Forums > Land Yacht Sailing   Events & Competitions

Demuysere Cup , 25 + 26 Aug , De Panne , Belgium

Created by DEMUYSERE > 9 months ago, 28 Aug 2012
2 posts
28 Aug 2012 11:52PM
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Great pictures are online now :

WA, 5921 posts
29 Aug 2012 10:47PM
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welcome to the forum Yann, you can post your pics straight into the post you are putting up by clicking on the options below"add an image to my message"or"show my uploaded images"
cheers Paul

VIC, 1066 posts
9 Sep 2012 2:27AM
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I got a few quick pics and there was plently of breeze to get class 5, promo, Standarts and 3's up and moving swiftly

Big thanks to those who said g'day and showed us what was what too!

WA, 5921 posts
10 Sep 2012 11:06PM
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did you have a sail lachy

VIC, 1066 posts
11 Sep 2012 7:14AM
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Unfortunately no, it was decided that it was too windy. I wouldn't have risked my yachts or someones safety, either if I didn't know how well they could sail in the conditions.

This said, it looked like perfect conditions to me! I've sailed worse/better

I had a good time taking images and video, as well as checking out the yachts in the clubs yard. Big thanks to those who introduced and showed us around, as well as those who said g'day.

2 posts
21 Sep 2012 11:48PM
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Dear Paul, Yes this is a nice site here, I am strolling around here since about 1.5 years put I will put some posts from now on. Regards from Yann


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing   Events & Competitions

"Demuysere Cup , 25 + 26 Aug , De Panne , Belgium" started by DEMUYSERE