Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

Making a Fiber Glass Seat

Created by Nikrum > 9 months ago, 4 Oct 2010
TAS, 1972 posts
4 Oct 2010 10:00PM
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Copied Threads So Far.

Question; Regarding the Seat, How many layers of Fiber Glass Matting do you use in the ones you make??
As you know I have made the plug.
Question; Regarding the Seat, How many layers of Fiber Glass Matting do you use in the ones you make??
As you know I have made the plug

This is a material I have never done and am keen to go for it, as it were

ron, the shape you have there has no " overturned " edges to stiffen it length ways , and needs more shape to stop it twisting.
have a think about some of the cross-sections that have been shown on the seat building threads. the turned over sides add support without adding weight. simply adding more glass will often not fix the problem.
do you want to put this one in the construction section

LOL That is where I thought I put it Took me a half hour to find it the next day LOL.
Will do.

What you see in the pic is a plug. My intent is to put a Ply wood base in the seat glassed in, another under the knees at the mid way mount. As for the turn over, I was going to use something like a bit of garden hose and enclose it in the glass construct. This would form a bead-------I think? or the other way was to fold the layers to from a thick edge about 32mm wide along the outside edge.
PS. Like I said I've never tried this sort of thing before.

WA, 5921 posts
4 Oct 2010 8:52PM
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we use 3 layers of 2.5oz chopped strand overall , with sheets of a material called core mat(3mm) embedded in the spots where you might want to put a foot. where you are going fit attachment points maybe go to 6 layers and the same along the edges. fitting a piece of hose along the edge is quite tricky . I would suggest doing some experiments on a piece of waxed board first to get your technique sorted. remember all those layers go on in one sitting, which , once you have the lay up worked out should take about 2 hours to lay into the mold.

TAS, 1972 posts
5 Oct 2010 12:01AM
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You are taking me into territory where I'm beginning to make me doubt my choice of seat layouts. I may have to rethink this and thanks for the Glass info.

WA, 5921 posts
4 Oct 2010 9:08PM
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your doing just fine ron, just remember to ask lots of questions 1 at a time, and if your not sure ask.
there is no such as a stupid question, but stupid mistakes are very common

TAS, 1972 posts
5 Oct 2010 10:35AM
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Landyacht you are a man after my own heart..
I to believe similar. Once is a mistake,Twice is careless act Thrice is Pure Bloody Stupidity.
I am keeping strength in mind and looking to reinforcing any stress points as I reckon a Bloke would look awful silly laying on the beach in the rear half of a seat whilst his LY was merrily Charging away out of sight or perhaps being dragged along with the but being ground out of his Jeans

Now alls I gotsta to do is find someone this side of the Pacific who will sell me the products I need for the job

WA, 5921 posts
5 Oct 2010 6:55PM
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Nikrum said...

Landyacht you are a man after my own heart..
I reckon a Bloke would look awful silly laying on the beach in the rear half of a seat whilst his LY was merrily Charging away out of sight

been there , done that , hence the advice photo is too old to go back looking for

TAS, 1972 posts
5 Oct 2010 11:36PM
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Once Bitten Twice Shy. Huh!

TAS, 1972 posts
9 Oct 2010 11:07PM
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So Landyacht,
Are you guys using Tissue Paper or something for the Seats???
I've been hunting the web and the lightest I can find is 7oz 198grm 3oz is like 98grm? that is light.

The other method of strengthening the sides of the seat is turning back about 40mm of the edges of each layer then a final covering of Glass Tape. That would be 8 to 10 thicknesses at the edge. Stupid thing is that after the initial seat is made it could be used ass a plug to create seats with a turned lip
Any I will probably go with the 7oz and 4 or 5 layers. Talk to me,

WA, 5921 posts
10 Oct 2010 8:34PM
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Nikrum said...

So Landyacht,
Are you guys using Tissue Paper or something for the Seats???
I've been hunting the web and the lightest I can find is 7oz 198grm 3oz is like 98grm? that is light.

