Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

new sailor in Northern California.

Created by harleyd > 9 months ago, 25 Feb 2011
WA, 5921 posts
12 Mar 2011 7:08PM
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LBC BUGEYE said...

Ilike this style of buckle because it is easier to operate than automotive style pushbutton buckles. They clip on and off the yacht hardpoints so you can remove or change position. ( 10 dollars U.S. on ebay)

keep an eye and some light lube on the hook catches on the ends. the corrode very easily, and the spring mechanism dies, then they they dont close properly, and when twisted on an eye can simply unhook, although the one shown appears to have a modification to stop that problem

TAS, 1972 posts
13 Mar 2011 12:18PM
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At this Juncture (Goddamn! What is happening to me? Fancy Words) I must Interject.

Paul, you seem to have a fetish for Corrosion (Strange Person[}:)]) As people that put Life and Limb on the line for enjoyment and entertainment we should always keep SAFETY and MAINTENANCE that is S-A-F-E-T-Y and M-A-I-N-T-E-N-A-N-C-E in mind. It is good practice when operating in a highly corrosive atmosphere to Wash Down your gear when you get home. I always check the Bearings and wipe the wheels down and give them a good light spray with INOX, Ok! Then WD40 for those that don't know INOX. Same for any mechanical parts

An Gram of Prevention is Better than a Kilo of Cure any time.

22 posts
13 Mar 2011 4:21PM
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On the subject of corrosion, I think your sailing venues in OZ ( beaches and salt flats) are harder on your yachts then most of the lake beds in the western United States. Most of the playas can be highly akaline but I haven't seen much corrosion on any of my recreational equipment. Most of my desert toys lasted 10 to 20 years or got bent before I had any trouble with corrosion.

183 posts
13 Mar 2011 6:07PM
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what a night, everything is welded , cleaned up welds, clear coated the metal, 3 coats ,got the steering all finished, pedal riveted to frame,got the backrest sorted out, actually stuck its first sail on it tonight, now I have to figure out for re cutting
and the boom and rigging. Current sail has camber at base of battens. not sure if they should go or not....any way pics maybe tommarow . and gotta get he seat more comfy for this old man.. im out

QLD, 12337 posts
13 Mar 2011 10:20PM
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Nikrum said...
I always check the Bearings and wipe the wheels down and give them a good light spray with INOX, Ok! Then WD40 for those that don't know INOX.

INOX is great, LANOX is even better. Got lanoline in it. Penetrene is also very good as is Yield from Chemsearch but fairly expensive. Good if you can knock it off from work.

WD40, RP7 etc are mainly kerosene in a pressure pack.

TAS, 1972 posts
13 Mar 2011 11:45PM
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OK! CISCO. When did you become a Chemist?? RX??

183 posts
14 Mar 2011 2:20AM
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probably has really soft hands ,,, lanolin and all.. some mornings i wish i could spray wd 40 on my creaky joints

TAS, 1972 posts
14 Mar 2011 10:18AM
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Bloody Hell! What it is it with this sport??? It seems that most of us are Creaky Old Farts,---------COF's Hm (Cough's)! That goes with our age group too
Here I am thinking I would be able to mix in with a bunch of young folk and hopefully confuse Beelzebub and he would walk away or have to run like Hell to catch up with me.


183 posts
15 Mar 2011 10:20AM
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where is page 2

TAS, 1972 posts
15 Mar 2011 1:43PM
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I think it was you who asked about Land Yachting Venues up your way.. This is an extract from a recent purchase..


