Forums > Land Yacht Sailing   Events & Competitions

Lake Lefroy Marathon Weekend.sept 28,29,30

Created by landyacht > 9 months ago, 4 Jun 2013
SA, 956 posts
1 Oct 2013 10:50PM
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seems like a great time was had by all.....great stuff

WA, 1659 posts
3 Oct 2013 5:35PM
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Thanks for a great weekend everyone
There where 23 yachts competing in the 5.6 mini class with pilots from as far away as Victoria competing. The class5 yacht's where down on numbers(8 yachts) due to circumstances out of everyone's control. Paul will put up the details of the event as soon as he gets things under control .

I finally got to sail the class3 and was very happy the way everything went(the winds were very light) If anyone has any pic's of the event please post them.

WA, 1244 posts
5 Oct 2013 2:15PM
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Gotta be some more photos out there guys.

My camera was still safely on the bench where I had left it, when I arrived back home.

WA, 700 posts
5 Oct 2013 9:08PM
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Official photographer needs to be appointed next year!

WA, 101 posts
5 Oct 2013 9:44PM
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Sorry baz, i would have gotten some great action shots if i had more time to mount the camera on the mini and we had to bail before the cl5 races on Sunday.I hope to get some good photos/footage this season at Walyungup.
Landyacht i think the gps readout was bogus, when i got home the active track contained parts of the Great Eastern highway my bad, i did'nt think i was travelling that fast. I can't lie though, it would have been nice

WA, 261 posts
6 Oct 2013 7:58PM
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WA, 1244 posts
7 Oct 2013 9:12PM
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How good did this princess look??? A credit to you Vic. She just whistled gently as she passed.

Barry all salted up.

I had to wet my shirt to get the buttons undone.

Here is the gentleman who took these photos. Greg is no slouch in a land yacht. Finished 5th in his first ever race.

WA, 1244 posts
7 Oct 2013 9:26PM
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Best I could manage in my new mini was this.

You have to click the bottom of the timing chart box and change from "time h.m.s." to "distance Km" to see the speed graph.
Also change the "map" box to "satellite" in the map section to see where we are on google earth and zoom out.
It's my maiden voyage in "Fowl Play" The red finish balloon was a crash. I had relaxed before I had finished sailing and got slapped big time down wind.

WA, 5921 posts
8 Oct 2013 7:40PM
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thats a pretty impressive top speed for its first sail

Andy B
WA, 130 posts
10 Oct 2013 5:52PM
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Gee whizz Vic, thought of getting a second job as Santa.

Andy B
WA, 130 posts
10 Oct 2013 6:00PM
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Might have to put some dung in those boots of yours Paul if you want to reach the seat and peddles, thanks for a great weekends sailing mate we look forward in reciprocating at the W.A titles.

WA, 1659 posts
11 Oct 2013 8:16PM
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aus230 went pretty good this year

