Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

A Register Of Landyachts ?

Created by iand > 9 months ago, 12 Jul 2008
QLD, 243 posts
12 Jul 2008 10:06AM
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About six weeks ago I was in the shed looking at an old windsurfer mast and decided to try to build a land yacht.I stumbled across this site while doing a search to get idea's.
With this in mind I'm suggesting a register of sorts to be able to see varying types and numbers easily. A photo of the landyacht, a brief description, problems and if you consider it to be a success or failure (I've found failure & problems a wealth of information when planning a project). I'm not suggesting personal contact information, contact can be done though the forum.
Sorry about the photo but I'm still in the construction stage of a landyacht.

Class -
Length - 5.0 m
Width - 2.5 m
Mast Ht - 8.7 m
Approx sail area - 16 sq m
Location - Brisbane
Comments - (success, failure, problems,
transport-needs trailer)

This is the first time I have actively participated on a forum,so am unsure if what I'm suggesting is possible.

SA, 2865 posts
12 Jul 2008 10:43AM
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What a great idea !!!!

An outsider of landyachting would find it quite confusing of whats what.....
but really there only a few groups,
Class 5, Class 6, Blowkarts, and very big yachts......

The concept of some basic info without the hooha for the newcomer to the sport would be a fabulous start.

SA, 1622 posts
12 Jul 2008 10:57AM
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I agree, great idea! We can ask Laurie to make it a sticky so that it is always at the top of the posts. Also include sail number if one has been allocated.

QLD, 243 posts
12 Jul 2008 2:12PM
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Gizmo and hills
you hit the nail on the head
Being an outsider to landyachting I'm trying to build one never having seen one (except in photos,learning to use it could be interesting) this is why I included class and general location so you know there may be others to get advice from, encouragement, sail and race with. Basically promote the sport/hobby. Being a sticky,would this mean it remains open for further posts (I'm not very internet literate and am still trying to understand Landyacht's advice to me regards compressing as I don't think I have the program)

SA, 1622 posts
12 Jul 2008 3:45PM
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A sticky means it will always be at the top of the list even if no one has posted to it for a while. Just start a new thread called "Australian Landyacht Register" or something similar, then in the first post do an introduction like the one you did above with a template for others to follow and we can send a message to Laurie asking him to make it a sticky.

Perhaps request in the introduction that this new thread only be used to detail everyone's yachts and that any comments and questions be posted in a different thread, similar to what Paul did with his Lefroy mini build thread (which is also a sticky in the contruction section). This way it will only be a register of landyachts and the readers won't have to scroll though pages of questions and answers for each yacht.

QLD, 243 posts
12 Jul 2008 5:08PM
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due to my incompetence on the internet is there any chance you can do the post and template

SA, 1622 posts
12 Jul 2008 5:30PM
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No worries Ian, will do.

Gizmo, I interpreted it as the first. Almost a catalogue of different types of landyachts and info on where they are in Aus. This way new people to the sport could see what types there are and get a bit of info on them and which type is most common in their area.

Is that what you were thinking Ian?

SA, 1622 posts
12 Jul 2008 5:52PM
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There you go, let me know if you want me to make any changes.

QLD, 243 posts
12 Jul 2008 8:10PM
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Spot on Phil
and the final touch was places to get parts
eg.Brisbane-fallshaw wheels-A Wheel & Trolley Shop (yes that is their name)
and your yacht has the honor of being the first (second is the first of the losers)
Thank you for getting this rolling/sailing.
Hopefully the post will be overflowing with landyachts soon.
Any other suggestions regards helpful information that should be included ?

WA, 5921 posts
12 Jul 2008 7:40PM
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Blimey ,its gonna take me weeks to register them all

QLD, 243 posts
12 Jul 2008 11:19PM
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Looking forward to seeing them all

SA, 1622 posts
13 Jul 2008 1:26PM
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Laurie has kindly made that thread into a sticky for us, so it will always remain in the top 3 threads in the general section. There's some great looking entries already! Top idea Ian!!

QLD, 243 posts
13 Jul 2008 8:11PM
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Thanks to you Phil for doing the work.
Based on the amount of interest shown, I would suggest that we're on a winner helping others out. As the register increases so should the interest. I know I'll be watching to see other people's ideas and if they are in my general area

QLD, 555 posts
17 Jul 2008 2:08PM
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iand said...