183 posts
15 Mar 2011 1:37PM
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that great... thanx for the info.. There are some places I didnt know about...
my next step is the sail and rigging. Ok ??? My windsurf sail has camber battens with a large pocket. So from what i seen so far is basically redo the mast sleeve with less bend... and then cut parellel to the line of the seat? ?? How much room from head to boom?
when you lie in the yacht should your head be short of the top of the seat,clearance for the lines to the boom? this will save me alot of research...ANd Bugeye I am going to take you up on the seatbelt.. thank you..Ill call and come by sometime soon..then anytime you want you are welcome to take the yacht for a spin..
out for now

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
15 Mar 2011 4:31PM
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No your head will usually be above the seat back(unless you are really short) and your boom should not come below head height unless either you are really tall or your mast is too short for your sail(or you want to go really really fast)

TAS, 1972 posts
15 Mar 2011 7:56PM
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Ok Harley,
Once again this is one of those questions that depends on a lot of things. One being how tall you are, say compared to the next user in line for your beast also look at the Boom Length. As long as Seat doesn't interfere with the logical Lower Block fastening point. So if you are the Tallest operator then I would say Allow 3" or 4" past the Contact point of your Scon/Scone/Head, that should be plenty for a Head Cushion if you need one. But then again are you laying Supine or Sitting if sitting the head doesn't need a Rest if Supine then your neck is going to get awful tired after a couple of hours.

Re Sail Cut. One would assume that you have read about this subject amongst the Tome of writings in this forum. Somewhere you should have seen a Table of Sail Curve measurements by Paul Day, the designer. Stick to them and you will not be far wrong, though there are a few other considerations being recommended for Carbon Fiber Wind Surfer Masts. This is the Home Site for one set of Mast Sail Curves.
Hopefully some kind sole who remembers the actual Page this info was posted on will add the info to your page.
Sail Foot Angle, when you lay out the mast angle then sight a line that would Parallel your body line then take the Foot Angle up several inches so that when you Haul your Sheet in tight you still have about 3" clear of your HELMETED Head though mostly the Boom lies to the Down Wind anyway. Least ways that is what I did and have noticed, needles to say I haven't been busted in the ear by the Mast


Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
15 Mar 2011 5:48PM
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Nikrum said...

1.Re Sail Cut. 2.needles to say I haven't been busted in the ear by the Mast


1 The heading of "How I recut windsurfer sails" or something like that.
2 What have 'needles' to say? and I did not think you were tall enough to be busted in the ear by the 'Mast' assuming you were wearing your helmet
Unless of course you were standing up[}:)]

TAS, 1972 posts
15 Mar 2011 8:54PM
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GOD ALMIGHTY!!!!!!!!!! You are a Pedantic Nit Picker!!!!
BOOM Then.. Happy Now???

I have on a couple of occasions had a Mast lay down near me.
Yes check I did mention them after the fact.


183 posts
17 Mar 2011 10:27AM
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ok pictures for you guys.. bet its like playboy,, forget the reading the pics are what we are waiting for...
Hey bugeye>>>> Did you pass the test?

the bomber did a low fly by on my barn.......

22 posts
17 Mar 2011 12:00PM
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The seat belt is yours along with anything I have in my parts stash that you could use. I would really like to see if we could get a small group of landsailing enthusiasts together in the area. I will send you an email with my contact info today.

WA, 5921 posts
17 Mar 2011 9:22PM
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harleyd said...

the bomber did a low fly by on my barn.......

as they do

183 posts
18 Mar 2011 11:51AM
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183 posts
24 Mar 2011 9:30AM
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hey all ,
some pics of the little progress... any body have any input on line and pulley sizes?
in my pics you can see im tearing into the sail , removing the sleeve.. and pretty much have seat well under way. have to add some side rails to the angled part.. but the lumbar support thas in there now comes off when you remove the seat back.. other pics of my pedals.. Im just throwing em out there for all to see.. if your anything like me .. i like the pictures the best .. not that the conversation is bad cuz its not i just like lookin and seeing people results.......cheers to land yacht for such a fine boat.. still thinkin of some names.. suggestions.. also thinkink of painteing the sides a teal blue.. have some left over from a job.. ok nuff for now..

