OK! Dreirad, what's with the no note with these pic's.. Yes I can see it is an LLM and Paul no doubt will be chuffed to see that it has a following in Germany.. Talk to us and show where you sail, footage of you sailing etc. etc.etc. The other thing you will have to do is get those LLM's onto the Register
Welcom to the Forum
Very nice engineering!
Stainless steel , bead blasting , Wow
Welcome to the forum we love those pictures !
YEP......you have set the bar high, very good work practices
and welcome from this Landyachting forum at Seabreeze, but do tell us more
Dreirad, i see you picked a winner, great stuff
WOW!!!! Im so glad I switched on the computer tonight, what a fantastic effort.
welcome to the world of homebuilding Georg
10 smiles from me
Can everyone stop raising the (engineering) bar Some very nice details there - like the look of the block mounts on the booms.
Cheers Col
SO! Dreirad, Is your Brand name Rolls Royce? Mercedes? or Ferrari??
You guys make the yanks look like amateurs and I reckoned they were Anal Retentive with their builds..
To any one else that might listen.. "WE HAVE TO BAN SUCH PROFESSIONALISM!!!!!!!" [}:)]
I am not being picky but I will ask what reinforcements are you using in the mast steps?? Generally that is a weak point and requires a strap mounted around under the Chassis and well up the end Uprights. Sorry it is only a thought that occured to me.
I'm not a pro, only have 25 built kitebuggys. And after the foreign exchange working properly or not at all. the mast bending shot attempt at hilt.
i have owned a few Porsche 's in my day and all i can say is you cannot beat German engineering !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its like functional sculpture !!!! Guten nacht !
Im not willing to use the required dose of steroids to produce metalwork of that calibre. Excellent job!
Beautiful work. I am in awe.
Could someone explain to me how the steering works. I see that you push the pedals rather than turn them, but I cannot figure out how that works.
Pardon my ignorance.
Hey! Brian,
Well I'm not the only thick one on this forum.. Given all the angles and direction changes I would have thought the operation of that steering would be quite heavy but my thoughts don't amount to much as a lot of builders go with that design.. I think the only way you'll get the "Hang of it" is to find an owner and try the system.
The lads were quite definite in the their instruction to me but lie you I still was a doubter and I went for the Quadrant and Cable system (Occum's Razor) and the direct foot system of the LLM on my smaller unit (Schrodinger's Cat). I will stick with those methods until some good body decides to come play in my back yard and allows me to sit in and try that method of steering. I recon that a Front Steering Marine style tiller just might not Cut the Mustard in Land Yachting.
Here is a pic of Clem's mini steering setup. I have installed the same on the winged mini with Clem's help. Works great and is very light.
Shees! aus,
Remind me to give you a lesson in Technical Photography!! Like Plan, Elevation and End Shots at a reasonable distance (Close Up) That one is a good general shot but isn't very detailed .
PS How does it handle being tip up at a great angle?? The Cable type gets a bit Ify and causes a few problems.