WA, 5921 posts
12 Oct 2013 9:16PM
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Lake Lefroy Marathon Weekend.
Landyachts ???official report.
Thursday day -2.
The early arrivals were headed by Chook Henderson and myself getting to the lake before lunch. The lake was officially amazing with only small patches of water to be seen on the first pond. This water was to dry over the weekend and transfer to a coating over the yachts and pilots. The Green team arrived from Esperance in the early afternoon with some newer sails , and the priority was getting on the lake and sail
Wind was a nice howling 20knt which upped to 28 westerly which wasn???t as bad as the wind the day before.That was your basic sandstorm.
The few of us that were on the lake basically set up yachts and camps and then adjourned for some medicinal bevies. Poor chook was suffering from the dreaded manflue, but it wasn???t enough to stop him heading out in ???Fowl Play??? and cracking a probable PB in a mini, then proceeding to crack a perfect backflip with additional pirouette.. The evening saw more campers pulling in with the Bridgetown team arriving in time for a beer before bed. It was notable that the number of blokarts was already well up on last year.
Friday day-1. More and more vehicles and trailers arriving . Vics Class 3 looking AWESOME.
Winds fairly light all day but the blowies were out practicing in the light stuff to get into the groove .
Fowl Play was performing exceptionally well with a lovely uncut ,cammed 6.9m windsurfer sail.
New Esperance mini sailor Greg arrived ,having never seen the lake ,and took to his mini like a glove.
Saturday day 1
Forecast was rather sad, so we set up a simple course on the first pond . The minis started the day with their 6 race series for the Kambalda west Trophy.
Due to lack of scorers I sat out and scored , but was rewarded to see Fowl Play become the mini of the Day. it scorched. Andy B was also flying after spending much of the previous day in meticulous preparation. He did have a title to defend after all .
Our only interstate competitor , Brenton Emmanuel ,from Melbourne, with an unusual accent, very rapidly got the hang of the smooth salt and brine blast to get in a few wins.
Final results for the series were:
1st Brenton Emmanuel
2nd Andy Bates.
3rd Vic Bermingham
4th Wil Cuperus
5th Chook Henderson
6th Todd Heron
7th Mark Fauntleroy/Joe Jurjevich
8th Brian Ashby
9th Barry Pulford
10th John Heron
11th Greg Smallman
12thGarth Plant/Ken Weir
13th George Greaves
14th Bryan Cook
15th Bruce Woods
16th Mick Green
17th Ben Ashby
18th Wayne Thomas
19th Charlotte Day/Ron Fauntleroy
Congratulations to all who competed. There was plenty of dad and offspring competition happening throughout the day. I would ask that next year that all competitors get their act together regarding sail numbers. It made it rather tricky as people changed sails, numbers fell off etc.
Perhaps make sure you bring a roll of cloth tape just in case ,as none of my 3 rolls came back.
The final results were affected by the missing of some start cones in the first 2 races. The resulting DSQ???s made a huge difference to the final results.
With wind and light fading , and the Dockers having a cry , we decided that we???d had enough for today and everybody adjourned to the camp for cleaning and preparing the cakes.
A huge thanks at this stage to George Greaves who popped off and brought back a load of really nice logs. Chooks mallee roots had all but run out so the timing was perfect.
The First Lake Lefroy Cake race was a stunner of an effort. A new trophy has been commissioned.
The Table and Teapot trophy for best cake on the lake
8 glorious entries, all of them a different taste sensation.
Judging was by popular vote with a vague rule of 1 hand =1vote .
Results were
1st Gibber Joes Australia Post special 17 votes
2nd Colleens Awesome cheesecake/Lollycake Landyacht crash 12 votes each
3rd Charlottes Bay of Travisty Landyacht crash 9 votes
4th Frans Classic Landyacht sponge 8 votes
5th Georges Pinapple Capsize cake 6 votes
6th paul Hot chocolate/custard spill 4 votes
7Th Waynes Tin Of Terror 0 votes
Due to the fragility of the trophy, ,The trophy will be held in trust for Gibberjoe by Colleen until next years rematch

The BQQ after the day before we arrived. would have been interesting
Vics AWESOME class 3 kissing the salt

Chooks new secret weapon

The entries for the cake off

WA, 5921 posts
13 Oct 2013 9:02PM
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Thought Id get in a few more pics between reports. heres vic about to sail

And Frans tasty effort. thanks Fran

chook just couldnt help himself

Vic and I get a bit close for the first 4 laps before vic gets his groove on

WA, 1659 posts
27 Oct 2013 11:39PM
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Have we the results for Sunday's racing. I have had a couple of emails asking how it went. Looking forward to the next event at Lefroy.

WA, 5921 posts
31 Oct 2013 9:50PM
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Sorry Vic , our computer is a tad touchy on the keypad at the moment , so I keep stuffing it up, that and being totally shagged after work , but I will make an effort this weekend as missy is about to fly out again

WA, 1659 posts
31 Oct 2013 10:51PM
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I know the feeling

WA, 5921 posts
4 Nov 2013 9:16PM
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bad news Vic and others , at this point in time I have misplaced the score sheets for the 2 marathons
sorry , but my filing system relies upon other people not touching stuff and this has failed . i still have 1 or 2 places to look
but im not hopeful. finaally got the time to type it up too

SA, 956 posts
5 Nov 2013 9:07AM
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did you set up the election missing ballot papers too?

WA, 5921 posts
10 Nov 2013 8:02PM
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At the clubhouse today I was cleaning up and found a black drainhose with camlock fasteners hanging from a tree where Andy B was camped.
anybody lost one?

WA, 121 posts
10 Nov 2013 9:54PM
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Was loading up the ute ready to head out to the lake today and checking my phone I see a message '' urgent, very urgent. give me a call''. Turns out someone had left Kal and drove to the lake without their rear wheels for their LANDYACHT! Guess who!

WA, 1659 posts
16 Nov 2013 11:22PM
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Just an update of places for Sundays racing. The Lightning marathon was run for class5 and the Andy Bates marathon was run for the minis (5.6). Due to a late start the Dee perpetual event was not run on Sunday. The race was to be run on the Monday but due to lousy weather it was cancelled.

Lightning Nickel Marathon
1st Vic Bermingham
2nd Paul Day
3rd Graham Johnson

Andy Bates Marathon.
1st Andy Bates
2nd Chook Henderson
3rd Barry Pullford

WA, 5921 posts
18 Nov 2013 9:13PM
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sorry for not getting this stuff up ,with the pics a s well , right now Im having a quick flick through,before the computer gets packed away again and Im offline for a whole week


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing   Events & Competitions

"Lake Lefroy Marathon Weekend.sept 28,29,30" started by landyacht