1229 posts
24 Mar 2011 10:59AM
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Holey Moley?
Re the sheet rope and blocks If you go for a combination of small at the mast and large at the clew end 6mm and 25mm dia block size at the mast and 10 or 12 mm 50 or 60 mm dia block size at the clew would be good
Make sure the large size sheet rope is soft and pliable not only is it easy on the hands but makes a big difference to the friction on the system and so needs less effort to sheet in and dump wind when you are lifting a wheel
Like most things in life you get what you pay for

WA, 5921 posts
24 Mar 2011 7:59PM
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I have 12mm rope on all my yachts, I went down to a 10mm once but on a big sail , on a cold day it cut off the circulation and I had problems for almost ayear with that finger , until the day i stuck it into the blades of a lawnmower, kinda sorted that problem
a 60mm sheave is probably too big , but if you dont have a bearing pulley , possibly better. im using a 40mm sheave with a bearing . they are great, maybe a ratchet block at the end , but not neccesary on a mini

1 posts
24 Mar 2011 9:56PM
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Hi Y'all .
I'm just a lurker , and I don't have anything to contribute here , but I wanted to comment on that lovely blue beast of a band saw , in one of harleyd's photos .

A Yates Y-36 , if my sense of proportion is right
I belong to another forum , where mere ownership of that machine would convey celebrity status .

OK folks , back to your regular programming ..............

Tom , in Florida

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
24 Mar 2011 11:54PM
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you can belong to this forum too

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
25 Mar 2011 12:01AM
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harleyd said...

hey all ,
.. still thinkin of some names.. suggestions.. also thinkink of painteing the sides a teal blue.. have some left over from a job.. ok nuff for now..

Well as to a name. The colour would suggest something to do with ducks(teal a type of duck). So, as you are likely to tip over at some stage, a good name would have to be "Quack Up" [}:)]

183 posts
25 Mar 2011 5:30AM
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to the lurker !!! ya my band saw practically does give me celeb status !!!! one day I was driving thru town and saw the top of it over some parked trucks. I knew it had to be a band saw so i stopped, The owner just got all the woodworking tools from the school district. So I asked how much? he said he was thinking maybe 4 ? Im wondering? thousand or hundred.. at 4 thousand its a good buy.. so he says nooo
400.00 .. SOLD.. went and got my trailer when he forked it on it literally blew the tires off the rim. Sh..t so i go rent a big truck with lift gate. it wont lift it so we used the fork and the lift gate and raised it and strapped it on the back of the truck.. it wouldnt fit inside.. the guys say whatif it falls off when im driving? my comment for 400 bucks Im gonna keep driving !! any way turns out the saw was used during ww2 on Mare island ... three years ago i moved my shop 7 miles down the road. I drove with the forklift took 2.5 hrs when i got to the new shop i raised it to get it in and it blew a tire off the fork lift... that sucker is heavy, takes about 40 seconds after start to get to speed but ive cut 24 " logs in seconds..
it is one of my pride and joys, next to my Swiss made Streibig panel saw.. '
Thanx all for your input.. today its raining like stink and winds are gusting to 65mph.
hope the roof stays on the barn... out for now

183 posts
25 Mar 2011 5:32AM
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Oh one more, the blade is 19' 8" long on my saw....

TAS, 1972 posts
25 Mar 2011 10:01AM
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Hells Bells!! I knew you Yanks are Off you Bleedin' Rockers. What the Hell do you need a Saw that size for??? many years ago I saw one in use in a Mill up the North Coast of NSW. If I remember correctly it had 2 or 3 Bands, didn't take a lot of notice as I was busy taking the the place apart at the time.

For your Mini; How's about "The Busted Duck"?

183 posts
26 Mar 2011 2:17AM
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Just got HIKO"S pun...
Holey Moley................ I dont care what anybody says but thats funnnnnnny!!!!
I just thought he was responding.

183 posts
26 Mar 2011 2:17AM
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Just got HIKO"S pun...
Holey Moley................ I dont care what anybody says but thats funnnnnnny!!!!
I just thought he was responding.


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"new sailor in Northern California." started by harleyd