Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

promo yacht plans (english please)

Created by Windcrazy > 9 months ago, 4 Oct 2012
89 posts
4 Oct 2012 5:24AM
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Was wondering if anyone out there has a set of plans for a promo yacht? I'm
thinking about building one as I have a real good welder that is very inexspensive
(cheap) and does a really good job. I have wheels, azusa tristar 6" alum.
So if anyone has some plans, that would be fantastic. I'm located in longview Wa.
right next to the columbia river. We trek to ivanpah dry lake twice a year for 5 to
7 days of sailing. Been usung other peoples yachts, mostly sirocco sprints and
twins. Thanks

SA, 956 posts
4 Oct 2012 12:02PM
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gidday there windcrazy welcome, {english please] hell mate you have made it hard for you and yourself, basically we only speak australian here mainly with poor spelling.....there thats sorted Now about plans, a lot of us just do our own thing and nut it out as we go. Some people have really done some intence work on many and have written up many plans that are freely available in te forums, maybe click on the blue bars at top of forums, so look, then look again and maybe a third time you will find all that you would ever want to know. Post many photos and someone will tell you if you are reinventing the wheel.
cheers best of luck, the rest of your life starts now !!

TAS, 1972 posts
4 Oct 2012 9:25PM
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Exactly GJ and IF WC is a true Yank (WC?.... I like it) he will turn out to be Anal like Desert Yank and Sabydent[}:)]. By the way WC I am the self appointed "Insulter" and "Regulator" that is Regulation by Insult
Welcome to the Forum, like was said earlier you will fit in as we are all as "Tight as Fish's Ass's"..............."Water Tight".

SA, 2865 posts
4 Oct 2012 9:56PM
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Here are some links to the Class5 Promo.....
You might already have these but for others reading the thread it might explain things. As you would already know the 'Promo' class is quite strict. and click on 'Class5 Promo'

Here is all the pics / plans I have, yes some are in French but Google translate works well.


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"promo yacht plans (english please)" started by Windcrazy