Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

Spirit of Stupidity

Created by landyacht > 9 months ago, 5 Jun 2011
WA, 5921 posts
22 Jun 2011 3:47PM
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i dont bother with brakes on lefroy or a beach, and at walyungup the brake goes on the rear wheels, so no I dont have a brake , but wouldnt sail without a seatbelt,although when testing my 5 a few years ago i sailed without a seatbelt to get the fear over with

WA, 5921 posts
23 Jun 2011 11:00PM
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todays progress. charlotte and I poured the lead keel for the schooner, then mixed a batch of conglue(epoxy) and glued the deck on . Its all to sticky to get out the camera so I'll take a pic tomorrow. her little boat looks like having 4kg of lead to keep her upright. should now be able to carry topsails and flying jib. about 1m of sail.
i think I might be getting distracted
on the mini front , I got 3 coats of high build undercoat and got it rubbed back ready for tomorrows mystery colour. and also undercoated a special mystery accessory
no photos now to keep the mystery

WA, 1244 posts
23 Jun 2011 11:21PM
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Sounds like she needs some radio control gear!!!!!

WA, 5921 posts
5 Jul 2011 8:34PM
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sorry Ive been a bit quiet last week, sometimes you have to do other stuff too
should get the rest of the stickers for the yacht back tomorrow and you'll get a peek of the new seat . this week i hope to getthe minor alterations to the chassis done and back on track.
yesterday i got to spend time with a sailmaker who is interested in whats happening with our mini developments. I came away with as many answers as new questions
also came away with a roll of polyflex marked with the panels for my next generationof 4m mini racing sail
so whats the rest of the planet up to

TAS, 1972 posts
6 Jul 2011 9:17PM
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If those panels were marked out on a Computer with CAD they should be precise. My bloke uses this system to cut out his sails or mark depending. Mind you some of the materials used today are a different kettle of fish to the Old Fleet-boat Dacron of my Hang-glider days. Great stuff,

SA, 2865 posts
7 Jul 2011 10:51AM
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landyacht said...
also came away with a roll of polyflex marked with the panels for my next generation of 4m mini racing sail

Interesting that you are going down in area from some of the original LLMini's, are you looking for a higher speed sail or just something more efficient?

I know ......just wait and see

WA, 5921 posts
7 Jul 2011 7:10PM
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this one should be more efficient, but will not have a reef, so I dont want to get too big. I was keeping to 4m until recently then made 1 or 2 sails which were bigger , but with big reefs. at easter at lefroy I realized I sailed most of the weekend with greeen arrow reefed, as I was too lazy to unfurl the sail. this sail will have a lot of the 4 m up high though. it was interesting describing what previous sails did to the sailmaker and getting instant responses to why

I hope its a good match

VIC, 1066 posts
8 Jul 2011 11:19AM
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Looking good! And the sail project sounds interesting as well.

SOS reminds me of something but I can't quite catch what that something is

1260 posts
8 Jul 2011 10:20AM
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I love the rust colored paint you've used on the front fork

WA, 5921 posts
8 Jul 2011 6:51PM
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thats fork no 2, now ground and polished ready to prime. I threw out the original fork and pedalsas they were not just right.
Im hoping to try this yacht out in the 4 lakes challenge one day ( hence the suspension on the front) and needed something tougher when I sail off the breakaway at red lake. final sticker arrived today, but you'll have to wait till next time to see it,
the only thing slowing the project down at this stage is work and admirers coming around to watch
The nose art was the mildest chicky babe image the printer had , and that I could get away with from promogirl.
all the other images he had couldnt have been put on seabreeze

1260 posts
8 Jul 2011 11:01PM
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I love the sticker idea. Looks great, and can be replaced if a section needs replacing/repairing/repainting too

WA, 5921 posts
13 Jul 2011 10:08PM
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there has also been a custom winking, grinning,flying pig sticker especially commisioned for this yacht
the printer used up the end of a sheetto print off some extras, so there are 8 left.
If you think you can justify becoming a custodian of one of them , tell us all why

360 posts
15 Jul 2011 11:11AM
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I like the look of your new machine

1260 posts
16 Jul 2011 3:25AM
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landyacht said...

there has also been a custom winking, grinning,flying pig sticker especially commisioned for this yacht
the printer used up the end of a sheetto print off some extras, so there are 8 left.
If you think you can justify becoming a custodian of one of them , tell us all why

Because I would like one, and will put it on something sailing here in the states!

that's all I got.....

1260 posts
16 Jul 2011 9:42AM
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Oh wait; I got an 'injuneering degree' from the school of the flying pig

430 posts
16 Jul 2011 2:51PM
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desertyank said...

Oh wait; I got an 'injuneering degree' from the school of the flying pig

Yeah, I got one of those too. I'll have one, If my boat still qualifies.

1229 posts
16 Jul 2011 7:04PM
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My mini has a flying pig logo on the sail you gave me Paul so does that qualify it for a sticker as well?

