Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

new sailor in Northern California.

Created by harleyd > 9 months ago, 25 Feb 2011
183 posts
25 Feb 2011 12:31AM
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happy daze !!!! Been wanting to build a landyacht for 15 years.. ok u guessed it , bit of a procrastanator...not really but my LLM is just a few days away from to come soon. I am looking for other sailors In the San francisco area... Sacramento area...
Thanx for the great forum on building the mini... and thanx to Mr Day for the fine design

183 posts
25 Feb 2011 9:09AM
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also looking for some LLM seat ideas???? any body undermount the main tube??

WA, 1659 posts
25 Feb 2011 11:09AM
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There are a couple under slung seats with a variation to the LLM still fit the mini class though


1262 posts
25 Feb 2011 4:28PM
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Welcome to the forum! Funny how the best info on landsailing is on an AU forum, huh? I'm just glad it's here!

If you come to SoCal in the future................

SA, 1622 posts
25 Feb 2011 11:04PM
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Welcome to the forum Harleyd!! Look forward to the pics!

183 posts
26 Feb 2011 9:53AM
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thanx for the info and the welcomes.... all i have to do is welld my seat brackets and brake arm and Im ready for paint............hopefully this weekend.

183 posts
28 Feb 2011 6:12AM
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VIC, 58 posts
28 Feb 2011 7:25PM
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Looking good! You're way ahead of me at this stage. I'm still collecting stuff! How long have you spent so far on the build?

QLD, 12337 posts
28 Feb 2011 11:04PM
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Looking damned sexy there harleyd. Checker plate for the foot pads no less.

I notice you have used a flat bar with a series of drilled holes for the mast step brace as I did. The multiple holes in the brace are very handy for adjusting down haul.

You may end up wanting a block tread on your front wheel. You will find out when you get sailing if it goes in the one direction when you steer in another. Try it as it is and see what happens.

You are about half way there unless you already have mast and sail organised or are just going to plonk a standard windsurfer rig into her.

From all reports so far that works well on the LLF Mini platform.

Please make sure you install a seat/body belt and when you get sailing ensure that you do not instinctively put your arm out when, not if you tip the yacht over.

When sailing land yachts, if all body parts are kept within the confines of the yacht it is almost impossible to hurt yourself no matter how hard you sail the yacht.

Keep up the good work brother, you have a ton of fun ahead of you.

WA, 1244 posts
28 Feb 2011 9:55PM
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Hey nice work there harleyd !!!

"When sailing land yachts, if all body parts are kept within the confines of the yacht it is almost impossible to hurt yourself no matter how hard you sail the yacht".

That is music to my old ears He he. Us old buggars don't bounce very well!!!

I have made up some velcro leg straps that will hang loose above the ankles, but stop the legs straying outside the body in an upset.

1229 posts
1 Mar 2011 5:38AM
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I have fitted a 25mmX25mm rail of wood on each underside at the rear of my mini seat The elbow goes on the windward axle and the fingers on the rail
and I feel very securely locked in using seatbelt as well

183 posts
1 Mar 2011 7:00AM
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Hey all Thanx for the positive input.....So far I started about a month ago... have 61 us dollars invested.. total time building maybe 15 hours... total time staring at my creation...timeless... if i built when i just stare it would of been done 2 months ago... and yes.. will have a seatbelt .. sail will be modified windsurf.. to start..
also after I get a little time on it , I will upgrade the wheels to those ones mentioned before... I cant find falshaws here? any body know us supplier?
I did see some simillar wheels on a pedal car at the tracter supply store.. so we will see... ok back to work.... more photos to come..

1229 posts
1 Mar 2011 7:23AM
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Just question is that a hole through the box section fork ?
could that be a weak point ?

183 posts
1 Mar 2011 10:41AM
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its called the crumble zone....actually its a mistake.. but hey its 2 grams lighter.. we will see if it is a structural prob... if it is then i guess i will find out.. I could always plug it and weld it shut I guess... But one thing I learned over the years is to intentionally have one mistake because only the gods were perfect and they would look down on you... I think the Egyptians did the same...
ok back to work...

