Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

Y frame Ski Mini

Created by Clemco > 9 months ago, 29 Oct 2010
1229 posts
15 Apr 2011 5:37AM
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Clemco said...

. Good wind forecast for Saturday so I am aiming to finish it off by Friday night!

Dont forget yer snorkel !!!! looks kinda wet

430 posts
16 Apr 2011 6:48PM
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Well the wind and rain came a bit late for the tide, but I did get the seat fitted. Just have to weld off the connections and I'll be sailing.

WA, 6277 posts
16 Apr 2011 9:49PM
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Man that thing looks like a whole lotta fun to sail... remember to take some pics of it all lit up for those of us not lucky enough to have one in the garage!

430 posts
22 Apr 2011 1:53PM
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Got plenty of beach... but still no wind.

The Mk3 mini is ready to sail. I ended up using two ski thickness on each side for the axles. Mounted the stub axles in front of the ends of the skis to reduce the toe-in action. It seems to have a nice heeling action which is what I was after, but until I sail it who knows it could be a dog. Tides are getting later each day but may get a chance late tomorrow afternoon to get it out on the beach. Stay tuned.

TAS, 1972 posts
22 Apr 2011 6:05PM
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It certainly the part so I will have a chat with the wind gods for you..

56 posts
24 Apr 2011 12:43PM
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Hi Clem
Looks great I hope you have some wind soon . I cant wait to here how the ski legs work. Is your mast a carbon/glass windsurf mast? If yes are there any rules of Minis using carbon mast and not aluminum? Good luck hope its a glorius success.

430 posts
25 Apr 2011 12:52PM
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The mast I am using is one I made up years ago for one of the first landyachts I ever built back in 1991. Thats my 10yr old son in the photo. He's now 30. The mast is two carbon fibre masts, one inside the other plus another short aluminum tube inside that, plus a short stainless steel tube over the outside of the base to stop the glass ones being crushed. It was basically the product of all the masts I had broken up to that point. The bottom half is very stiff as you can imagine, but the top is quite wippy. The only rule for masts in the mini class as I understand it is the mast has to be round in cross-section.
Haven't sailed it. We seem to be getting more rain than wind at the moment. Next day time low tides will be a week away so might strip it down this week and get some primer on those bare metal parts. It looks it's going to be a wet Autumn.

QLD, 12337 posts
25 Apr 2011 10:31PM
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Clemco said...

The Mk3 mini is ready to sail. I ended up using two ski thickness on each side for the axles.

Just wondering Clem, as you have bolted two skis on each side, have you allowed for different flex between the upper and lower skis (spring leaves) by having slotted bolt holes in one of the skis??

430 posts
26 Apr 2011 5:56AM
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Cisco; Well sort of, the bolt holes through the skis are a bit over sized, but the bolts are so tight I don't think there will be much slippage between the skis. I get your point though.

TAS, 1972 posts
26 Apr 2011 10:15AM
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If you decide to change the springing about I would suggest you made the upper spring short of the Axle mount and rather than drilling the lower spring, I would be inclined to leave the upper free to slide and attach a couple of guides which would keep travel to axis of the spring. Similar to the way they do with the secondary springs in a set of Leaf Springs and also have a Plastic Wear Strip between them.
With your current system you will find that the Springs will always be fighting each other and also their Ties, possibly weakening the drill holes.

Your unit looks "Mighty Fine" though.. Niiiice, very niiice

WA, 1244 posts
26 Apr 2011 9:39AM
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Coat the skis with "Mr Sheen" and slacken off the bolts slightly?????????????

