Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

Just working out a build

Created by Nikrum > 9 months ago, 26 Aug 2010
WA, 1659 posts
13 Sep 2010 5:59PM
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How come that shed is so clean

TAS, 1972 posts
13 Sep 2010 9:39PM
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Hey! Are you having a go at my garage????
Right ! That's it.. Tomorrow me ol' son, tomorrow..
Watch this space..
No comment on the bits???


TAS, 1972 posts
13 Sep 2010 9:40PM
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Hey! Are you having a go at my garage????
Right ! That's it.. Tomorrow me ol' son, tomorrow..
Watch this space..
No comment on the bits???


TAS, 1972 posts
14 Sep 2010 9:38AM
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Now this should impress you aus230.

I got carried away last night with thinking and sketching and this concept is what I've come up with. Sure it doesn't look to different to any other Mini BUT it is designed around Carbon Fiber. Any thoughts/knowledge is greatly accepted.


---------------------My Universe is changing, ever flowing, ever turning,

Ebbing and Flowing---------------

WA, 1659 posts
14 Sep 2010 8:11AM
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Now that's a bit more like a blokes shed, gets used.
Carbon mini, that's interesting, careful but, you will end up with a shed full of the dam things, I find building as addictive as sailing, Pauls even worse.

TAS, 1972 posts
14 Sep 2010 11:21PM
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Yeah! Tell me about it. I also have a small Blacksmith Shop out the back
Ok! as for the shed. You try to get that through to my wife. She's always on me to tidy it up..Banning doesn't work.
Shees! Are 11mtr Sails BIG!! I think I may have overdone it this time. The Sail maker will have enough material left to build another sail. They don't look that big when they are flat on the ground but assemble them and lean them up against a shed and Oh S**t!
When I assembled the 5.5mtr mast the neighbor thought I was becoming all patriotic and putting up a Flag Pole.
I've started the build too, cut out and placed the capsule Forms and am now marking and cutting out the ply layer for glassing. I will do pic's later.

TAS, 1972 posts
15 Sep 2010 7:37PM
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Good Evening, as promised I have pic's of my progress with the Capsule/Cockpit/The Bit where you sit I think it looks Super Cool but that is because I like it.
Anyway I've been a bit busy today sticking myself with Staples Slashing fingers with chisels etc. Yep! Everything I make is signed in Blood. DNA for posterity
That's e

nough from me

QLD, 12337 posts
15 Sep 2010 9:45PM
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Hi Ron,
What you have there looks like an almost completed plug mould for a really good land yacht sleepy seat, ie when the wind don't blow, stay where you are and have a sleep.

From my limited experience of building one LL Mini Yacht I do know that there is a lot of thought and work that goes into building a good seat. Almost as much as the rest of the yacht.

Looks like you have the shape of that seat just about right, so if you sand it smooth and gel coat it you will have a plug mould for as many seats as you want to take off it.

What think you??

WA, 1659 posts
15 Sep 2010 7:55PM
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Now that is a great job, Its great what can be built with timber, my first class5 was strip built with wood


TAS, 1972 posts
15 Sep 2010 10:04PM
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Thanks for those encouraging words Cisco. But don't it ever look comfy Just looking at it this evening I was think 'If it wasn't for those Formers I'd sleep in that to night and right about then my wife asked when am I making the Carved lid for it I'm a Daddy not a Mummy " One of dese Days Allice, one of dese days --------POW right in the Kisser"

From what you have just said I may have to change my ideas again. It is strapped with Gyprok Adhesive Glass tape which I was going to use Conice cement to seal and smooth out a little. I was only building for my own Jollies but should someone else want one then ----

Keeping throwing thoughts.

TAS, 1972 posts
15 Sep 2010 11:02PM
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Ok then! Next question.;

I was thinking of maybe using Woven Carbon Fiber base layer. I looks good then coming in over it with Glass chopped matting and then one of woven Glass mat. As noted in my plan the capsule would have a strong lip.

So! How many coats of Chopped Glass would I need between the Woven Layers?

I was thinking of using garden hose to form the lip over???
Thoughts please.

Ta! Guys

WA, 1659 posts
15 Sep 2010 9:23PM
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I would not use any choped just 3oz woven fiberglass inside and out and just use a few extra layers in the areas that you think it needs extra strength

1229 posts
16 Sep 2010 5:35AM
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The wooden kayak guys sometimes use foam on their cockpit lips sanded to shape
glassed over and then the foam is removed You could maybe leave it in in your case Not sure what kind of foam though It is sandable and slightly flexible
Perhaps polyurethane

WA, 1659 posts
16 Sep 2010 9:16PM
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Is that a plug for a mould or is it the body that will be used

TAS, 1972 posts
16 Sep 2010 11:45PM
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Yep! aus230 that is a plug. Looks a little different now. What you saw yesterday was a ply dummy on a frame then I re-enforced it using GYPROK Glass Adhesive Tape to help stablize the whole thing as well as to give the Glass repair kit a real footing. Next step is to Sand and bog it to smooth it over than I will have to Gell coat------------I think. From there I suppose it is a wax coat before laying down the Capsule??? Is that the order of things. I am still waiting for the steel to come in.

