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Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

class5 underslung y frame

Created by aus230 > 9 months ago, 12 Mar 2010
WA, 1660 posts
12 Mar 2010 10:13AM
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Must be nuts, or bored. Just started building a new class5 for next season. Going to try a lot of good ideas that have been posted on here. It will be an underslung y framed yacht that will be able to change from 26" rear wheels to wheel barrow wheels in a few minutes also be able to do the same for the front. Hopefully this will give me a yacht that is adaptiable for different surfaces and wind conditions.All sounds good in theory. I am going to use the same body shape as aus230 but sink the body into the frame to get it as close to the ground as possiable.
Will post results and pics as I go.

488 posts
12 Mar 2010 10:14AM
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Sounds like a grand idea to me, you are not re-inventing wheels are you?
You could have the frame inside the body? (That's been done before too!)

WA, 1660 posts
12 Mar 2010 10:19AM
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no trying new ideas on an old practices, and as far as I can tell not on here so I can at least put it back in the ring as an option.

430 posts
12 Mar 2010 1:25PM
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By underslung y frame do you mean like my mini frame? I wouldn't bother with those wheelbarrow wheels. They are stone-age technology.

1229 posts
12 Mar 2010 3:52PM
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Have been very interested in your other projects Vic so will be looking forward to this one too Sounds Good!!

j murray
SA, 947 posts
12 Mar 2010 7:20PM
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think about adjustable heights for difference surfaces, bumps, sea weed,

tufts of grass, gibbers,water run off drains, sunbathers etc. grass circuits

WA, 1660 posts
12 Mar 2010 9:11PM
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Not quite clem, The main beam will be flat with the pod cut and fitted around it. The axels will be upswept.
The reason I want to try wheel barrow wheels is due to the high wind conditions on most days at safety bay, The sandgropers use rear wheel brakes quite efectively to get around the course which is fairly tight.(rear wheel brakes wont work with the 26"wheels)
Aus230 handles the light winds but when the wind picks up to around 25 -30knts I get into all sorts of trouble, I am still making changes to the yacht and may try a smaller sail next time.
As I have a surplus of material laying around I could no resist trying something else.

430 posts
13 Mar 2010 5:55AM
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Fair enough. In 25-30 knots I think we all have a few problems turning on the beach. I found tilting the rear wheels to 18-20 degrees helps. Also I add about 30-40kg of wet sand.

WA, 5921 posts
13 Mar 2010 7:40PM
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the 5 i sailed in Jan was basically a Flat Y frame with axles swept back 20 degrees. basically inspired by a fed 5. the Pacific magic was a much more swept angle and I dont think it worked as well.. the fed 5 was built to account for 24" wheels as well a 8".. so that could be a good starting point.
rather than droppers built on the outer end of the rear axles I would experiment with a bent axle that changes over for your bigger wheels.. aligning droppers is not a fun job.
It was interestng to see how the 8" wheels are still pretty competative in a wind at safety bay

WA, 1660 posts
13 Mar 2010 11:00PM
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Never seen any plans for a fed5. Everything I am trying only comes from notes and observations that I have noted over the last couple of years.

By upsweeping the axles I think I will only need 5"risers and I think I have nutted out how I can do it. I have set the axles at 45% which is less than the pacfic magic and a bit more than pauls yacht.

Got a fair bit constructed today (frame and axle ends for wheel barrow wheels. (Held up now for a couple of days can not find my 5/8" thread tap,have ot buy another )using the same axles for all wheel sizes ---wheel barrow(have to turn up a spacer) 20" and 26"

Will post some pics when I get a bit further along.

WA, 1660 posts
30 Mar 2010 11:20PM
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Started to build the frame.
Made it so that it can be broken down into a small size.
Borrowed the mast post setup from Landyachts class5, it will give me 150m of mast travel plus mast rake from 10 to 15%
Axles are set up for wheel barrow wheels, the setup for 26" is next.
Some measurments are borrowed from seagull promo pro (free plans avaible on net)

WA, 5921 posts
31 Mar 2010 9:00PM
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the sandgropers will be pleased to see youve gone over to 'proper' wheels vic

WA, 1660 posts
31 Mar 2010 10:49PM
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hate the bl@#dy things already

WA, 5921 posts
1 Apr 2010 4:18PM
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looks like your using some thin walled chinese cheepies
treat yourself to some fallshaws with 20mm centres

488 posts
2 Apr 2010 6:00AM
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Yep, just like a Fed 5!

