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As you do!

Created by kiwi307 > 9 months ago, 23 Feb 2010
488 posts
23 Feb 2010 10:36AM
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Gizmo's thread about the ice yachts had me trolling the "web" and something worth looking at is "Ice Opti". Rather than giving a link, may I suggest doing a search. Before you knock the sail shape used, just check out the speeds!
This could be a very useful "tack" (excuse the pun) to get a whole new group on board.

SA, 2865 posts
23 Feb 2010 6:27PM
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Its sort of what the LLMini is doing for Landsailing....
The "Ice Opti" is a great idea.

VIC, 1066 posts
23 Feb 2010 7:10PM
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Just a quick question. What would be a guess at the efficiency differences between a sail like the opti uses vs. a yacht with a conventional landsailing mast but that has effectively no flex? I guess Im asking why choose the opti rig?

SA, 2865 posts
23 Feb 2010 6:51PM
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The Optimist is a VERY popular water yacht class for kids around in Europe, all they are doing is using the same rig for winter sailing....
The optimist rig is an asymetrical gaff rig and works better on one tack than the other.
It would probably work quite well as a landyacht by replacing the skates with wheels its sort of Mini size.....

488 posts
24 Feb 2010 7:51AM
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Gizmo said...

The Optimist is a VERY popular water yacht class for kids around in Europe, all they are doing is using the same rig for winter sailing....
The optimist rig is an asymetrical gaff rig and works better on one tack than the other.
It would probably work quite well as a landyacht by replacing the skates with wheels its sort of Mini size.....

Hey come on Giz, you have to take some stick for calling this "an assymetrical gaff rig" it's a spritsail
The reason for using it is simple, there are literally 100's of thousands of Optimists, and they are riding on the back of that.
Efficiency? 2 ways to look at that I reckon.
1) Who cares, everyone has the same.
2) as I mentioned when I posted this, if you read their speeds (40 to 45mph) it's working! Not broke, so don't fix it!
Edit (does this make 3?)
There is another thought re the efficiency, my dear old Dad who sailed at pretty high level way back when, always reckoned that when they went from gunter rigs (sort of like a gaff but more vertical) to the new one piece masts, they were MUCH slower on the off wind legs. Aero books nearly always have some stuff on this, and what are the "new" square top rigs emulating???? Twist in the rigs is now considered to be a good thing, and the sprit is a damned good way of achieving that.
Is an Americas cup rig a bit like a gaff? I do know that the problem the AC boats discuss most is that they are struggling to make the top of the mast as STIFF as they would like!

VIC, 1066 posts
24 Feb 2010 12:50PM
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Thanks for the replies. My question was more focussed of why the opti iceboats use the rig they do (popularity, already a user community), as a simplier sail plan (to me) would more like a DN (with less or no mast bend). Original question answered though, thanks

WA, 5921 posts
24 Feb 2010 6:42PM
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I wonder how they took off, given that the drawing was approved in 2002.
I do like the idea.
does anybody have a price on an optimist sail

1229 posts
25 Feb 2010 5:27AM
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New radial cut racing Optimist sails are $650 here in NZ apparently
This is the entry level kids yachting class I always thought

SA, 2865 posts
25 Feb 2010 9:33PM
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Here is a link to a youtube clip of the OPTI iceyacht....
Looks nice, sails well but not overly fast.

488 posts
26 Feb 2010 8:16AM
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Not so sure about the lack of speed Giz, did you notice how little the rig was flapping about before the sailing started? Certainly not as much as 8knots of breeze! (I reckon) and wet ice is almost the slowest kind. I thought it was pretty impressive, and remember this is a kids yacht!

SA, 2865 posts
26 Feb 2010 11:50AM
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Im NOT saying the speed thing as a negative, I actually think the OPTI would be a great mini landyacht. Building in timber and F/G may suit home builders as often steel and welding is daunting for many.
I haven't checked the size of the OPTI but looks as tho it may fit into the Mini3 class.
Fallshaw wheels all round or with a 16" bike wheel would look great.

The plans and info can be found on these links...

And the Full plans...

WA, 5921 posts
26 Feb 2010 6:08PM
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its the size of a class 5!
maybe somebody could take on the project of building a LLmini in wood. the only metal bits youd need would be the 2 rear stub axles and the front steering.
I'd happy to make those bits if the builder was sticking to LLmini dimensions.


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

"As you do!" started by kiwi307