Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

Ultimate Minis

Created by ChrisClarke > 9 months ago, 19 Oct 2011
SA, 2865 posts
22 Oct 2011 12:01AM
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Well if you want to be selfish and change the rules to suit yourself so you can do what you want, when you want and call what ever you want a Mini I suggest you start drafting a letter to FISLY. And ignore the rest of the people and manufacturers around the world that have embraced the Mini class rules for what they are.
Please let us all know what the reply is......
If the Mini class is to complex for you or you don't fit in the yacht or you just cant do the right thing perhaps its time switch to another class or sport.
Or even just accept that a 6'6"er isn't suited to a Mini class yacht.

VIC, 446 posts
22 Oct 2011 1:11AM
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Race a BLOKART one design and with weight divisions for all you big fellas.Just remember every dog has its day and there is never two days with same winds and conditions.

177 posts
22 Oct 2011 2:06AM
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Gizmo said...

Well if you want to be selfish and change the rules to suit yourself so you can do what you want, when you want and call what ever you want a Mini I suggest you start drafting a letter to FISLY. And ignore the rest of the people and manufacturers around the world that have embraced the Mini class rules for what they are.
Please let us all know what the reply is......
If the Mini class is to complex for you or you don't fit in the yacht or you just cant do the right thing perhaps its time switch to another class or sport.
Or even just accept that a 6'6"er isn't suited to a Mini class yacht.

Andy Parr , the guy whos book you are buying on Amazon is a big bloke at well over 6'3" and he spends his time sailing the Potty Miniyacht which he and his pals developed. Andy still manages to sail a lot faster than most of us using the same sail size , so I guese skill also comes into the equation.
It would be great to hear that someone from down under was considering drafting a letter to FISLY about specs etc because that would mean your country was a paid up member of FISLY .... hint hint ! Lol
Seriously, it would be good to have ye back in the FISLY family with a say in whats happening folks, the world needs people like you guys to help develop the sport.


Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
22 Oct 2011 3:30AM
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port said...

Race a BLOKART one design and with weight divisions for all you big fellas.Just remember every dog has its day and there is never two days with same winds and conditions.

I tried a blowie once but with knees up around me chin found no room to turn handle bar or feet jammed either side of front wheel and no room to turn front wheel

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
22 Oct 2011 3:33AM
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Gizmo said...

Well if you want to be selfish and change the rules to suit yourself so you can do what you want, when you want and call what ever you want a Mini I suggest you start drafting a letter to FISLY. And ignore the rest of the people and manufacturers around the world that have embraced the Mini class rules for what they are.
Please let us all know what the reply is......
If the Mini class is to complex for you or you don't fit in the yacht or you just cant do the right thing perhaps its time switch to another class or sport.
Or even just accept that a 6'6"er isn't suited to a Mini class yacht.

or you just cant do the right thing What is this "right thing"

SA, 2865 posts
22 Oct 2011 8:00AM
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Test pilot 1 said...
or you just cant do the right thing What is this "right thing"

The right thing? Prior to the Mini rules being implemented there was room for discussion and opinions within the sport which apparently were considered, now the rules have been handed down (and you have worked out ways around them) but all we hear from some is whinge whinge whinge!!!.

TP1 What is this "right thing?" I'm sorry to have put such a difficult question in front of you, and I was unaware how you would seem to struggle with an answer
But I now understand fully why you seem to have so much trouble with the complexity of the Mini class rules and how they work.

177 posts
22 Oct 2011 6:15AM
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port said...

Race a BLOKART one design and with weight divisions for all you big fellas.Just remember every dog has its day and there is never two days with same winds and conditions.

One design ?

Two categories, Production and Performance

Each category will be spilt in to four weight divisions

Light Weights: under 70kg (155lbs)
Middle Weights: 70kg (155lbs) and up to 82.5kg (180lbs)
Heavy Weights: 82.5kg (180lbs) and up to 95kg (210lbs)
Super Heavy Weights: 95kg (210lbs) and over

That makes 8 different classes of Blokart racing !

Complicated but I suppose it could be useful for those fished out of the heavy bone gene pool !

I think I prefer the miniyacht specs ............all of the above Blokart classes fit under the one miniyacht class rule

SA, 2865 posts
22 Oct 2011 9:01AM
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IPKSA said...

port said...

