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Sandgropers Lake Walyungup events 2012-2013

Created by aus230 > 9 months ago, 30 Oct 2012
WA, 1659 posts
30 Oct 2012 11:35PM
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Looks like a great year coming up for the WA. Apart from the normal program, we will have the state competition in January. Hopefully some of us can get to Chooks event at Esperence in March and then there is our yearly trip to Lefroy in September

Program for 2012-2013.

Sandgropers Land Yacht Club (Inc)
Sailing / Event Calendar 2012/2013

Dec 16 Busy bee 10am BYO BBQ lunch for 1pm
Dec 23 Public/disabled day
Dec 30 Club 88, handicap

Jan 6 ?Class 5, scratch. Club Championship
Jan 13? Club 88, handicap
Jan 20 ?Class 5, scratch
Jan 26/27 WA Titles Regatta + blokarts

Feb 3 Class 5, scratch. Club Championship
Feb 10 ?Club 88, handicap
Feb16??Public/disabled day
Feb 17?Class 5 scratch
Feb 24?Club 88, handicap Sandgropers Memorial Trophy

Mar 3 ?Long weekend Public/disabled day or country event?
Mar 10?Class 5, scratch. Club Championship
Mar 17 Club 88, handicap
Mar 24?Class 5, scratch
Mar 29-31 Easter regatta/disabled/public open day

Apr 7? ?Club 88 handicap
Apr 14 Class 5, scratch Club Championship
Apr 21 ?Club 88, Handicap
Apr 28??Class 5, scratch

Jun 9 ?AGM, Presentation of trophies

Sep 28-30 Long Weekend Lake Lefroy

On days marked as Club Championship, scores count for the Club Champion trophy,
All other days, scores count for the Consistency trophy. Club 88 handicap results will be extracted from all consistency days.

WA, 1659 posts
17 Dec 2012 5:19PM
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The season started of with a great day, Most of the club turned up for the busy bee and all got stuck in and did a great job. This was followed by a Barby and we met some new members.The Perth Blokart joined in the clean up which was a great help.
In the after noon we had a social sail for those who brought there yachts along all in all it was a great day.

WA, 700 posts
31 Dec 2012 2:59PM
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Well, the wind made the first race day interesting. North west to west at 12 knots for a start, then becoming patchy later on to make it hard to pick.

Didn't matter of course, we all had fun

WA, 1659 posts
7 Jan 2013 5:03PM
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Sun 6th January.

Sunday was the first class5 championship day, We where a bit worried about the wind forecast but the wind remained steady for the first five races but died of towards the end of race six with a lot of us struggling to get to the finish line. The last two races were called off due to lack of wind.


Equal first
Graeme c aus20
Ronnie aus55

Second place
vic aus230

Ewen aus199

Barry Ronnie



WA, 700 posts
13 Jan 2013 10:28PM
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Great day sailing on the easterly today. Tricky wind changes from nor' east to south east at 10 knots down to about three at times.

WA, 1659 posts
21 Jan 2013 7:50PM
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Class5 Scratch 20-01-2013

We had a great days racing, we had a steady light wind all after noon which allowed all eight races to be completed. We had a Barby and a few tinnies to finish of a great day.
The course setter did a great job which kept all yachts moving and was great fun.
Top Placers
1st Vic aus230
2nd Ronnie aus55
3rd Howard aus23




WA, 1659 posts
22 Jan 2013 6:30PM
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Video from aus230 20-01-2013, 15k steady wind.

WA, 700 posts
3 Feb 2013 10:10PM
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Great sailing day today, the sea breeze (aka Fremantle Doctor) was in early pm to ensure a good pace was enjoyed by all.

Wind shift half way through the afternoon gave cause for the start line to be relocated so that the first mark remained upwind.

WA, 1659 posts
5 Feb 2013 9:44PM
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Will post Sundays results when they are processed

Chasing Ronnie and Graeme

WA, 1659 posts
6 Feb 2013 11:31PM
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WA, 700 posts
10 Feb 2013 9:05AM
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Great yesterday today sailing with the Dreamfit crew and the disabled community - such a buzz to see happy smiling faces

More photos on

WA, 1659 posts
18 Feb 2013 9:54PM
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Class5 results from 3rd February

WA, 1659 posts
19 Feb 2013 12:22AM
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February 17th

Sundays racing had its moments with the wind at 25knots gusting to 35+Knots.
There was plenty of action during the racing with a few yachts biting the dust.
At time visibility was down to a few meters with dust clouds blowing across the lake.

Graeme Chandler was in a class of his own in the strong winds.
Don't know what Barry Mason was up to but his yacht showed a clear pair of heels to the rest of us for most of the day.

I found that my yacht(aus230) could keep sailing without a tire for a lap without loosing much time and finishing the race(who needs tires anyway)

We took several LLM to the event but considered that the conditions would have been a bit beyond them

Top places
Barry Mason 1st
Barry Pulford 2nd
Graeme Chandler 3rd

Race Results


Sailing in a 25+knot dust storm

Wheel after racing with out a tire

WA, 1659 posts
19 Feb 2013 12:50AM
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More pics from Sunday

WA, 700 posts
19 Feb 2013 8:10AM
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Certainly a fun sailing day! Got some good speed of course which made it interesting in the areas where the surface is loose. Not very often get an opportunity to get past AUS230 but I will take it!

