have built my grass cart and tested it quite a bit this spring here in beautiful indiana.
soon as the frost was out of the ground we were running it. if anyone is familiar with the mid u.s. you know this is when the ground is the softest and muddiest. quite impressed with the 22x8 tires all around, has excellent floatation on the soft surface (doesn't leave any tracks or ruts), and beat the bigfoot tire weight by a pound. best part is no tire wear running on grass. cart dimensions are 60" wide by 70" long, monofork with 30 degree layover steering. first time out we hit 48 kph with a 4 meter windsurfer sail and finally hit 50 kph about a month later. are these respectable speeds for the surface involved? pretty crazy feeling on the rough surface, can't imagine going faster but definitely will be trying. best part is the power slide you get when gybing, love it.
Sounds like a great time!!
Have you posted pics of the finished yacht? If not, please do. Pictures of the area you sail on would be welcome as well. i sail on a dry lake here in CA, and the surface looks like almost every other one in the states, or anywhere else in the world....
Happy sailing!
finished another frame. very happy with the ride you get from the y frame, smooth on grass and cadillac smooth on asphalt.. wind gods haven't allowed much offroad testing (one slow session) gonna work on a sail from scratch next.
Does the sail sit on the pilot's chest when sheeted in? Looks very low
That said, certainly looks the part and obviously works well. Nice job
I have to say , that yacht is simply beautiful, so very speedway, i reckon Vic will be drooling
If your cracking 50kph on that grass you should be very happy indeed. top work,
gave first chassis to my buddy and he rigged the gybe on it, does brush his chest when it crosses over. worked at getting sail low though, i like how there is no large opening between pilot and sail. pic with 4 mtr rigged.
we have raced on asphalt barrow tire against these and found that yes barrow does accelerate faster but after first or second turn it doesn't matter, you carry excellent speed thru your tack.
That is one of the coolest land yachts i have seen. Great work keep it up and good sailing. (very Nascar looking)
The only way you're gonna get smaller than that is to twist yersl into a pretxel, Screw the wheels to yer shou'ders, lock the front wheel between yer knees and shove the mast base in yer navel and probably use yer undies as a sail.
Tell us how it gos at 100kmph.
Have the sails been recut, and has the sail been pre down hauled like a windsurfer. I had a sailworks sail on my old wind flyer (setup like a windsurfer)that was uncut and that was able to sail at speeds faster than my class5
thanks everyone for the positive feedback. Sails are not recut, downhaul and outhaul is set just like it is on a windsurfer. Same on windflyer? may not be the fastest setup but still is a lot of fun.
Nice space frame seat! Is it possible to add a skirt around the nose and floor to stop ones foot from touching the ground ? Not nice when that happens. The windsurfer boom setup is fantastic for low end grunt, which is perfect for short circuit grass off road sailing. This one needs a better name than "grass cart" ? More like NasKart
Just one question OM,
How do those tires perform on wet grass? I would have thought you'd get a fair bit of side slip.
Haven't finalized how the nose of the craft will be finished yet, something will be added. On wet grass we get a little side slip if a strong gust hits you, but feel that is what makes it so much fun.
about like a go kart or four wheeler when the back end kicks out. gybing on wet grass is the best!! already carrying good speed and when the sail picks up the power, back end comes out , little countersteer, feel it accelerate, head to the next turn, then repeat over and over.
They work good on asphalt also and last way longer than a barrow tire, have gone through at least a dozen barrow tires in the last year ($15-20 a pop). $30 for these and they have lasted all spring, ride smooth, and carry excellent speed with traction thru the turns. very happy i tried them.
Thanks for that.. So they aren't barrow tires then??
Well if you can keep control of the side slip then it would be a real BUZ..
front atv tires for sand. ams whipsnake. if i lived near a beach would maybe try one with the center blade, trimmed down a touch.
finally had wind for a good off road testing session yesterday and definitely put a thrashing on the machine. came away with one bent axle and am considering using chromoly now instead of aluminum or wood inside the aluminum. have some video will post asap.
Very impressive. You have certainly got that baby moving. I am sure the secret must be the wheels and tyres.
Looks really cool when you turn around to adjust the camera.
definitely feel this is a direction the sport could grow. more of the masses live near a grass field rather than a dry lake or salt flat. food for thought.
That is a very clever thinking out of all the requirements for your application
and then coming up with effective solutions
On top of which it looks damn good too !
Thanks everyone!! for the comments. Have fitted chromoly axle stubs and will see how they hold up in the field. Next good wind will get some video on asphalt