see the landyacht(s) in action.


WA, 2775 posts
6 Mar 2011 8:50PM
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AUS02 said...

Hi Ron,

There'll be a lot of windsurfers up your way at Stanley this long weekend
would be great to see the landyacht(s) in action.


heres your chance to score a heap of sails and masts!
educate the windsurfing mob that they all need new stuff,
(shouldnt be hard if they are anything like west aussie windsurfers)
and then remind them that they dont have room at home to store thier old gear.
Of course you can then volunteer to help them out of thier storage predicament.

If there is too much for you to use you can always pass it on to the campania crew.

TAS, 1972 posts
7 Mar 2011 9:51AM
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Thanks Lads,
Right. Sail Shape. The first Batten (Boom tip to Mast) is not a batten but a batten pocket and under wind pressure it does take shape, how much is the question. Yes Paul at speed it may well be a Pig, that I will have to find out. However under light conditions it seems to function reasonable and has a lot of low down power as stated in my last Post. This is I only have you guys at a distance to tell me what to look for and I have only a few months experience to guide me. I am however one that "Fly's by the Ass of my Breaches" and as mentioned elsewhere; "Why do I need a Seat Belt? I can hang on with my Butt Cheeks" [}:)].
Most Sail Makers do not have a lot of experience with Machines that have low Rolling Resistance, therefore they tend to think in terms of Low Down Power which I think (I may be Wrong) we, Land Yachters, only need in Light Conditions. Anyway we will work out the Pro's and Con's as we go. I will have to find someone that is capable of using a Camera to SNAP SHOOT! Most people are unable to judge when to take the Shot or the Settings to get it.

sn. Shush! But you are right.


TAS, 1972 posts
7 Mar 2011 10:35AM
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Misure Le Hills,
This is my effort to the discussion a short time back. If your intent is to take it further I will leave it up to you.


TAS, 1972 posts
8 Mar 2011 10:01AM
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Gizmo said...

While on the subject of eBay... just bought this book from some one in Canada, it arrived in Oz within 6 days

Hey Gizmo,
My copy came in yesterday, it is in near new condition. It must have been read once or twice then dumped in a personal Library until it was sold off in an estate but that is only periphery stuff, the contents are what count. There is some great stuff and one thing it did tell me in the early part is that Hills are short------Is he really?[}:)]. The book is definitely worth buying----------At a reasonable price. It would appear that it was only a single printing and Copyright in 1973 which is starting to bring it into the valuable books era. I am still shocked that someone would try to Flog it off at US$288 on AMAZON. That is way over the top in my Opinion. This copy cost me US$20 +$15S and H, which, under the circumstances is reasonable.

If nothing else it shows a Snap Shot of what was happening back then, which when all is said and done is not a great deal different to today. The same questions and answers, however Technology has changed a bit along with the construction.

Well worth it if you can find a copy.

TAS, 1972 posts
24 Mar 2011 9:36PM
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Hi Guys,

I made mention in another Post about the Heart condition[}:)].
Well to cut a short story long.
Since the Saturday I wasn't feeling to great.. This is the script for BLACK Hospital Humor Movie. Monday evening late I took a shower and for some strange reason I had a shave (Something I never do), Tuesday morning at 9.20am I had an appointment with the Physio at the Dr's Rooms and one at 7.10pm. Anyway I wasn't feeling too flash by the time I got to the Rooms so I asked if my appointment could be moved forward this didn't happen and then I explained that I have a heart condition Blah blah blah. Then went in for my Massage of the Achilles's Tendon. As I was about to leave the surgery the receptionist called me to one side and pointed me to the Head Nurse and with a few Q's and a quick consult with my Dr it was decided that I should go to the Hospital Emergency which I duly drove the few K's to where I was processed, prodded, injected, Nuked etc etc to, after about 4 hrs later to be Q'ed "Have you recently had a Heart Attack??" A. "Not that I'm aware of" "You have had a small Heart Attack in the last 10 hours!" Thought Bubble.. It must have been in slow motion then!
From hear things just totally broke down with the weather turning Fowl High Winds, Driving Rain and the Air Ambulance unavailable. and so the script really get going I can't really tell the full story in this forum as there are almost 3 days of it. But the Black Humor that was thrown around the Heart Surgery was continuous Hilarity with My Surgeon, Nurses and Porters getting in on the act[}:)]. Even into the Unit itself. From what was a relatively serious problem to where it ended up as a funny and happy experience with me getting a new Stent fitted as the old one blocked.
I only wish there was a Camera Crew following as it would have been a Hit even with the serious gravity of the situation but everyone loves a happy ending.

This article has been posted due to some members wanting to know how my previous posts would end up and there good wishes.

WA, 2775 posts
24 Mar 2011 7:44PM
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good to hear you are feeling better, take it easy for a while- and then you have my permission to start stirring us up again

TAS, 1972 posts
24 Mar 2011 11:43PM
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Thanks sn but who's going to take it easy?? I haven't got time to rest???

It is strange how the release of highly oxygenated blood in your heart can spice you up.

It happened, it was fixed now let's get on with the fun and let the doctors got on with the worrying[}:)] our health Actually that is one of the questions I posed at breakfast time this morning. It pulled a cute little Indian (From India not America) Med student up in her tracts.. The remark was made about the crap served up "Why is that Hospitals are so interested in our Health?" [}:)] She looked back at me with a really pretty Grim.. Damn! Why is it I am getting to OLS to chase after them??? It is a real bugger having carnal thoughts and not be young enough to follow them through!

PS.. Damn! Monday evening. In hospital and a possible 300kph on the beach......... BUGGER!!!

WA, 1244 posts
1 Apr 2011 8:39PM
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Took your advice guys and I got a copy of the book "landsailing from rc models to the big ones" by george sipass, from in England. Ex library hardback for $23.00 delivered. Took 8 days to get here which is outstanding!!!!
All sorts of good gear in it. My mate who builds Radio Controlled landyachts has dibs on it when I've read it.

1262 posts
5 Apr 2011 8:58PM
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I may be a yank, but i'm no expert on this stuff..... the sound went off 1/2 way through the video, and there was a lot of wind noise in it before that. I have no clue how to rectify either of those issues, tho.....

I would recommend several single malt scotches[}:)] for the photographer, and keep them away from the coffee.

That being said; i enjoyed the footage! any time i get to watch landsailing, it's a good thing. It also appears that the yacht performs beautifully. I kept wishing there was a long straight for you to get the thing up to full speed!!

Keep making them!!

TAS, 1972 posts
5 Apr 2011 11:52PM
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Thanks for the quick response, Andre will get a laugh from it.
Did it open up quickly from your end, I was surprised at just how quickly it opened up here.



Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"Just working out a build" started by Nikrum