Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

Sail bug. I like to call it XXtreme / VorteXX

Created by Ruudje > 9 months ago, 27 Sep 2012
29 posts
18 Oct 2012 4:44PM
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With the right materials I think I can make this boom , downhaul strong enough to pull 150 > 200 kg . ( Question : If I make it strong enough to pull 150>200 kg it will always pull this its fixed , I can not variate this . This is good when I need to close the sail to the max. but what if I need to open up the sail ? )
Iam thinking to use carbon tube instead of the Alluminium I use now for the boom it self . The white material need to be changed in to mylar with carbon fiber I think .
Why the white under the boom , 1st thing is to haul the boom down . The 2th thing why its there is It close the gap to the surface to make the sail go as low as possible .

3th thing ..... design , Iam planning to close the gap between the white under the boom and the numberplates . this will create one big white number plate where I can put my own stickers , sail number and stuff .

Have Fun ( I no Iam having it )

WA, 5921 posts
18 Oct 2012 6:58PM
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Ruudje said...
I now about the problem of the downhaul , I used a rubber diabolo . This rubber make the boom very flexible . I need to make something new for the boom . Also the white material under the boom is like rubber . All these things toggedder make the boom nearly useless .
Got still a long way to go before it is perfect

Have Fun

your downhaul is fine , but you have a twist problem because you have nothing to control it, you need to look at an effective VANG system, massive amounts of it, because you have no structure to attach a rear or midsheet system.
realistically with the sheetin central and locked off you should be able to grab the back of the boom and lift the whole rear of the yacht off the ground,without the boom deflecting upwards

29 posts
2 Nov 2012 6:06AM
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Just finished a whole new mast suport for the VorteXX .

This time the mastholder tube is not fixed to the frame , It now is a part of the rig . I take away the rubber diabolo and made a non flexible conection for the boom . Now I can pull harder on the downhaul to prevent the sail from opening up in the top .Tomorrow the wether looks good for new test runs .

Have Fun

29 posts
5 Nov 2012 5:04PM
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Up Date .....
Last weekend the wind was really a bit to ... 30 knt + and a lot of rain .
I went out on sunday , the sail Iam using 5.5 qm ( its my only one ) .
After a couple of runs on the shoreline fighting the elements , I ran in a spot of very soft and wet sand . This made the VorteXX stop whit in a few meters .
Because I was doing A downwind run , the mast holder didnt hold the mast that good . On this moment there was so much power the bottom part give way .

Back to the drawing board

Have Fun

TAS, 1972 posts
5 Nov 2012 8:33PM
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Stick to the KISS Principal (Keep It Simple Stupid) The simpler the better and over engineer a little. To complicated and too messy will only cause you grief..

29 posts
5 Nov 2012 7:01PM
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Your absolutly right aboute KISS , but first you need to find the best way to solve a problem and when you do try to make it simple .

Have Fun


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"Sail bug. I like to call it XXtreme / VorteXX" started by Ruudje