183 posts
1 Mar 2011 10:42AM
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Now i Just have to figure out where to put the cup holder !!!

183 posts
4 Mar 2011 2:28PM
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got a good run on the seat tonight.... looking good maybe get some pics soon.. Oh and picked a gastra 4.9 speed sail today.. will get mastfriday

22 posts
4 Mar 2011 3:03PM
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Where are you getting you supplies? I am new to Norcal and don't know the best places for new or used equipment around here.
By the way where are you going to test your rig when it is finished?

WA, 5921 posts
4 Mar 2011 8:52PM
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I would be putting some full length sides on that seat , because your are going to come out of it at some stage. at least a 4" rail on the sides. the drill hole WILL bend.
welcome aboard the fun express

183 posts
5 Mar 2011 4:20PM
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I will have 4 inch side rail, ACTUALLY ALREADY DO...they also lean out 15 degrees. have most of the base seat done just need to start doing the back rest..does anyone use a head pad or rest? I will get pictures in the am...
Someone asked where i get my supplies? my frame is from a wire fence that I used to drag around my ranch it had the 2 3/8 gal tube... much better use .... otherwise steel from local welding shop.. wood from my cabinet shop, other misc from hardware store.
I think I have $ 89.00 so far... will probably invest in better wheels after my test runs...
ok now where to sail when i get it done... hmmm havent thought of that !!! first things first... but am thinking of Dillon beach, goat rock, nevada somewhere , and some local alfalfa fields.. and a soccer field close by... ill keep u posted..

183 posts
5 Mar 2011 4:22PM
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I will have 4 inch side rail, ACTUALLY ALREADY DO...they also lean out 15 degrees. have most of the base seat done just need to start doing the back rest..does anyone use a head pad or rest? I will get pictures in the am...
Someone asked where i get my supplies? my frame is from a wire fence that I used to drag around my ranch it had the 2 3/8 gal tube... much better use .... otherwise steel from local welding shop.. wood from my cabinet shop, other misc from hardware store.
I think I have $ 89.00 so far... will probably invest in better wheels after my test runs...
ok now where to sail when i get it done... hmmm havent thought of that !!! first things first... but am thinking of Dillon beach, goat rock, nevada somewhere , and some local alfalfa fields.. and a soccer field close by... ill keep u posted..

TAS, 1972 posts
5 Mar 2011 11:59PM
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Head Rests. I would say that is up to the individual and the seat design. Me I have one on Occum's Razor and Not on Schrodinger's Cat.
I think they apply more so to the Laid Back style Seat after all Heads in Helmets get very heavy after a while. As for your seat side rails? Landyacht thinks more of you than me!! Cos he never suggested I do the same.

Looks good to me. Hey! What is it with you YANKs Are you guys Annal Retentive when it comes to your workmanship??? It seems everything I've seen so far looks like it was built in a Factory. Don't you guys just knock up a Roughy for "The Hell Of It"

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
5 Mar 2011 11:29PM
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Hey Ron, leave the poor septic alone. The reason we did not tell you about sides was to strengthen those butt cheeks of yours. Head rests are good for long hauls otherwise you 'toughen up buttercup' and strengthen those neck muscles. [}:)]

183 posts
6 Mar 2011 1:17AM
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well you guys keep me inspired.... as far as us yanks go i dont know but I pretty much dont like building something unless its done right. On another subject, Have any of you guys ever see a teardrop trailer? I built one to match my jeep and plan on building a roof rack to haul the yacht... it might be the best of both worlds.. Ill post some pics later today.. thanx again for all the comments

TAS, 1972 posts
6 Mar 2011 9:30AM
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I would like to see pic's as terms vary from Country to Country let alone interstate.
Listening to some of those guys from Down South USA, I would have thought they speak some sort of Alain Pigeon English. Damn they are hard to get a Handle on.
As for side Rails, well the Cat was first off the line and I guess I was just too excited to get it out and going not thinking I would get Hooked so quickly. Now understanding the forces involved I will fit some before much longer.