Race a BLOKART one design and with weight divisions for all you big fellas.Just remember every dog has its day and there is never two days with same winds and conditions.

One design ?

Two categories, Production and Performance

Each category will be spilt in to four weight divisions

Light Weights: under 70kg (155lbs)
Middle Weights: 70kg (155lbs) and up to 82.5kg (180lbs)
Heavy Weights: 82.5kg (180lbs) and up to 95kg (210lbs)
Super Heavy Weights: 95kg (210lbs) and over

That makes 8 different classes of Blokart racing !

And each section would have a 1st, 2nd & 3rd...... it's like a carnival side show "everyone wins a prize"

TAS, 1972 posts
22 Oct 2011 9:38AM
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OYE! You Lot! It is about time you guys learned "Newtons Law". It applies to all facets of life, then there is the Theory of Relativity and Relevance. There IS NO right or Wrong Way, There is only a WAY if we can fall into a compliance with each other on a Particular Way then we can compete fairly. Discussion and compliance is purely that no more nor less, there is no need to get our Asses in the Air (Like a Blue Bottle looking for trouble) All ideas are relevant and once again if more than 1 agrees then do we not have the ability to compete?? All-Be-It in a very narrow Field?? One person has the ability to go out and and have a SHIP Load of fun on his or her preferred wind powered vehicle. Is He/She wrong? If you want to tie yourself to one Discipline then that is relevant to your own thinking. Is it not? Once again we fall back to the same Ending. F-U-N.
PS; For those that do not know, A "Blue Bottle" is a Wingless Wasp, Metallic Blue Green in colour with Reddish Brown legs and mouth bits and a nasty sting in its tail. If you ever step on one with bare feet you WILL surely know it....

WA, 700 posts
22 Oct 2011 9:23AM
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ledzephyrlin said...

... i expect to be thoroughly thrashed if i decide to compete at all.

Haha I dont think so, come and have a look at a 'competition' day sometime, you might be surprised.

VIC, 446 posts
22 Oct 2011 2:38PM
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I think the numbers speak for themselves one design is one design.

Gizmo said...

IPKSA said...

port said...

Race a BLOKART one design and with weight divisions for all you big fellas.Just remember every dog has its day and there is never two days with same winds and conditions.

One design ?

Two categories, Production and Performance

Each category will be spilt in to four weight divisions

Light Weights: under 70kg (155lbs)
Middle Weights: 70kg (155lbs) and up to 82.5kg (180lbs)
Heavy Weights: 82.5kg (180lbs) and up to 95kg (210lbs)
Super Heavy Weights: 95kg (210lbs) and over

That makes 8 different classes of Blokart racing !

And each section would have a 1st, 2nd & 3rd...... it's like a carnival side show "everyone wins a prize"

84 posts
22 Oct 2011 4:22PM
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I was wondering what we'll see on the 11th of July 2012 on the starting grid of the first Fisly Mini race at the Worlds in France

blokarts %
"landyachts" %
homebuilts %

Ciao - Enrico

317 posts
22 Oct 2011 7:13PM
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veladaterra said...

I was wondering what we'll see on the 11th of July 2012 on the starting grid of the first Fisly Mini race at the Worlds in France

blokarts %
"landyachts" %
homebuilts %

Ciao - Enrico

I'm hoping to be there with the camera to find out. I've already got the thinking cap on to see what can be done within the rules. I was thinking a nice easy to build 'T' or 'Y' chassis with fibreglass back axles for suspension and aerodynamic bodywork (for going forward, not ground effect). Oh and loosing a few kilos off the pilot

Cheers Col

WA, 5921 posts
22 Oct 2011 8:33PM
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Gizmo said...

How would you feel ....doh!...FAT!!! ...... If that's a problem go on a diet!!!! Or get a bigger sail, there is NO restriction on sail size is there? Reality is there are strong wind days and light wind days... can't change that.
But at least you are all working under the same set of class rules.

yes gizmo , in australia, we currently have a sailarea restriction, and weight restrictions. by way of the regs that were introduced by webster/rose and co. strangely we are ignoring them.
vic seems to be under the impression that we have wheel size restrictions , but im not aware of those under The current Astralian rules.
hopefully we can sit down next week and have some discussion as to what we do in the future. currently we have a big mix of what we think or would like.

