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Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

Sabydent builds a mini

Created by sabydent > 9 months ago, 10 Feb 2011
1229 posts
6 Jun 2011 12:49PM
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You can extend your mast at the top with a short extension
Some people use a piece of vacuum cleaner tube !
Looking at your yacht the boom looks about the same height as mine but I slide my butt further forward and my head is lower than your pic
You may need to move the foot pedals forward for that
All personal preference really A more upright position may suit those starting out

TAS, 1972 posts
6 Jun 2011 3:27PM
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I'd be more inclined to give her a run and see what is happening with the Boom first but I'd more than likely take a 6" to 8" wedge out of the heal of the sail but find out for sure with it under load. Remember the higher up the mast you take the boom the higher the load pressure against the foot of the mast.
I busted another mast on Sunday[}:)]

183 posts
6 Jun 2011 1:27PM
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or cut 4 inches off your butt !!!!!!! congrats look like your all done...
looks awesome... have fun....

WA, 5921 posts
6 Jun 2011 8:25PM
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actually thats about right, but perhaps a small extension on the top whilst your learning, wheres all the snow

WA, 6277 posts
6 Jun 2011 8:34PM
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Looks real purty... I used to have one of those MPR sails

I'd be giving it a lot more downhaul, perhaps swap the pulleys around so you have the three way blocks at the mast end, with the one way out on the boom?
You need the luff to be nice and tight with it fully sheeted on.

360 posts
6 Jun 2011 9:46PM
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harleyd said...

or cut 4 inches off your butt !!!!!!! congrats look like your all done...
looks awesome... have fun....

I finished on Sat night. How are you getting along?

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
6 Jun 2011 9:51PM
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You sure it aint store bought?
Sure looks like it to me!
Built like a Pro

360 posts
7 Jun 2011 12:53PM
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Any name suggestions?

TAS, 1972 posts
7 Jun 2011 3:21PM
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Obviously "Blaze" wasn't good enough "Devils Workshop"?[}:)]

SA, 2865 posts
7 Jun 2011 6:06PM
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"Dr.Teeth" the yacht is a "Flamin' success" it looks so "Flamin' Hot" I just wish I could think of a name for you cos it's such a "Hotyot".....

430 posts
7 Jun 2011 5:59PM
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What about Grass Fryer

TAS, 1972 posts
7 Jun 2011 8:01PM
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Now Brian,
Yous is gotsta look real CLOSE at "Dr Teeth". Dang! Gizmo what a name for a Dentists LY.. I likes it a bunch.

PS; You could add the Smiling Fella for Gizmo or perhaps the Cheshire Cats Smile

SA, 2865 posts
7 Jun 2011 7:47PM
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Clemco said...

What about Grass Fryer

"Grass Fryer" .... "Grass Burner"...... "Ass Burner"..... "Indian Curry" .... "Curry in a Hurry"... "Hurry Curry"
or even "Fluo-ride express" just to "Cap it off" or "Drillit" or "Fill-in-the-gaps"

WA, 2775 posts
7 Jun 2011 6:32PM
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Nikrum said...

Now Brian,
Yous is gotsta look real CLOSE at "Dr Teeth". Dang! Gizmo what a name for a Dentists LY.. I likes it a bunch.

PS; You could add the Smiling Fella for Gizmo or perhaps the Cheshire Cats Smile

as long as the smile has a gold tooth!

TAS, 1972 posts
7 Jun 2011 11:22PM
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Are you kidding?? None of his patients have Gold Filings!! He has yanked them all to build that damned Land Yacht.[}:)]

360 posts
7 Jun 2011 11:09PM
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Good ideas. I really don't want to put any refference to dentistry in the name. I would like to have some relation to fire. Get those imaginations working. I am stumped. So far I like Hotyot, Blaze, and Wild Fire.


Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
8 Jun 2011 1:25AM
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I 'bean' thinking, as it is "wind" powered 'ow about "Blazing Saddles"
Or maybe "BURN(t) OUT"
Or "Hot 2 Trot"

360 posts
8 Jun 2011 8:15AM
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What do you folks think of "Windburn"?

WA, 2775 posts
8 Jun 2011 9:24AM
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windburn sounds perfect to me!