Why do I need to toughen up my Butt Cheeks TP??? I have had myself in positions where by I have all but bitten chunks out of my Car Seat. Who needs a Seat Belt

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
6 Mar 2011 1:02PM
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At last! we are thinking along the same lines!

TAS, 1972 posts
6 Mar 2011 10:40PM
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Just ignore him. He is no Gentleman, just Desert Dweller from the West Country

QLD, 12337 posts
7 Mar 2011 3:20AM
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Best you don't listen to either of those two blokes.

One of them is from Tasmania and all Taswegians reckon they are better than any other Australians because two heads are better than one and six fingers are better than five because you can reserve one for nose picking only.

The other one is from Western Australia and Westralians reckon the rest of Australia is just the eastern suburbs because they don't realise they have sun stroke from living in a desert.

Besides which they are both burnt out geriatrics anyway. (I think I am going to be paying for this one.)

If you were to visit Queensland (Life is Great in the Sunshine State, every heart beats true to the time.), you would find we have the best landsailing beaches in the country, the best climate in the world, the friendliest people, the best beer, the best looking women; the list just goes on and on.

There is a down side though. We get cyclones and it is where Bundaberg Rum comes from. Yuck. Give me Mount Gay any day.

TAS, 1972 posts
7 Mar 2011 10:16AM
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Mt Gay!! Forsooth! God Almighty! Mt Gay! Now don't that Tell It All??
Out of the Mouths of Babes and Sucklings!

Qld, Now, Harley, Old Buddy, Mate. If you take notice to Cisco then you had best ort to be sure to Carry some Scuba Gear with you and decrease your sail area massively as they Sail under water (Shoot now there is a thought) It seems that Q'ld(Queensland)(Once again Queens is the operative bit) Boy Cisco did you ever ask for this? The Bit about Friendly didn't help much either.
I will Also Tell you that the Two Headed Bit isn't true and I have the Scar to prove it. I am Ambidextrous for I have Ten Fingers and two normal Thumbs, unlike some Qlders I can think of that have extended Thumbs to get around with them Firmly Em-planted-------Ah! --------You know where.

I if you would like Harley I can inform you a Little More about us Aussies, For instance SA (South Australian) That is where The Crows/Ravens Fly Backwards to keep the Sand out of there Eyes but no one has said that after a short time they become Tail heavy and tend to Crash Butt first[}:)]
I had best stop this now before we finish with a National Civil War and you guys definitely know what they are all about.

183 posts
9 Mar 2011 9:36AM
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ok finally got the camera out.. its not finnished but gettin close

183 posts
9 Mar 2011 9:39AM
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the Jeep and the teardrop trailer will be the chase vehicle...!! when I get tired , I will open up a frosty and climb in and take a snoooooze... built the trailer bout 2 years ago... was on the bucket list along with the land sailor.... Cheers !!!!!

TAS, 1972 posts
9 Mar 2011 2:33PM
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Suweet! Looks mighty Fine. Those Winged Sides do look good but be sure your head isn't going to strike them if something goes wrong. They do look good but are they safe?? Paint her up in appropriate colors and Giver her a good Name. They are like women- never happy with one dress and always looking for something better to suit the occasion[}:)]. Occum's Razor sounds Manly but is definitely femail-- Always trying to Emasculate and looking for another Suit of Sails.
Tear Drop Caravan. That is much like one that was for sale down at the corner a month or 2 back. Has yours got a Trunk/Boot in the rear for your sporting gear or tool etc??

BOY! You are going to get SO HOOKED!!! I just can not wait to go out the next time and though I might be totally Knackered I hate getting out of my beast but common sense says "Go Home Before You Crash!"


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"new sailor in Northern California." started by harleyd