Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

Winged Mini

Created by aus230 > 9 months ago, 17 Nov 2011
183 posts
16 Feb 2012 1:10PM
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wow ..... nice job,,, its sexy.... wanna trade for my wife?

TAS, 1972 posts
16 Feb 2012 5:34PM
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I think even more so "Black Ice" is the right name cos it's Black and very slippery.

After yesterday "Midnight Madness" would be good.

WA, 5921 posts
16 Feb 2012 4:39PM
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I must insist that you take off the wing and go and find a long winding hill to test it all on
with video of course

QLD, 208 posts
16 Feb 2012 8:35PM
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Baby that looks like fun.....I really, really, really hope it works.

OK so where did the seat cushion come from? I know i've seen that before.

WA, 1659 posts
16 Feb 2012 8:47PM
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Its a car seat sit on liner. Its out of may Nissan it kept moving around.So they have found a new home. I have used them in all my yachts.

317 posts
16 Feb 2012 9:56PM
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aus230 said...

Its a car seat sit on liner. Its out of may Nissan it kept moving around.So they have found a new home. I have used them in all my yachts.

Genius! Autojumble here I come

Cheers Col

WA, 1659 posts
3 Mar 2012 11:17AM
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The winged mini in her standard clothes
down haul not attached and the cover around the mast bast not fitted yet.
Have to adjust the mast rake.(laying to far back)

TAS, 1972 posts
3 Mar 2012 6:36PM
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She do look nice and I like the idea of the sail interchange.. Good stuff.

WA, 1244 posts
3 Mar 2012 9:19PM
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The reflector on the front is for night sailing Vic????
or... just so you can find it in the dark with your head torch?

It's a classy bit of gear mate.
I reckon she's the "Ebony Princess".

I look forward to seeing it sail.

WA, 5921 posts
5 Mar 2012 1:40PM
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i wouldnt touch that mast rake or position until youve sailed it Vic, cos it looks like its just right

430 posts
5 Mar 2012 1:59PM
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I think Vic may be correct. But best option would be to make the mast rake adjustable like on our class 5s, and my mini

WA, 5921 posts
5 Mar 2012 2:56PM
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but every time i make an adjustable step ,i dont adjust the rig
maybe on the new 5

WA, 1659 posts
5 Mar 2012 5:15PM
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It is adjustable The position is about right but I like the option of being able to adjust the rake, I have never made one that I can not adjust.

317 posts
5 Mar 2012 9:53PM
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Seen as the subject has headed in this direction....when do you change your mast rake? What to? And why? I've used mine so far to lift the boom up from smacking my head

Cheers Col

WA, 1244 posts
5 Mar 2012 11:02PM
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Glad you asked that.
Your not the only one.

430 posts
6 Mar 2012 4:35AM
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You rake the mast back as you change down to smaller sails to keep the COE in the same place.

5.5m2 sail

4.0m2 sail

2.5m2 storm sail

WA, 5921 posts
6 Mar 2012 3:15PM
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also for different cut sails. a club88 sail has a different "initial "mast rake to later Viking sail and again to something more recent. also if the boom-mast pocket angle is greater you may need to alter the rake as happened to col

WA, 1659 posts
6 Mar 2012 8:53PM
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I find that I have to lay back the rake a little more at Lefroy (on salt) and stand it up more on lake Walyungup (loose surface) without adjustment I get into all sorts of trouble there. The club 88s are or where a pretty standard design made on the one gig and the sails where made to the clubs specs so the mast post was set at the same angle for each yacht.
Aus230 was not built to any plans available so I had to have some way of balancing the yacht hence the adjustable mast post. I guess I just carried over the idea to my other yachts. I think all the new class5 have (Europe New Zealand) have adjustable mast rake for fine tuning.


317 posts
6 Mar 2012 9:50PM
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So...if I'm reading this right. Hard surface COE as low as possible, rake the mast back...without loosing my head. Soft surface, move COE higher, stand mast higher up? As a easy rule of thumb.

Cheers Col

WA, 1659 posts
6 Mar 2012 10:26PM
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That is what I find others may find different results. (Lake Walyungup is a bit like sailing on ball bearings in some areas and if the rake is to far back I lose the back end of the yacht). I am only talking about a couple of degrees of rake. I still have a long way to go in learning all this stuff

WA, 5921 posts
9 Mar 2012 5:11PM
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my 5 has2 or 3 mast positions,slightly forward for walyungup and back for lefroy.
that was set up for4.00x8 wheels
having said that, when i changed to 26" wheelsI moved my weight back by 150mm without and detrment on walyungup. probably could have moved the mast back too but ran out of time to test.
note I didnt change the mast angle ,just the position

the boom when sheeted in fully is parallel to ground and 500mm above.
your job is to make you and the yacht fit under that

VIC, 267 posts
9 Mar 2012 9:47PM
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[}:)] how this get hijacked?! Waiting to see the winged beast rip.!!

WA, 5921 posts
11 Mar 2012 6:42PM
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any chance of lefroy before easter vic?. we will be packing yachts straight after easter
it aint hijacking arjay, its just lack of wind yak-yak

VIC, 267 posts
12 Mar 2012 12:02PM
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hehe I know!! I come!!

WA, 1659 posts
12 Mar 2012 1:54PM
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Sorry not much chance of getting up to Lefroy until the season is over down here.

WA, 1659 posts
24 Mar 2012 10:39AM
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Some close up pic.s, All I have to do now is pull it to bits, clean everything(covered in dust from building the new class5) Give it a final spray and put on the decals
Then sail the dam thing


430 posts
24 Mar 2012 5:46PM
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Nice job on the steering. Pity you have to have the stays.

117 posts
24 Mar 2012 10:01PM
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Hi Vic,

Yacht looks great, very neat job.

Please could you tell me what you are using as your steering connector (red bit)?

I also am curious as to why you chose to use mini instead of 5 with 26" wheels with a wing?

When I built Vindicator I decide at the time it was the smallest I could make a 'yacht for high speeds with a wing without things getting untidy............

I'd love to see you prove me wrong!

Cheers, Bill

WA, 5921 posts
24 Mar 2012 11:14PM
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we did warn him bill , but he just had that urge to do what a rock ape has to do
Im thinking of what kind of breeze will get it smokin'but like you I hope to be proven wrong, I plan to have vidi along on the day for a comparison
it will be worthrigging up just for the group photo

WA, 1659 posts
24 Mar 2012 11:21PM
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The steering piece is nolathane solid rod. my steering is the same as Clem's mini, he sent me the info on how to set it up(thanks Clem) I made it this way so that I could build a more streamlined body.

It is very much an experiment, would have drove me mad if I did not try(you no that WHAT IF THING) If it does not work it can end up in the chook pen maybe not all will be lost as I can always fit a wider axle and a longer front plank.


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"Winged Mini" started by aus230