Forums > Land Yacht Sailing   Events & Competitions

Australian National Titles

Created by blizzard > 9 months ago, 1 Feb 2013
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3 posts
1 Feb 2013 5:10PM
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The Australian Land Yachting Federation has put the nomination form up on the web
site under national titles any inquires may
be made through the web site

WA, 1659 posts
1 Feb 2013 7:52PM
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What does this mean(on part of nomination form)

Land yachts may be required to display advertising chosen and supplied by the organizing

SA, 2865 posts
1 Feb 2013 10:24PM
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May we remind you of some of the previous postings on this forum as well as on your site........ What and you NOW want to use Seabreeze to promote your organisation?
You viciously try and cause problems amongst the Land Sailing community and now you want to poach seabreeze members, what a LOW act......

GO AWAY !!!!!!

SA, 2865 posts
3 Feb 2013 9:19AM
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aus230 said...
What does this mean(on part of nomination form)

Land yachts may be required to display advertising chosen and supplied by the organizing

Let me explain it..... competitors pay $80-$100 to enter the championship which then gives the organisers the right to use YOUR sails to put the sponsors logo on.....

They then take a few pics and send them off to the sponsor to prove 'what good people are we' this makes the sponsor happy and gives legitimacy to the product donations.

And why use a winery as a sponsor....... well....... someone needs to come up with the tipple for a few guys sitting on the edge of an isolated salt lake on a long weekend.

Simple actually

(IMHO a sneaky cunning stunt...... poor form for a National group private buisness )

97 posts
3 Feb 2013 9:48AM
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Gizmo said...
aus230 said...
What does this mean(on part of nomination form)

Land yachts may be required to display advertising chosen and supplied by the organizing

Let me explain it..... competitors pay $80-$100 to enter the championship which then gives the organisers the right to use YOUR sails to put the sponsors logo on.....

They then take a few pics and send them off to the sponsor to prove 'what good people are we' this makes the sponsor happy and gives legitimacy to the product donations.

And why use a winery as a sponsor....... well....... someone needs to come up with the tipple for a few guys sitting on the edge of an isolated salt lake on a long weekend.

Simple actually

(IMHO a sneaky cunning stunt...... poor form for a National group private buisness )

At least they are trying to get some thing going ,and what right do you have to tell people to GO AWAY ,or is seabreeze now the gizmo forum

VIC, 1066 posts
3 Feb 2013 1:13PM
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In the interests of this forums spirit, I'll ask that we not have a go at or criticize other members or their posts. Constructive criticism is as far as it should go.

Saying that, for a person or group to advertise on a forum they have consistently boycotted and publicly deplored, is a bit rich. I personally wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't much positivity or interest in this thread.

Catch you later

WA, 6277 posts
3 Feb 2013 3:38PM
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Let's keep it civil gents,

Play the ball not the man please

WA, 6277 posts
3 Feb 2013 3:41PM
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Just on the topic of advertising on sails, I take part in the Lancelin Ocean Classic, when you register you are given two stickers which you are required to put on your sail.

It's no big deal, in fact it makes me feel like a pro with sponsors stickers on my sail

11 posts
3 Feb 2013 7:28PM
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I'm tears here , what somebody put up a simple post , and we have to endure this , where's a bucket
Or do I need a square mouth , to move all the ?
Much the state of land sailing in aus, a bunch of nothing's that do nothing except bag any body that may do something

SA, 1622 posts
4 Feb 2013 8:44AM
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Ok I can see this isn't going to stop. We'll leave the thread up so that if anyone wants to contact ALF or attend their comp, they know how to but I'm going to lock it before it degenerates further.

Please direct any questions or comments about ALF or their nationals directly to them on the link they have kindly supplied.

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Forums > Land Yacht Sailing   Events & Competitions

"Australian National Titles" started by blizzard