Just made my commitment to go to the Worlds in 2014. Yahoo!
Now I just have to learn to sail a wee bit better.
Spring will be here soon, so I can start sailing again. Since I have committed myself to the 2014 worlds, and have no clue how to race, I am looking for some help.
How should I set up a course to practice?
Set up a large figure of "8" course firstly so that at the top and bottom of the "8" you are sailing against or with the wind. Secondly so you sail across the wind and then half way between first and second. If you are sailing against another yacht practice your give way rules until they become second nature. All the "8" sailing lets you learn how to tack into the wind and jibe with the wind. If you have telltales on your sail, watching them as you turn and adjust your sail will allow you to learn how to shape your sail for max efficiency
tacking upwind ,moretacking upwind,then some more tacking upwind......
then start learning to gybe downwind,gybe downwind..........
just by entering i reckon you will get awarded "most beautiful mini"
am I right there alan, are the votes in