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WA Open Lake Lefroy 28-30 October 2011

Created by bazl > 9 months ago, 14 Feb 2011
WA, 101 posts
5 Nov 2011 1:20AM
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bit slow to put these up but better late than never.
the old man did'nt go snap happy but heres a few.
sorry if the pics are a bit large, but they should have good resolution
if you click on them and zoom in.

dry lake was hard to find and was justly claimed for all

trav knocked em over like tenpins

untill this fella showed up to spoil the party

and this bloke was playing in a different lane. all day

cheers all,had a bloody great weekend. look forward to getting back out next year. no excuses for not competing then. one extra marker for you boys to round

WA, 5921 posts
5 Nov 2011 7:37PM
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I didnt realize just how visually unappealing my class 5 is. it might be time to go to a big wheeled OTT 5. If only somebody would build me a few 26" wheels to encourage me. what i did learn from those photos is that my rig is laying way to far over, thanks for that bit of info, oh and vics not sheeting enough and travy's oversheeting, yet we all go as fast

WA, 101 posts
8 Nov 2011 2:10AM
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visually unappealing?? bulldust, it looks like an andy warhol inspired hotrod. or are you just making excuses to build

WA, 5921 posts
8 Nov 2011 8:28PM
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nah , time for a sand and recoat. that square box feels all wrong after sailing SOS. I found the missing mini marathon results(filed by wifey)
12th DNF AUS230 vic out witha seized bearing
11th Bazl DNF not sure why
10th Ron , a returned landsailor,top effort for someone who last raced in 1987
9th TP1 well on the way to using up another sail
8th Chook2 no longer wearing his SC tag after a top effort . his first race
7th George in Spirit of Christmas. his first race and a new mini only 2 weeks old
6th Barry Pulford. new mini, lots of experience from racing in walyungup. this race became his discard on the overall board!!!!!!!
5th Josephine, the only junior, her first race a little tear in dads eye
4th Will Cooper, yes , blokarts with 5.5m sails do race well. the blowies with big grunty rigs and fibreglass back axles were well suite to the rough conditions
3rd Lyndon.hes really been practicing those tacks and gybes like a good padwan
2nd Andy B. again a big 5.5m sail to bash through the rough, see you next year andyyou couldnt see his blokart grin due to the thick saltcrusts being sported
1st me

WA, 121 posts
8 Nov 2011 10:29PM
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Just spent a very exciting day on Lefroy. Me and Rob Atkins sailing Blowies with carbon masts and 2 metre sails had a blast.The waters all gone out on the lake, salt smooooth, hard and dry. Rob cracked 86 kph, a personal best, and the fastest on the lake for a Blowie as far as I know.
Had a bit of drama while having a cuppa at the ute, the wind got Robs kart and took it across the causeway into one of the flagpoles, smashing off the fibreglass axle in one side. As I have spare axles in my kit, it was easily replaced and we carried on.

WA, 1244 posts
8 Nov 2011 10:35PM
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86kmh !!! Oh what a feeling

Well done.

WA, 5921 posts
10 Nov 2011 2:06PM
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bryan said...

Just spent a very exciting day on Lefroy. Me and Rob Atkins sailing Blowies with carbon masts and 2 metre sails had a blast.The waters all gone out on the lake, salt smooooth, hard and dry. Rob cracked 86 kph, a personal best, and the fastest on the lake for a Blowie as far as I know.
Had a bit of drama while having a cuppa at the ute, the wind got Robs kart and took it across the causeway into one of the flagpoles, smashing off the fibreglass axle in one side. As I have spare axles in my kit, it was easily replaced and we carried on.
sorry boys , wrong week
the event was 2 weekends ago
im sorry to anounce that by unanimous vote you now hold the SC tag that chook discarded, until further notice


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing   Events & Competitions

"WA Open Lake Lefroy 28-30 October 2011" started by bazl