WA, 5921 posts
16 Jul 2011 7:17PM
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you were first on the east island I suppose, and clemco upped the anti, thats 2 need a mailing address though, I always forget to write that down.
down to 3 , but you gotta have a gooooood reason
sorry there havent been any and stuff.
Ive been trying to get the green arrow into the register, but we are still waiting on music permission for the video on U tube

TAS, 1972 posts
17 Jul 2011 12:14AM
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Just studying your latest pic'. You'd have to wear longuns whilst piloting it wouldn't you?? Else the tackle w'ld get tangled up int' Tackle??

1229 posts
17 Jul 2011 6:50AM
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Select to expand quote
landyacht said...

you were first on the east island I suppose, and clemco upped the anti, thats 2 need a mailing address though, I always forget to write that down.
down to 3 , but you gotta have a gooooood reason

Well whats a goooood reason ? Let me think Well its a very gooood yacht inspired
by a goooood ambassador for the sport [LY] and I think it would look goooood
afixed to the plywood seat of my first LLF mini which was accredited a diploma from the guru of the university of Amateur landyacht building the aforementioned [LY] Yeah that should do it
Home address in a PM forthcoming

WA, 5921 posts
29 Jul 2011 8:14PM
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stickers have been mailed ,4m sail completed, it looks awsome,BUT.........
when we sat down at the computer to design it something moved, or didnt quite match and Ive ended with a sail for a 12degree rake on a yacht with a 7 degree rake.... arghhhhhhhhh.
it may still work but I nipped into the shed last night and converted a windsurfer sail for a 4m and also a little 3m from a picasso windsurfer sail.
weather permitting there should be bukets of photos and gps readings to drool over, or we will be home, cold and wet

360 posts
29 Jul 2011 8:55PM
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I would love to put a sticker on "windburner"
How does one qualify?


WA, 5921 posts
31 Jul 2011 6:24PM
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sabydent said...

I would love to put a sticker on "windburner"
How does one qualify?


one had to ask within about 4 hrs of me putting them out there
sorry all gone

WA, 5921 posts
31 Jul 2011 6:45PM
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The wind came and the water left , we all got a sail and new PB's.
you couldnt ask for a better weekend than that. firstly i would like to that PICASSO windsurfer sails, if you still exist, you sails , when recut for landyacht sails are AWESOME. Ive lost the post from the windsurfer in safetybay that gave me the sail, but it was good enough to recut to 3m and just smoked on the lake.
next thank you has to go to member Crazy Trav.
on saturday I had a first sail and clocked some comfy mid 70's then on sunday i strapped trav in for a sail so I could get some photos. the crafty devil came back with a nice little 81kph, then back out he went for a 85.4.
that was the encouragement I needed to scoot out and smoke a mini PB, then go out again and lift that PB. Trav then went out in wedgetails wooden axle mini and landed a 87+PB, which made wedgetail go out and get a 80PB, so test pilot nipped out with his big sail for a high 80's PB.
speeds aside , the yacht was fascinating to sail.
the front suspension didnt seem to be working, but when the winds got over that magical 45kph wou could feel if working upwind, and just being stable downwind.
no tow problems with the rear wheels, the plastic spoke front wheel survived a high 80kph double 360 +spin, without breaking.
after all the fancy mast and sail making I used a cut up single windsurfer mast that was rather thick up top.the brand was a Rotho-wave, very heavy glass weave, and a 3 m recut picasso surf sail.
later I changed down to a homemade 2.5 which went faster , but was flapping and rough to sail.
. after all the fun it will be interesting to see how the yacht handles lighter winds, as the yacht weighed in at a whopping 39kg!!!!!!
exactly 13kg on each wheel

and i beat that speed by 0.67 on the next run
that leaves only one design question

Cape or no Cape

430 posts
1 Aug 2011 6:16PM
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So the Y frame is not such a stupid idea after all. I can see a Y Class five coming out of your garage in the not too distant future. The wheel alignment must have been good to achieve 80kph. Nice Build. Well done!

WA, 1659 posts
1 Aug 2011 6:43PM
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Mmmmmm may have to make some changes to aus230 mini.

WA, 5921 posts
1 Aug 2011 8:02PM
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sorry boys photo wasnt very clear

WA, 5921 posts
1 Aug 2011 8:06PM
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sabydent said...

I would love to put a sticker on "windburner"
How does one qualify?


sorry sabydent , just reading back you were first in
next printing , i will do one for you, sorry

WA, 5921 posts
1 Aug 2011 8:14PM
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Clemco said...

So the Y frame is not such a stupid idea after all. I can see a Y Class five coming out of your garage in the not too distant future. The wheel alignment must have been good to achieve 80kph. Nice Build. Well done!

every OTT 5 Ive seen with 400x8 wheels has been disapointing
I have learnt alot since then ,but the shed is full, I cant even get the new mini in.
will probably have to let the underslung mini go, and my promo is on a promise to a buyer.
last night I designed a new underslung mini design and drew it on the whiteboard/shed floor today. 2 budding builders came by and drew copies, collected steel off the pile, so we will see what happens, as Ive counted myself out of the game of building for a while at least
yes really, too busy making some 2m sails

TAS, 1972 posts
1 Aug 2011 10:47PM
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Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Like we've heard it all before Paul and we believe you------------------Truly--------------- Ahem.


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"Spirit of Stupidity" started by landyacht