SA, 2865 posts
22 Oct 2011 11:16PM
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Were the rouge rules ever taken to a legal AGM? I was in the belief is was required to make such a change. If I can recall the discussion a long time ago. Or is class6 in place?

WA, 1660 posts
22 Oct 2011 10:02PM
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now i am confused,

This wheel thing is doing my head in. Class6 , ALSA, FISLY , LLM? The only thing I am sure of now is the 5.6m rope.

177 posts
23 Oct 2011 2:24AM
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veladaterra said...

I was wondering what we'll see on the 11th of July 2012 on the starting grid of the first Fisly Mini race at the Worlds in France

blokarts %
"landyachts" %
homebuilts %

Ciao - Enrico

All kinds of everything I expect Enrico, lots of different types are planning to go alredy and the most important thing is that everyone will be smiling and having fun.
And after the miniyacht sailing ....the real racing starts......

1263 posts
23 Oct 2011 3:12AM
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ChrisClarke said...

I suppose people would probably prefer that the Fisly Mini Yacht specification doesn't turn into an arms race pushing costs through the roof........................but I can't help wondering what might be possible within this loose definition.

For example, you could go super-aerodynamic with none of the restrictions on fairing present in other classes. Or, given the relatively narrow width, do you need a conventional chassis at all? Could the hull be a full-width monocoque with the wheels mounted directly on the sides? Could you gain more stability and speed by making two seats side by side and shuffling your bum from one to the other on different tacks? etc. etc. etc.

As explained in my other thread I have basically zero practical landyachting experience (which will probably be obvious from the above!) but seem to be addicted after one quick spin in a Manta and have been browsing this forum for technical gems ever since. Thanks everyone for building such a great resource.

I'll bet You had NO idea this thread would turn out this way.....

51 posts
23 Oct 2011 4:00AM
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Well, I had an inkling that it might go down this path but it is true that I am more interested in discussing what might be possible within these new rules.

I suppose that in the end it comes down to the relationship between drag and power and I was really wondering how a rule which limits footprint but not sail area might be exploited to the maximum. For example, maybe a four wheeled mini would gain more stability/power than it loses in rolling resistance? Maybe a stern steerer works better? Conventional wisdom might be turned on its head in these circumstances.

The really attractive thing is that I can imagine experimenting at relatively low cost and if something doesn't work it can just be recycled into something else. It also just sounds like great fun.

VIC, 267 posts
23 Oct 2011 7:23AM
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and sometimes the discussions are just sad.

177 posts
23 Oct 2011 5:58AM
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ChrisClarke said...

Well, I had an inkling that it might go down this path but it is true that I am more interested in discussing what might be possible within these new rules.

I suppose that in the end it comes down to the relationship between drag and power and I was really wondering how a rule which limits footprint but not sail area might be exploited to the maximum. For example, maybe a four wheeled mini would gain more stability/power than it loses in rolling resistance? Maybe a stern steerer works better? Conventional wisdom might be turned on its head in these circumstances.

The really attractive thing is that I can imagine experimenting at relatively low cost and if something doesn't work it can just be recycled into something else. It also just sounds like great fun.

I love the way you are thinking - fun , adventure and experiment.

There are thousands and thousands of miniyachts around the world (in France alone ) who have all been having great fun exploring and playing - Miniyachts are really not about racing , if they were then there would have been racing programmes years ago. Miniyachts are about all you said there Chris.

TAS, 1972 posts
23 Oct 2011 9:58AM
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Oh Thank, you thank you, thank you! At last we are starting to see the light.
Rules can regulate who races against whom. Great! but as is starting to come to the forefront Fun! and Experimentation! We should all be brave and take that step to improve the equipment we use and encourage the promotion of our Sport. The only drawback with that mentality though is; What if we are having so much fun and camaraderie that the Rest Of The World Thinks (Thought Bubble) "Damn! I want some of that"! [}:)] We will all be bitching about 'No where to sail' Paul, you seem to be a power over your WAy How'sabout you could organize for a skilled person Creating a "gauntlet" as a trophy as a trophy. May hap it could have a set of rules to go with it i.e. No person can hold it for ---say----6months without "Throwing it Down" in challenge or the right to hold it longer be challenged. An all in event where by the owner of a beast (No matter the Class) can challenge the holder, weather in fun or seriously. If the Gauntlet is thrown down, then the Competition should be taken up immediately, no questions asked but any challenger breaking safety rules is immediately disqualified and restricted from challenging again for 12month. Hey! Don't blame me, it is the fault of the grey mushy stuff in my head what does it..

