Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

QLD Lefroy mini part 3

Created by lusky01 > 9 months ago, 19 Oct 2008
QLD, 4 posts
19 Oct 2008 7:55PM
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Hi all

after breaking Ians land yacht trying to break the land speed record i decided to start one of my own and here is the first photo {the fifth landyacht to be constructed in his shed}

planning to build it to landyachts plans
planning to put polyurethane bushes initially with a pushbike front wheel to see how it works out and fallshaw rear wheels
hoping to get suggestions on the seat whether it be foam sandwich, full fiberglass or any other construction techniques.

ps to kody the Shepard in ians avatar is mine who goes over to visit the bear on the floor next to her.

QLD, 190 posts
19 Oct 2008 10:17PM
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G'day Lusky
I noticed the beautiful shepherd some time ago. She is really lovely
and I can fully imagine the love and joy she gives you. There is nothing like
the love and faithfulness of a G/Shepherd. What is her name and how old is she?

Kody n' Joe

WA, 5921 posts
19 Oct 2008 9:33PM
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try building the simple wooden seat that went onto "fencepost modernist blues"
The seat i made had sides of 70mm high , I woud build about 120-150mm high next time. It was a case of what plank is in the wood store.
I prefer a seat that is deep at the hips so you drop in snugand dont have that " I'm about to fall out "feeling when you corner. What happened to version 1[}:)]

QLD, 4 posts
19 Oct 2008 11:47PM
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Kody said...

G'day Lusky
I noticed the beautiful shepherd some time ago. She is really lovely
and I can fully imagine the love and joy she gives you. There is nothing like
the love and faithfulness of a G/Shepherd. What is her name and how old is she?

Kody n' Joe

her name is Elka and she will be 7 years old in November
and i agree there is nothing like the love and faithfulness of a G/Shepherd

QLD, 243 posts
20 Oct 2008 12:38PM
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landyacht said...

What happened to version 1[}:)]

When approaching reentry speed some of the paint burnt off.....
a second hand sheet pulley broke but all fixed now (are we getting worried landyacht )

WA, 5921 posts
20 Oct 2008 6:31PM
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always worried even when I didnt weld it, rig it ,or sail it,when it all goes wrong observers have been known to blame me.[}:)]

QLD, 22 posts
22 Oct 2008 12:44PM
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if you wanted to build a foam composite seat for you Lefroy Mini I have made a simple mould to shape one in foam, I am usig 10mm Clegcell from FGI. The one in the pics has now been glassed on the inside and I have just taken it out of the mould, if you wanted to use this shape to build one you could use this mould, I would probably need it back at some stage to maybe build another seat for the other chassis's but that won't be for a little while. If you wanted to use this mould just send me a message or get Ian to give me a call so we can figure out how to get it to you. Hope this helps.



WA, 5921 posts
23 Oct 2008 5:57PM
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You blokes are taking this to a whole new level
That looks sexy enough to sleep in

QLD, 4 posts
24 Oct 2008 7:56PM
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Promogirl might have something to say about that landyacht

WA, 5921 posts
24 Oct 2008 8:42PM
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when designing a new yacht the very first design rule is to make sure PROMO( bless her) will be comfortable with the seat, the sheeting and the cost[}:)]

QLD, 12350 posts
25 Oct 2008 2:30PM
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landyacht said...

when designing a new yacht the very first design rule is to make sure PROMO( bless her) will be comfortable with the seat, the sheeting and the cost[}:)]

And wiser words than that have never been said.

SA, 1622 posts
25 Oct 2008 3:05PM
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Ohhhh, that's where I've been going wrong. I've thought we were meant to make sure they were comfortable with the seat and unaware of the costs!

WA, 5921 posts
25 Oct 2008 8:51PM
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what ever gave you the idea that your wife has lost her physic powers, or her ability to read through the lining of your wallet[}:)]

QLD, 243 posts
21 Dec 2008 11:24AM
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Mould for mini underway

Promo girl
259 posts
21 Dec 2008 1:32PM
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hills said...