Thanks to you Phil for doing the work.
Based on the amount of interest shown, I would suggest that we're on a winner helping others out. As the register increases so should the interest. I know I'll be watching to see other people's ideas and if they are in my general area

Where abouts in Brisbane are you located ,your quite welcome to come and look at my landyacht and bring your tape measure ..where do you sail the 16sq?

QLD, 243 posts
17 Jul 2008 4:47PM
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I sail the 16 sq out of the Cleveland Yacht Club ( has mentioned you) and am located at Loganholme. Thank you for the offer to 'see and measure' and I will contact you about this (and tips on how to sail one). Hoping to see it on the register as well

SA, 1622 posts
28 Jul 2008 10:45PM
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C'mon you guys, put some more landyachts in the register to show them to new people to the sport. And someone put a blokart or 2 in there with the different options available like pod & shadow etc.

WA, 5921 posts
28 Jul 2008 9:40PM
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sorry im so slow No2 . its all a bit depressing watching the lake refill ready for the windsurfing season

SA, 1622 posts
28 Jul 2008 11:45PM
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Well if this cold weather keeps up, you might be able to launch an ice yacht on it!

QLD, 243 posts
29 Jul 2008 12:59AM
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Question Phil
If I post mine now, can I edit it later when completed ? (being a sticky)
I admit I'm disappointed with the lack of response too.
Thanks Phil will do

SA, 1622 posts
29 Jul 2008 9:41AM
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Unfortunately not easily Ian. For some reason this forum software stops you from editing a post the following day, regardless of whether its a sticky or not. I have been able to get Laurie to reset a post for me in the past so that I could edit it again, but I doubt he would want to do it too regularly. It might be easier to wait until you've got the finished product then register it.

QLD, 190 posts
29 Jul 2008 8:30PM
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I'd like to register my Class 5 as well but it's not finished. I will certainly post all the info when it's done


WA, 1659 posts
29 Jul 2008 9:41PM
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Hi Kody
Have you any progress pics of you class 5


QLD, 190 posts
30 Jul 2008 12:18AM
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Hi Vic,
I have been as sick as a squashed cat both with the flue and a severely bashed up leg, back and shoulder from slipping over on rocks and concrete. (very painful! )
I bought some more longer pipe today to lengthen the axles by about 200mm. I have managed to bore a 40mm dia hole in the main spine by standing the pipe verticaly (its 1500mm long) on the cross-slide. I can now begin welding (at last ) the inner axle stubs to the main spine. To machine the longer axles, I have had to remove all the assembly at the end of the bed and move the "rack" further back as well. I will post photos of all this as it will explain it much clearer and I can share with you all how to do the impossible on the lathe . (Well, things that cant normally be done 'cos they wont fit in the machine).


SA, 1622 posts
3 Aug 2008 10:32AM
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Looking forward to your completed project being posted Kody and Iand.

Thanks everyone who has registered, I think we're getting a good selection together now!

QLD, 243 posts
3 Aug 2008 12:53PM
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Looking forward to posting it, anyway got to get back to the shed, should have a new photo for tonight.

VIC, 1066 posts
4 Aug 2008 10:00PM
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Hey Landyacht; Just wondering what the added ballast is in the front of the two passenger seats as shown in the pic below? Actually, more important than what is why?

SA, 1622 posts
4 Aug 2008 11:20PM
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I suspect with that trucking huge sail it was probably a bit overpowered for just one person.

WA, 5921 posts
5 Aug 2008 8:42PM
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oh its not that big a sail. ya woosies. its only 8.7m . Because of the seating arrangement I was trying to fit 3 adults in a smaller space rather than across the back . The pilot is sitting well BEHIND the rear axle . His /her knees are abov the rear axle,with the centre sheeting in the same spot. when the yacht is stationary.TP1 ( the pilot ) can put his hands behind his head and the front wheel will lift in the air . If sailing solo this means that the yacht will fall away to leeward when sheeted hard and the steering is too light. hence the ballast. 20kgs of water.
When passengers are added the weight distribution is just right, and because the whole rig/people weight ratio is balanced the yacht simply goes where you point it.
With 3 people in the yacht it pays to have somebody around 80kgs in the pilot seat


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

"A Register Of Landyachts ?" started by iand