WA, 5921 posts
21 Feb 2013 8:46PM
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looks like you needed to pull that sheet ropey thingy in Vic

WA, 1659 posts
21 Feb 2013 9:11PM
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see them trees that is where I ended up when fully sheeted. the wind was way over my comfort zone

430 posts
22 Feb 2013 9:17AM
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Vic; What I do when in those strong gusty conditions is move the whole sheeting system forward on the boom and on the floor. This has the effect of letting the sail twist out reducing the angle of attack of the foil (and the draft) allowing you to keep sheeted in hard. Looks like the guy in front of you has done that.
As you well know a flogging sail creates a hell of a lot of drag which can lift the front wheel off the ground and get you into all sorts of trouble.

WA, 1659 posts
22 Feb 2013 10:30AM
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Thanks Clem, I will keep that in mind. That was the most sever conditions that I have experienced since I started land sailing. How are things going over your way.

WA, 1659 posts
24 Feb 2013 11:22PM
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24th Feb. Club88 handicap

Sounds like a fun days racing.15-20 knots

First report received from Barry

Funny sort of a day, good wind but much carnage. Couple of collisions, yachts
capsizing (Megan of all people 3 times!) marks being hit (3 times) broken
steering and wheel coming off(me twice)

winner H. Fryer

WA, 101 posts
26 Feb 2013 4:29PM
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glad i wasn't the mark being hit. disregard the capsize tally for the last 2 weeks as at least half+ were courtesy of me (luff pocket looks like swiss cheese)i lost count around 20
the mast is still too stiff

WA, 700 posts
10 Mar 2013 10:25PM
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Light and variable predominantly northerly conditions for Class 5 scratch race day today, with occasional calm pockets to keep everybody on their toes. Good fun enjoyed by all.

WA, 1659 posts
11 Mar 2013 1:26PM
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What a day, Very light winds and none in spots that made sailing very difficult if you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. But made for sum interesting sailing. Fun day as they all are with the sand gropers(great club)
Top scorers on the day.

1st Howard
2nd Baz M
3rd Merv S

Score Board


WA, 1659 posts
12 Mar 2013 7:49AM
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March 10th

Getting setup for the days event

Parts of a race in very light wind conditions last weekend(2 to 8kl)

430 posts
12 Mar 2013 4:20PM
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Cant understand why you guys don't allow pushing at the starts for class5 races.... At least do a rolling start. You have so much room out there compared to our beaches, it would make the race so much more interesting, adding another skill. I found the NZ Blokarters are really good at those rolling starts.

WA, 5921 posts
12 Mar 2013 8:49PM
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Clemco said...
Cant understand why you guys don't allow pushing at the starts for class5 races.... At least do a rolling start. You have so much room out there compared to our beaches, it would make the race so much more interesting, adding another skill. I found the NZ Blokarters are really good at those rolling starts.

many years ago the ALSA committe read the rules regarding seatbelts and decided that its not possible to wear a seatbelt at all timesAND get out to push your yacht. Subsequently the sandgropers, in particular club 88 sailors have become rather adept at a standing ,no push start , just another skill.
the longer boom and fat sail based on a 1985 mark White design is well suited to doing just that. vics taller more modern cut is hampered by using a rowlock .
this is probably one of those days when discarding the rowlock and pushing the boom forward could prove to be a distinct advantage(IMHO)
last october we trialed rolling starts for cl5 at lefroy. given the room it workrd well

WA, 101 posts
18 Mar 2013 4:47PM
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You're dead right about the Mark White sail Paul.
My sail was at the sailmakers and not ready for sundays racing , so i rigged up the old man's original 85 Whitehot and found it to be extremely responsive off the start line.
The thing is 28 years old and yet i would have to say that in light conditions it's a real winner (medium battens). Mark sure knew how to design a futureproof sail.
I also think i may have solved the capsizing problem, my ratchet block was slow to disengage, so i put on a free rolling pulley. This has given me MUCH more control of spilling wind out of the sail.

11 posts
18 Mar 2013 6:08PM
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Ratchet blocks if you want to sail a land yacht .you don't use a ratchet , you have other probems

WA, 1659 posts
18 Mar 2013 6:46PM
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Maybe your ratchet needs adjusting, I don't think I would sail without one. I was using one that was to small a couple of years ago and was having the same problem. Clem suggested I should get a larger one. I did and the problem went away.

How was the club88 event?

WA, 101 posts
18 Mar 2013 8:12PM
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Westernstar said...
Ratchet blocks if you want to sail a land yacht .you don't use a ratchet , you have other probems

you may be right, but my hip pocket tells me at the moment that i can just put a little more strain on my hands. (plasterer by trade, not a desk jockey)

Unfortunately the ratchet is unadjustable (riley 321) Vic. It's not too small as i only use 10mm sheet rope. I'll just make do with the pulley block for the time being and will look to replace the ratchet before we head out to Lefroy in September.
Had 10-15 knot winds on Sunday, very steady, not as finicky as the weekend prior. In my exuberance/stupidity i clipped a marker and am now also in need of a new axle

WA, 5921 posts
18 Mar 2013 9:01PM
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aus230 said...
Maybe your ratchet needs adjusting, I don't think I would sail without one. I was using one that was to small a couple of years ago and was having the same problem. Clem suggested I should get a larger one. I did and the problem went away.

How was the club88 event?

the club88 set up doesnt put as much strain on the sheeting as you have vic.
also you have been sheeting well forward on the boom, making it all the neccesary to have bigger blocks.
which makes my set up at 2/3rds back along the boom , with 40mm sheaves ,10mm sheet and a cleat, all the more interesting
new set up is stronger and cleaner running, none of the old steel spaghetti that snapped off at walyungup in January


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing   Events & Competitions

"Sandgropers Lake Walyungup events 2012-2013" started by aus230