I've had a couple of ideas for the Carbon Blowy I will have to put them to paper for you fellas to peruse and add thoughts to. How's that sound?
There is always out to spoil our fun, my son is complaining the the capsule isn't big enough to fit him. I do then it would be no good to me I wouldn't be able to reach the steering . Now my wife is eyeing the Carbon Blowy and is thinking she might enjoy the sport as well. A man just can't win

WA, 1659 posts
16 Sep 2010 9:59PM
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Ok. I was thinking it was the seat. Disregard what I said about glassing inside and out. I would just gel coat and build up with choped mat
I sealed my plug with several coats of shelac. 4 coats of release wax then several coats of mould realease. I did the same when using the mould for the final body.

1229 posts
17 Sep 2010 6:34AM
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Here is an off the wall suggestion
You have put up a sketch of a carbon chassis so if you have that matierial to play with instead of building a landyacht the way most of us do could you go
monocoque and use the body as the support stucture
Cars aircraft boats etc today have mostly moved away from frame and skin design
and have become lighter and stronger as a result
The horizon is just over there

TAS, 1972 posts
17 Sep 2010 9:01AM
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Thanks Vic,

Are you suggesting I should build another , perhaps shortened Capsule and incorporating the Chassis into an integral unit? Using both to assist in the support of the Mast base? That "Me ol' son" sounds like a "Mighty Fine" idea.
I was having a problem getting around the shallow "V" formed by the Axles and this Also caused a bit of a head ache joining then to the fore chassis to form the "Y" shape as joints are always a weak point under the stresses that are involved this will also true of the inverted "T" at the Mast base. There would have to be a bulbous mass at these points over carbon alone. for neatness sake I'm thinking a (Perhaps 3mm Tube) fabricated steel internal set up as in normal Blow's and land yachts done with a little finesse this could look and perform well.
What with all the ideas coming from your lads will "Make this a Combined effort". I can't even claim the idea of a Carbon Build, that Bugger Dave Morehead what sold me the Bits is at fault there. All's I is doin' is the cash flow and the "Donkey Work"
All this will have to be briefly considered and Sketches done. "Watch this Space!"

1229 posts
17 Sep 2010 10:25AM
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Yes I think I was suggesting something like that but keep in mind its helluva easy
for me to sit at a computer and suggest something that I am unable to do
myself for whatever reason Just kicking around ideas

TAS, 1972 posts
17 Sep 2010 9:10PM
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Hiko don't knock your ideas that easy. Brains are for thinking with and computers are to help you to bring them to fruition-----------one way or another. if there is one thing I've learned, it is to take your mind seriously as it is way ahead of your conscious mind. I learned this when it was quantified for me at the Pool Table one night. I was having a bad game or three and this old bugger (Like me) came over to me and said "I've been watching you play, you put your fore hand down and place the Que and then you think and change your hand about. Why you have put it in the right place first time? and you change?" I stopped moving the fore hand and played a better game????? My deeper thoughts had given me the correct answer first and my conscious mind changed everything>>>> Inspirations do not happen for nothing, maybe you do not have the skills or energy to go further, what ever nature gave you is it but it can be improved if you want to go with it.... This I think applies to every human that ever has or ever will walk. We just have to be astute enough to pick it up and carry it with us, it isn't a load and may help us in life.. Now keep chucking ideas about and we all could come up with a World Beater OOPS! Where the Hell did that come from???[}:)] I said earlier I've been living with this Grey Matter for a lot of years and still do'n understand its function
No haw's this look??

SA, 2865 posts
17 Sep 2010 9:00PM
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Nikrum, just a personal comment and I'm going to be rubbished by some...
I prefer a straight axle, the reason is that on some of the areas that can be sailed in South Australia in some seasons of the year there is significant amounts of seaweed around and with a lowered axle it would be scraping, I have previously done a trip along the Coorong to the mouth of the Murray River sailing a Manta/ Free flight yacht with a straight axle and many occasions even on that trip the debris needed to be cleared from the axle.
Salt lakes are a different story though where clearance isn't a problem and raked wheels give slightly better grip on turning.