The other method of strengthening the sides of the seat is turning back about 40mm of the edges of each layer then a final covering of Glass Tape. That would be 8 to 10 thicknesses at the edge. Stupid thing is that after the initial seat is made it could be used ass a plug to create seats with a turned lip
Any I will probably go with the 7oz and 4 or 5 layers. Talk to me,

I was given a big roll of surfboard chopped mat and woven cloth . lovely jubbly
the problem in turning back the material when glassing is that it doesnt want to, , and thats with light cloths. with heavier material, have fun

1229 posts
11 Oct 2010 6:01AM
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When laying up a corner like a rollover edge I like to use cloth cut on the bias
this means all the strands are going over the bend on the diagonal and will lay down better Stronger too You could also make sure it lays down by covering
the layup on the edge with gladwrap and packaging tape to the surrounding area
Have done that a few times

QLD, 243 posts
11 Oct 2010 2:49PM
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vacuum bag it

1229 posts
11 Oct 2010 1:05PM
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iand said...

vacuum bag it

Yep thats good too if you have the gear

TAS, 1972 posts
12 Oct 2010 12:30AM
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OK! Then. I am fast running out of options with this job. It appears to be a simple thing but is starting to cause headaches before I even get the Glass. BUGGER!!! Surmount the Problem, "I WILL!!" But at this point I shall come up with a plan and do it before you fellas tell me any inherent problems and then you can tell me why I shouldn't do it that way . The other alternative is to throw out all that work and start again with a Fruit Box and a piece of Sash Cord. No you bleedin' twits, as a Seat and Seat belt. I don't give up that easily.
Oh! By the way please don't use technical terms that I am not familiar with unless you are prepared to write an explanation as well CRAFTS disease is a real menace for me these days.

QLD, 243 posts
12 Oct 2010 12:45AM
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Hiko said...

iand said...

vacuum bag it

Yep thats good too if you have the gear

compressor with the inlet outlet reversed(an old fridge pump would work), a vacuum cut out, a non return valve mounted in reverse and an old LPG bottle as storage. Approx cost was $30.00 (and the satisfaction of building a tool from scrap)90% from recycle centre

TAS, 1972 posts
12 Oct 2010 11:47PM
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OK! So seriously, what does vacuum bagging do??
Not that I have the gear to go there. I suppose you need a great plastic bag big enough to hold what ever item you intend to make in fiber glass. It would take one HELLUV A big Bag to vacuum a 50ft Motor Cruise in. OK! Let's not go there.


TAS, 1972 posts
13 Oct 2010 12:06AM
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Can you post a couple of links to seat construction.
I have noted the photo's of other land yachts but none have taken my fancy, as I find them a little too Boxy. This design just flowed out of me and I seem to be very stuck on it. Practical or No . I may well have a fight on my hands but I tend to get a little Pig Headed about things (Just have a little Tay ta tay with She whom must be obeyed)[}:)]

TAS, 1972 posts
18 Oct 2010 3:25PM
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Just keeping you posted, hopefully you aren't too bored waiting.
The Glass products have arrived I may have overdone the Resin??????? A Gallon of it???? I have to wait for the Flowcoat and PVA now. I thought it may be needed to get the plug out of the seat at the end.

TAS, 1972 posts
18 Oct 2010 10:11PM
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OK, Landyacht
So this evening a did a bit of experimenting and laid out the FGC 3Oz. It seems that due to the shape of my giant Chinese Spoon there will be several Pleats that I am loath to cut. I also tried an Edge Fold back which seems to lay nice and flat.
For all that have been this way before what am I looking out for???
I was also thinking of a few Epoxy tacks in the pleated and folds . A few helpful hints at this point wouldn't go amiss. I am an empty vessel, awaiting the filling of KNOWLEDGE.. I have a couple of days until I am ready to go for it.

WA, 5921 posts
19 Oct 2010 8:19PM
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are you using epoxy or polyester resin
is the first thing you lay up from that plug going to be a mold or the actual seat

TAS, 1972 posts
20 Oct 2010 9:06AM
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Thanks Bud,

My intent is to layup the seat. directly from the plug with Epoxy Resin.
I am waiting for the PVA and Flowcoat. I didn't realize you could use canuaba wax as a release agent though would appear to be satisfactory (You Tube. Bonnet Hump).

I think the turn-back is going to work well with the 3oz cloth. Shopped strand is a different matter. I can integrate a cloth bead into the build with glass tape..............I think

WA, 5921 posts
20 Oct 2010 6:15PM
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ron , I make all my stuff with polyester resin, I dont know the procedure with epoxy from a mold/plug.
has anybody else done epoxy from molds?
i know that chopped strand matt is for polyester resin, not epoxy as the glue that hold the matt together is designed to dissolve in the resin mix. my one attempt with matt/epoxy was a shocker

WA, 1659 posts
20 Oct 2010 9:16PM
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It is far easier and cost effective to use polyester resin for your seat.
I sealed my plug with several coats of shellac, then mold release wax followed my spraying on release agent.
I use epoxy resin and chopped mat for my wheels and use a fiberglass roller to work the resin in. (the wheel dics are two woven with two chopped mat sandwiched between them )
Epoxy resin is not actually recommended to be used with chopped strand as paul has pointed out.But the west system says you can (