TAS, 1972 posts
8 Jun 2011 11:27AM
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Pick the ones you really like Write them on strips of paper put them into a bowl and set fire to them.. The last one to burn out is the winner[}:)]Nah! That won't work, how would you know which was last?? Let your son pic one blindfolded.. Leave the final decision in "The Lap of the Gods".
PS; Personally I like Blaze

SA, 2865 posts
8 Jun 2011 1:13PM
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"Worm Burner".... Potentially applicable to any ball game (or landsailing ) played on a grassy field, but most appropriate to soccer and golf, it is when the ball is shot or struck that it travels with great velocity just above the grass, such that the friction would "burn" any unlucky worms that happened to be on the surface.

360 posts
8 Jun 2011 2:33PM
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Being a dull and boring guy, I decided on "WINDBURNER". Thanks for your suggestions.
Now if we could only get some wind I could try that baby out.


430 posts
8 Jun 2011 6:12PM
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One more susgestion WILDFIRE 2

360 posts
16 Jun 2011 11:08PM
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Finally got to test my mini yesterday. It works pretty well. I had some problems with the lines becoming twisted between the mast and the attachment to the rear post. Also I need to rig differently to get more downhaul initially. I think I will try the racing set up.

It was fun, need a bigger venue to get up to speed.


1263 posts
17 Jun 2011 2:48AM
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I had the same problem with line twist, and cured it with sheet line from 'west marine'. The less expensive stuff wants to twist up, and if it gets bad enough, you won't be able to let the sheet out far enough to bail you out in a panic I even tried dragging the line out of the blocks, and re-threading; no good

The race method of rigging it should cure the initial lack of downhaul too

"My seat's on fire!!!"?

Again, nice job. Hope you have lot's of FUN with it....

TAS, 1972 posts
17 Jun 2011 10:37AM
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Any pic's you have shown us don't show decent shots of the Rope/Cordage you are using, the impression I get is it is fairly stiff which would indicate a Twist rather then a Braid.. As DY suggests use a High Quality Marine Cordage as it doesn't hold a twist to easily. Have you got Sailing Gloves? The fingerless type.. Hey! Just had a thought.. Take your Beast down to Yankee Stadium. I sure they'd let you sail on that. Car Parking Lots near Sporting Venues or facilities that only get specific use might be worth a Look. Better Check with the CMP first.

360 posts
17 Jun 2011 11:42AM
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Good wind yesterday but nobody wanted to play. They were all to interested in the hockey game. I had to go out by myself. My son will take some video next session or I will have to kill him. I bought my rope from a sailing supply place. They said it was for a laser. It is supposably a good quality braided rope.

It is supposed to rain all week, so I will go to the shop and take some photos of some problems I need solved.

Since Yankee stadium is 5000km away I will probably pass. I sailed yesterday at the local fair grounds. It is a pretty good sized paved lot, but it seems to shrink as you pick up speed. Some jerks insist on parking their cars in the parking lot as well. How rude!

TAS, 1972 posts
17 Jun 2011 2:16PM
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Yes, you are right they are inconsiderate bastards.. Use their cars as Turn Markers I did when some Schmucks decided to use it for parking. Honestly I didn't go near their cars but they seemed to get very nervous and moved elsewhere.. Well I was there first.
You know now what I was talking about with only a little room to play with It is marvelous just how quickly that Parking Lot turns into a postage Stamp

The Rope.
Being as your Deck Area is only Teensy Weensy you have to work with your rope and maybe now and then throw it out behind you, you also have to work out the absolute maximum you need and keep it as short as comfortable. Give yourself a bit of time to understand what is happening around you and like I say to anyone that uses the Cat or Razor. "Under no circumstances PANIC. There is plenty of time for that when you have corrected the situation!"



WA, 5921 posts
18 Jun 2011 9:51PM
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do you have swivels on the tops of the pulleys? you dont want that. definitely need braided line not a twisted line. I prefer inline blocks on rear sheeting rather than a double.
TP1 changed out his double for 2 singles and it has made a difference.
Nickrum mentioned a really bad habit to not do
always keep your sheetrope inboard. tossing it out the back is a recipe for an accident. the rope can bounce up or swing out to a rear wheel snag the wheel, and rip it out of your hands, suddenly stop the yacht , capsize it , all while dislocating you shoulder. Ive watched it happen
not fun

360 posts
18 Jun 2011 10:04PM
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I don't have swivels in the top pulleys. I have tied them to the boom using prusick hitches. I do have a swivel on the lower pulley. The eyelet is large I thought it would look cool, but the clevis gets bound up on it. I think I will attach the rear pulley with a rope as well. After work today, I will rig the sail and take photographs. Hopefully, I can get some critiques on the rigging.



Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"Sabydent builds a mini" started by sabydent