Ohhhh, that's where I've been going wrong. I've thought we were meant to make sure they were comfortable with the seat and unaware of the costs!

Hilly's a hint - if you build the seat comfortable enough, with a nice cushion and in a nice colour paint then this leaves the margin for spending money much wider

SA, 1622 posts
21 Dec 2008 3:34PM
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Haha!! I think there'd need to be a diamond or two on it somewhere for that to work for me, preferably in a while gold setting!

SA, 1622 posts
21 Dec 2008 3:37PM
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The seat looks good there Ian!

Is that the foam composite seat in the mould or is it just the mould?

QLD, 243 posts
21 Dec 2008 4:46PM
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Phil-Haven't finish the mould yet but when I have Dan's going to do a foam on it ,Lusky and I will do a glass (should be good to do a weight/strength comparison)

SA, 1622 posts
21 Dec 2008 6:09PM
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Wow that'll be interesting, keep us updated!!

WA, 5921 posts
21 Dec 2008 7:30PM
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after seeing that mold, I had this sudden wave pass over me . now I feel all agricultural
If you want to test the comfort, get tanked up and go to sleep in it for a few hours

SA, 1622 posts
21 Dec 2008 9:39PM
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Well I can tell you from experience that the PM passes that test!

WA, 5921 posts
21 Dec 2008 8:32PM
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hills said...

Well I can tell you from experience that the PM passes that test!

but did you pass. Th very first PM seat tore in half in its firstmajor 360. I wore the rear half for the 5 km walk home. very comfy

QLD, 243 posts
8 Jan 2009 12:22PM
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Mould almost finished

SA, 1622 posts
8 Jan 2009 5:24PM
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Wow, that looks great!!!

QLD, 243 posts
8 Jan 2009 6:56PM
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Still trying to match the quality of that sweet machine of yours Phil and I feel I still have a way to go.

WA, 5921 posts
8 Jan 2009 7:04PM
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OOOOOH you tricker, thats actually a photo of that German Supercar that was on top gear this week.It generates so much downforce they reckon it can drive upside down
LOOKIN tres good mon amis

QLD, 12350 posts
9 Jan 2009 1:28AM
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I'm a hands upper for a seat off that mould. But that is the plug isn't it not the mould??

QLD, 243 posts
9 Jan 2009 11:58AM
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Haven't decided yet whether to use it as a female mould or a plug for a male mould but I'm going to have a go at vacuum bagging the job for better strength/weight and ease of finish.
Picture below shows home made vacuum pump in background (and you thought it was a compressor) currently geared to fast
If I can't warrant buying a tool- build it

WA, 5921 posts
9 Jan 2009 3:44PM
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Given that youll see very little of the underside when looking down n the yacht , I would use it as a plug to build a mold, or 2.
when looking at the finished yacht you will see lots of lovely smooth colours, and you could flowcoat or paint the underside. It will get all the scratches any way

QLD, 12350 posts
10 Jan 2009 3:47AM
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Ian, I ain't no fibreglasser but I have a top mate in town who is a top one (ie mate first, fibreglasser next). Put me on the list please for an early take off of one of those seats.

Oh, by the way did everybody know that the LX, LH and UC Holden Torana motor vehicles rate amongst the best vehicles ever built in this country? They are right up there with the XE Fairmont, which everybody knows won the "Australian Design Award" for some successive years due to it's Watts Link Suspension.
In actual fact, the UC Torana front suspension, for some time was the preferred option for fittment to the DRB Cobra replica due to it's RTS feature (Radial Tuned Suspension)
Just thought everybody should know that.
Adios Amigos

SA, 2865 posts
10 Jan 2009 8:44AM
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And i think the "Australian Design Award" also went to the Leyland P76 and the Holden Camira... they were great cars ....NOT


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"QLD Lefroy mini part 3" started by lusky01