WA, 5921 posts
17 Sep 2010 8:14PM
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something to consider Ron.
since you have some broken masts why not think seriously about that old mast mini
We dont know much about the torsion qualities of windsurfer masts, but i suspect it would be a bit poor , so why not go for a frame like the one Ive drawn,

You probably wouldnt need to use carbon , just woven cloth and epoxy resin. you could incorporate a glassed in floor thus making , as hiko said , a monocoque chassis. It would also incorporate your seat. by keeping to the mini size , even with layed over wheels you would have enough ground clearance, thus fulfilling gizmos piont worth remembering.
this would be a really tough, but really lightweight design.
there are some of us that would contemplate doing just this if we had the time and a few more broken masts
I would stick to the LLM dimensions, as you seem to building a yacht that will be a handful to sail, and probably wont give the perfomance you say you would like

SA, 2865 posts
17 Sep 2010 10:21PM
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The seat shape and concept is starting to look a bit like....

Not that it's a bad thing at all......

TAS, 1972 posts
18 Sep 2010 12:04AM
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"I love it, love it" (quote Rosco "P" Coletrain) Also "Enus you' you Meadow Muffin"
Ok! Enough with the quotes already.

But this is all good stuff. Landyacht, look closer at my sketches, as you say we don't know about the torsion properties of Windsurfer masts. Only one way to find out but I wouldn't totally trust Carbon and Resin in any situation of a Joint (Tube Re Enforcement). I also am thinking as Hiko suggested Monocoque construct. Incorporate seat and chassis in one. The rear axles should still be removable, this then would also utilize the Inverted "T" re-enforcing section to act as the receptor for those rear axles. There maybe also room for a little extra bracing Axle to main chassis tube etc again the mast chassis unit should be a steel "T" inverted, perhaps drilled through to give bondage between steel and Carbon via through pins?? No? All of these joints would have to be Brace Bandaged with Carbon Tape these are ideas I have been letting drift about the vacuum as well as those you guys are inputting. As I said this could be a joint effort of like minded speed freaks LOL.
Just keep feeding it into the ether and chuck in some sketches like Landyacht has.
Like the MAN once said " A picture is worth a thousand words.
Hopefully this thing will be capable of a little better than 25kmh.

Further to WS Masts; They would appear to be opposing double helical wound. From what I have discussed with Dave Morehead says they require a winch to pull the sails down to put the correct curve and a man doesn't have the strength to do it without the winch. I've tried it and didn't get half way [}:)]. He told me that they are under so much tension that if they are left to lay on the beach in the sun they just snap and sound like a 303. From what I'm gathering Carbon is a product the either has integrity or it doesn't, strong to the extreme and then no stretching just SNAP! and they are only about 2mm walls on a 5.5m mast supporting 11 - 12 sqm. Think about it

TAS, 1972 posts
18 Sep 2010 7:08PM
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Ok! Life on Mars thus far. I hope you blokes are enjoying yourselves whilst us working folk are busy building Land Yachts.. Hmm?

Ah! Am I building a giant Chinese Soup Spoon??????

TAS, 1972 posts
18 Sep 2010 7:10PM
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I just remembered..
My wife could have used one of these to pour me into the House and Bed many years ago.[}:)]

TAS, 1993 posts
18 Sep 2010 8:57PM
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Hi Ron,

Your project is coming along so well, love the "capsule"!! Hope you have some luck with the carbon masts and sails. The carbon masts are not the same as the older fibreglass windsurfer masts, they are extremely tough and I can't see them breaking or fatiguing under the loads you're likely to encounter. The sails should also work OK if you keep the top and leech sections as they are, ie cut away as much as the luff and foot as required to end up with the size you require and then trim the battens to suit.

Great to see it all taking shape, keep up the great work!!

TAS, 1972 posts
18 Sep 2010 10:36PM
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Hey Dude! Did you see me taking your name in vane?? Thanks for the encouragement Still haven't heard back from Anthony.. He must be like a Lizard drinking Really "Flat Out"

Hey! I just thought! (That is the trouble with that mush between my ears, It is always off doing things I am not aware of). If you or anyone is interested in a build then the seat plug is there for the offering. After I've used it of course
By the time I've finished with this topic even the slowest will be able to build a LY [}:)]

TAS, 1993 posts
19 Sep 2010 8:59AM
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Thanks Ron, only problem is we no longer have any old sails and mast pieces (LOL)!! Have you emailed Anthony, as he may be waiting to hear from you!!

TAS, 1972 posts
19 Sep 2010 9:35AM
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Well Ta for that! And here's me thinking you were keeping them for me[}:)].
Yes, I did email him and he did reply to that one, he said he was going to take a couple of pic's for me but he is "Flat out, like a lizard drinking" at the moment.
Gees! Yer keen as mustard keeping an eye on whats going on the LY world. I have just emailed a NZ company C-Tech regarding the use of Carbon. Jointing and adhesives etc.
I think I will give Anthony's "Tree" another shake and see what falls out. What say you?


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"Just working out a build" started by Nikrum