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A druids beard!!!!

Created by Chook2 > 9 months ago, 28 Apr 2013
WA, 1249 posts
19 Jun 2013 9:16PM
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2014 WOW!!!

Every things packed.
I'll leave at around 8.00am in the morning and give you a ring when I have a venue update.

ESCLSC membersare falling away like flies here. 5 confirmed and one more possible. (Can't raise him, could have already left, as he was going gold prospecting around Norseman.)

The Norseman Doctor (brother in law) hopes to come out for a spin as well. I've packed a yacht for him, so 6.

"Wedgetail" is lost, 200 kms too far south and turned up at Pink Lake this arvo.

We had a coffee and a good yarn. He's there Saturday morning.

Hey Bryan!!!! Can I be a pain and get you to bring your "shadow" as Alan has a young bloke that would love a ride please.

Catch you guys there, Chook

WA, 5921 posts
20 Jun 2013 6:33PM
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ben boulder was glassing his speed pod today, so maybe 2 yachts from him
glad you had some friendly assistance whilst scoping out the venue today chook, weathers looking great

WA, 5921 posts
23 Jun 2013 8:04PM
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fascinating weekend!!!!heres our versionlil stig and I are 30 Kms out of norseman when we get a text announcing that the fun police have kicked the Esperance SCLSC boys off the airfield ,so they were on their way to lefroy. so we turn around and head back to the lake looking for a scrap of salt to accomodate.
as we hit the lake it was almost still with the wind kicking in as we drove further out onto the ponds. at the very last pond we found a sliver of damp salt . by the time the lads arrived it was enough to play on but we all ended looking like this

this young fella was on his first trip to the salt

chook copped so much salt he shrunk away to nothing
after a great camp overnight with a mountain of cracking good firewood courtesy of George and chooks paddock we woke to a cold northerly which had trickled all night and was now determined to blow all the water off the ponds. our pond was now 100% dry and smooth, and the wind was picking up.
the boys and girls went hammer and tong all day

wedgetail was adding sme grooves to his yacht to match the cherriuex dings and the junior training scheme was well underway

we finished with a line up of happy chappies in salty crusty nappies

awesome weekend gang, thanks so much

SA, 956 posts
24 Jun 2013 6:54AM
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and the rest of the world ?....... is green with envy!

WA, 1660 posts
24 Jun 2013 8:47AM
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Glad to see you guys had a great time,may be I can get there next time. I see your wheels found a new home Paul. and lastly the cake comp?.

WA, 1249 posts
24 Jun 2013 6:43PM
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Wasn't too encouraging in Esperance when I left Thursday morning for a recce.

It rained all the way to Salmon Gums 120 kms north of Esperance.

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aus230 said..

and lastly the cake comp?.

I left early and bought a cake at the local bakery Vic, I'd eaten it before the crew turned up Friday!!!!!

I had a great sail in Norseman Thursday after lunch in an 8 to 10 knot wind, after a chat and a ride back to my car, with the "locals".

Scott and Mick arrived Friday but forgot to bring the wind. I built my ornithopter while I was waiting for something to happen.

Allan, his wife and 2 boys arrived after sightseeing around Norseman, due to the lack of wind and had a social drink with us, as Scotty piped the sun to bed.

We got a bit of a sail Saturday morning in Norseman, in a great north wind and fantastic conditions, before heading for Lake Lefroy.

Thank you to the "Froy team", for your hospitality and turning up the temp a few degrees more than the minus .3C overnight in Norseman.
It was a fantastic sail and great to see everyone again. It was also a great test on the welding ability of my students. (I only took 4 Ag College student built yachts with me and "Test Pilot 1" sailed one and gave them the tick of approval).

Catch you guys in September, Chook

WA, 5921 posts
24 Jun 2013 8:30PM
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we had a few hiccups with our first cake comp. mainly from our lovely partners tell us to go bake it ourselves
plan b is to have the comp for September as we now have the basis of an amazing trophy.
rules of the comp will be 1. present a cake on saturday evening for judging.
2. if you wish to be a judge, simply place a small donation in the tin ,get your score sheet , taste and score
highest score wins the inaugural trophy for a year
for those you dont get the rules, we dont care where or how the cake came to be ,but it needs to be a cake that we can share


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing   Events & Competitions

"A druids beard!!!!" started by Chook2