430 posts
2 May 2011 9:29AM
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Well I finally got some wind to try out the Mini. We headed up the east coast on Sunday to Waihi Beach to get the best wind direction. There was plenty all right! Blowing 25 knots most of the time 45 degrees to the beach. Perfect for high speed downwind runs. Unfortunately the storm had kicked up the surf so there was not much beach to play with. Headed upwind for first run. Ski axles are still too soft. Mast heeling over about 20 degrees but wheels seemed to track ok. Down wind was scary with the beach so narrow. It was very hard to keep it in a straight line. Clocked 66km/h on first run. Second run downwind something must have bent out of alignment as it was weaving and the leeward wheel was shuddering quite badly. I through it into a spin to slow down, did two 360s and a cartwheel and was thrown out of the yacht into the soft sand. These little yachts can be f***ing dangerous in high winds! Now the mast has a permanent 5 degree lean to port. The front forks are also pointing in that direction, and both rear wheels have a 10 degree negative camber. So that was the sad end for the ski mini for the day. Luckily I had also brought along my trusty YOTT Class5. Rigged that up with a 4m sail and did 99.2km/h on the first run. I must admit it felt much safer than the mini in those winds. Best speed for the day was clocked by Roger Gosbee at 107km/h in his C5 YOTT. It was a good day out fore all. I haven't given up on the mini yet. She will be rebuilt. I wouldn't recommend the the 1.6 wall exhaust tube for the main spine. I may also reduce the Y angle to 20 degrees to shorten the ski legs. Might even go for a T frame.

WA, 1659 posts
2 May 2011 9:57AM
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Sorry to hear that Clem, I have used old hang glider tube on my mini, it tracks well in strong winds so I do not think the y frame is the problem and yes the class5 is a much more stable platform, (the mini is great fun machine and can be sailed on venues that we would not be able to use the class5)

WA, 5921 posts
2 May 2011 8:43PM
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so many experiments , so little time, thank the wind gods we are sharing our results

WA, 1659 posts
17 May 2011 5:10PM
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I am heading up to Kambalda next week. Thought I might throw the mini on top. How is Lefroy and will any of you guys be out there on the weekend.(28th or 29th)
ps Probably catch up one night during the week as i will be spending the first few nights in Kalgoorlie

WA, 5921 posts
17 May 2011 7:19PM
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I will start organizing the tribe. do you want an officila event or are we just going sailing/camping

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
17 May 2011 11:32PM
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Or maybe you could just go swimming
We are having a slight amount of precipitation at present
5.4mm and it is still pissing down

1262 posts
18 May 2011 2:03AM
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Test pilot 1 said...

Or maybe you could just go swimming
We are having a slight amount of precipitation at present
5.4mm and it is still pissing down

As opposed to up?!?[}:)]

430 posts
8 Jun 2011 6:39PM
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Almost got the WhiSki Mini back in one piece. Just have to lengthen the steering rod. Next good tide is a week away so should be done by then.

430 posts
18 Jun 2011 10:34AM
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Finally got it all together. Just showing off my handy work before it gets dirty. Might make it to the beach tomorrow if the road is open. It's been hosing down here the last 24 hours. There has been some flooding. Anyone want some water? We got plenty here at the moment.

SA, 2865 posts
18 Jun 2011 12:26PM
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So do you have a favorite color?

130 posts
18 Jun 2011 11:58AM
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interested to see how it does. good luck and hope you have good wind.

430 posts
19 Jun 2011 5:41PM
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Finally got the rebuilt Whiski mini back on the beach. It went well. Got some speed up down wind and sailed all the down to the Ohope spit. Felt well balanced and was easy to control when I hit the slippery stuff washed up by yesterdays storm. Up wind seemed ok too. The frame layed over nicely and felt quite springy which is what I was after. The overall width is now only 1.5m but I have stretched it out to 1.8m wheel base and it still fits in the FISLY 5.6 loop rule.

And then the Ohope Stig arrived so I had to get his opinion.

He just loved it and sailed off in the distance.

1229 posts
19 Jun 2011 6:07PM
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Well done Clem you deserve a good result after all the effort
It looks great

WA, 5921 posts
19 Jun 2011 8:19PM
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dang what a pity, no longer a LLM
adding that 160mm should make a big difference to the tracking and stability tho
Oh well better luck next design

430 posts
20 Jun 2011 6:03PM
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Not to worry Paul. I have built in plenty of adjustment for length and foot peddle(and mast rake) just in case I have to drag it over the ditch one year. Not looking very possible this year unfortunately, so I'm hoping 2012 is going to be a dry one. What are your long range weather predictions for Lefroy this spring? We have had the highest rainfall so far this year since records started in the 70's.


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"Y frame Ski Mini" started by Clemco