VIC, 1066 posts
2 Apr 2010 12:20PM
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Great to see a new yacht Aus, looks good so far Sorry, I cant help but ask if I can borrow your heavy duty 1:1 scale set of plans sometime

Go the wheel barrow wheels!!!

WA, 1660 posts
2 Apr 2010 9:40AM
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Pic of a fed5 now I know what they look like. wish I had had some plans.
Paul they are not the wheels i will be using I have a older set of steel rims (same as club88)

WA, 1660 posts
3 Apr 2010 9:26AM
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Attached the 20" wheels also the 26" with dropers, the 26" brackets still require a little work for strength. Have to set up the front end now, pull it to bits and finish of the welding and tidy up before fitting the seat.

WA, 5921 posts
3 Apr 2010 8:26PM
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apart from the great Fed 5 mast system , the big difference is in the sweep angle of the rear axles. the fed5 is 20 degrees. When I built the Pacific Magic it was alot more swept back , probably close to what Vic has done . personaly I feel that the PM is too swept back ( the beauty of hindsight) and that the Fed 5 is at a better angle.The reason being that the distance from the mast base to the Y point is too short , resulting in a yacht that wants to lift a wheel very suddenly instead of twisting
with my last 5 , I used the fed5 20 degreesand was really happy with how it performed.
it will be great for Vic and I to run together and see the difference

WA, 1660 posts
13 Apr 2010 10:54AM
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Not real happy with the project, feel like I am going backwards but maybe I have to. (having a problem getting my head around the wheel barrow wheels)

I need a bigger shed

488 posts
13 Apr 2010 2:13PM
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aus230 said...

Pic of a fed5 now I know what they look like. wish I had had some plans.
Paul they are not the wheels i will be using I have a older set of steel rims (same as club88)

The pic shown is not an "as designed" Fed5. There are mods in the steering in this yacht, and most had a much more basic seat.

WA, 5921 posts
13 Apr 2010 8:10PM
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Err Vic , class 5 rule SF5. the front of the seat or footrest may not be further forward than the back of the mast.
doesnt leave you much room to fit a nice aerodynamic nose , and get your feet in

WA, 1660 posts
13 Apr 2010 10:36PM
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have not finished playing around with the seat yet. Have to have a rethink about where I am going with this yacht. Not enjoying the outcome looks bl#$dy ugly.

WA, 5921 posts
14 Apr 2010 7:56PM
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it would have looked freaky wicked back in '93

WA, 1660 posts
15 Apr 2010 12:07AM
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maybe but its 2010

WA, 5921 posts
15 Apr 2010 6:53PM
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just noticed the mass of steel in that front end. if i see even a hint of a holden waterpump pulley on your new yacht i will run over it with the L/cruiser[}:)]

WA, 1660 posts
15 Apr 2010 10:33PM
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nope it will be straight pull cables

WA, 1660 posts
26 Apr 2010 9:35PM
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Havent done much the last few days, spent my time making a set of 20" wheels for my mate crazey Trav.

1229 posts
27 Apr 2010 6:46AM
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Just gazing around your shed [wiping my chin occasionally]
Looks like a minter Royal Enfield, a Harley? A stitch and glue Chesapeake?
A couple of cedar strip Ocean Kayaks? or possibly one of Eric or Nick Schades
designs? and a mystery object over to the right A whiskey still? A boiler for steaming timber? Oh and a couple of landyachts also!

WA, 1660 posts
27 Apr 2010 8:23AM
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Right on Graeme. I build the kayaks for fun, the funny looking thing is a wood heater I knocked up out of a couple of truck brake drums. (bridgetown can be a bit cool in winter) some where amoung the mess is a 48 triumph to be restored one day.

WA, 5921 posts
27 Apr 2010 8:03PM
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Oh the joys of being time rich an fit enough to do something about.
after repaintng 2 rooms as the kids moved out i thought my home duties were over for the winter , giving me time to ge into the shed, but no the day after my new lathe arrived my witch lady has got me ripping out ceilings and walls for a master bedroom revamp. fat chance of any more wizbang rockets this year
so have you finished your reno's vic


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"class5 underslung y frame" started by aus230