Fiber Glass Axles, I am using CF 100% Mast Butt Axles and have had to stiffen them up a bit with Tasmanian Myrtle any hardwood will do the trick.

I've not had the chance to try them out at High Speed but up to 48Kmh the have lost what is referred to as "The 3D Wobbles" Not a nice feeling when your beast is starting to clock some real speed then it starts to waddle like a duck and becomes less controllable the faster you travel. That is how I finished up tearing a sail and bringing a 100% Gaastra Mast down on top of myself.

Stern Steerers.. Can someone please work out the Stability Issue. I still believe that if you built a totally ridged three wheel Chassis with a Mast Step either end and used a set weight (Pilot) that the Rear Steering unit would be the less Stable as the weight is directly over the rear wheer and much less over the front pair.


SA, 956 posts
23 Oct 2011 10:00AM
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^^^^^^ Nick ....I challenge your remark on rear Steering....[}:)]

If rear steering is so bad ....then why do all boats steer from the rear ?

Dont come up with the willy wobbley rear forklift steering theory, branded about in

these forums by incompetent Fork lift steerers on badly maintained machines

A lot of the original landyachts were rear steered.....and worked well...

TAS, 1972 posts
23 Oct 2011 11:37AM
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JJ, my remarks are from where I see things. You will note I did ask that someone should experiment and prove the theory. I think you will find that were the Steering on the front of a forklift one would have greater difficulty steering the machine as the load increased on the front. Also I think you might find that where a Forklift loaded dangerously over the steering it would loose a lot of stability the harder the Lock left or right in a turn. I just feel that the Pilot weight over the rear wheels would give greater stability the greater the Pilots weight, also 2@ the rear allows for weight transfer to be used to its maximum advantage. That is just some of my reasoning but don't blame me, I do not control what the Grey Mush comes up with. I am just the lackey!
Also keep in mind that in the case of Land Yachts there is only low weight on the Front wheel/s and a lot greater on the Rear/s. Why do you not build a Land Yacht with Rear Steering and Prove my Thoughts wrong.

SA, 956 posts
23 Oct 2011 11:47AM
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it's been done ...many times....

SA, 2865 posts
23 Oct 2011 1:01PM
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TAS, 1972 posts
23 Oct 2011 3:25PM
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OK! Lads,
This is what you have FORCED me into. I have built a model LY and am now in the experimentation Faze of proving o

r disproving my thoughts. At this point of just stuffing about I have proven that which I am Speaking about. The next faze is to show definitively what happens.

51 posts
23 Oct 2011 1:08PM
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Ahh! Excellent initiative!

In looking up references to stern steerers I notice that the mast foot is usually some distance in front of the axle line, like this:

The other thing I noticed while perusing youtube is how highly loaded the rear runner is

I wonder is layover type steering would work at the back as well as the front? - accepting that rear wheel has its own peculiar challenges as shown in the article quoted a couple of posts back. Of course the front wheels could be steered to create a type of sailing Morgan three wheeler but this seems to up the level of complexity rather.

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
23 Oct 2011 1:23PM
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gibberjoe said...

^^^^^^ Nick ....I challenge your remark on rear Steering....[}:)]

If rear steering is so bad ....then why do all boats steer from the rear ?

Dont come up with the willy wobbley rear forklift steering theory, branded about in

these forums by incompetent Fork lift steerers on badly maintained machines

A lot of the original landyachts were rear steered.....and worked well...

Worst problem with rear steering on small yacht is the safety aspect.
On conventional smaller landyachts, tipping over results with the pilot off the ground supported by a rear wheel and the mast.
With a rear steered yacht tipping over results with the pilot on the ground with the weight of the yacht directly on them.
Sliding after tipping results in greater danger to pilot of rear steered yachts than front steered yachts

TAS, 1972 posts
23 Oct 2011 10:07PM
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Thanks TP1,
Those are the types things that I was trying to allude to. Thus the front steering yacht is in the better/safer unit. 2@ the rear gives greater stability and allows for a much shorter machine as the Pilots weight can be carried to the rear of the Rear Axles.
At the moment I am having trouble getting enough Fan power to tip the model over with a weight fitted.


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"Ultimate Minis" started by ChrisClarke