Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

Solid wing sailing at Smith Creek dry lake

Created by US772 > 9 months ago, 4 Jul 2013
332 posts
4 Jul 2013 12:27AM
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WA, 1659 posts
4 Jul 2013 9:10PM
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Great video plenty of info

WA, 1244 posts
4 Jul 2013 9:39PM
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There is just something about these wings that really winds my handle.
They are so majestic!!!!

332 posts
5 Jul 2013 1:13PM
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When made correctly they are a pleasure to sail. I have a rear seat in this boat that I can give rides too. I had some gals in the jump seat sailing well into the 70 mph range last week. Once the wing sailing principles are mastered it makes you a better sailor using a regular soft sail.


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"Solid wing sailing at Smith Creek dry lake" started by US772