TAS, 1972 posts
21 Oct 2010 7:49AM
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Thanks Lads,
Paul you are a knowledgeable bloke and will give info freely but hells bells man why do you tell me this stuff after I buy a gallon of the crap. Damn! I sussed out both products and felt that Epoxy was the stronger product though Polyester is cheaper, hmmm strong divided by cheap = Epoxy. At least that was my thinking
Well I have the epoxy now and it soaked well in a test on Woven Roving now I will run a test with Chopped Strand.
I will look at this West System and learn from it now. The Future? I will go for Poly.

TAS, 1972 posts
21 Oct 2010 7:50AM
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Thanks Lads,
Paul you are a knowledgeable bloke and will give info freely but hells bells man why do you tell me this stuff after I buy a gallon of the crap. Damn! I sussed out both products and felt that Epoxy was the stronger product though Polyester is cheaper, hmmm strong divided by cheap = Epoxy. At least that was my thinking
Well I have the epoxy now and it soaked well in a test on Woven Roving now I will run a test with Chopped Strand.
I will look at this West System and learn from it now. The Future? I will go for Poly.

1229 posts
21 Oct 2010 4:59AM
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On the bright side you have more time to work with epoxy so you can whistle a
merry tune as you do it instead of fill the air with naughty words

TAS, 1972 posts
21 Oct 2010 9:30AM
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Naughty words are not in my vocabulary! Vulgar is mild for me and Out and Out Evil is my preferred. Play Do Not Upset Me! I can curse out your mother and Legitimacy and have you smile about the abuse, probably not understand the language I used either (Ethnic Language)
But thank you for your confidence in my ability.
OK. So I just ran out a Wet Strip in Epoxy on the Chopped Strand Mat, Worked quickly and used a roller (Ah! Round Paint Brush Handle as I went. BEAUDIFULL! Wet out great and the rest, I warmed the Carbon tubing of the Spine of the other LY and poured it in the air space. Once again lovely stuff
Best go. The Chiro and then Launceston.

QLD, 243 posts
21 Oct 2010 11:14AM
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when talking about epoxy and polyester resins don't discard the idea of vinylester.
Polyester resin is the cheapest resin available in the marine industry and offers the poorest adhesion
Vinylester resins are stronger than polyester resins and cheaper than epoxy resins
Epoxy resin is known in the marine industry for its incredible toughness and bonding strength (kevlar fibers are very-nonporous so the bonding component is critical)
each base material I believe has it's own weaknesses, just look at the way a cabonfibre wing will shatter, kevlar will stretch
I recall hearing about a carbonfibre/kevlarfibre composite cloth

488 posts
21 Oct 2010 11:31AM
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iand said...
I recall hearing about a carbonfibre/kevlarfibre composite cloth

I thought this would be the "bees knees' until I saw some test panels. Sadly, rather than being better than either, it seems to descend to the lowest characteristics of both. So not the tensile of carbon, and not the resiliance of the Kevlar. Still an awful lot better than e glass!
Personally I would not use chop with epoxy, as I believe you are using a great resin with a not so great cloth. CSM is for polyester.

TAS, 1972 posts
21 Oct 2010 10:22PM
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Guys that is not the point of my using Epoxy it will have to serve in the Capsule and should give it real toughness. It also has to work with Carbon Fibre in the Mini Bug along with the Epiben 907 I picked up today I will take a few pic's and post them as I use these products. We only got home half an hr ago, Wynyard to Launceston Airport, over to Bunnings then back through Perth to Longford and up to the Lakes. Caled into to Arthur's lake and spent a couple of hours getting un-bog
Them Snatch Straps is real good used properly. Accross to Little Pine, not a scale. Bugger1 then back home to Wyn'y. Don't know if you guys heard about the Snatch Strap epersode last year?? Young fella was killed by one over on the West Coast. It seams that they tried to snatch a vehicle out of a bog, the Hayman Reece Tow Ball Unit Broke loose and shot back through the Windshield and dropped him Stone Cold Dead in the passenger seat. Stuff that for a game of Checkers.

TAS, 1972 posts
22 Oct 2010 9:29PM
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I thought I had best throw this one in for those whom may doubt.
Epoxy and Chopped Strand Glass Mat.

This was describbed in the previous Post,

QLD, 243 posts
23 Oct 2010 11:47AM
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Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"Making a Fiber Glass Seat" started by Nikrum