Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

Finalizing the team for Eucla in January

Created by landyacht > 9 months ago, 16 Aug 2008
WA, 5921 posts
16 Aug 2008 8:50PM
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We are just getting into the nitty gritty of the arrangements for the Eucla beach expedition in January. Tide dates are Tue20th Jan -Thurs 22nd Jan . we are getting to the beach on sunday a'noon to test the beach and sail to the east , then do the 290km west run on the above dates. .. we have 2 lake Lefroy minis ,1 BLOKART confirmed.
If anbody else wants to join our effort .post here please SOON
cheers paul

WA, 5921 posts
2 Oct 2008 9:46PM
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Trip getting closer.
We have a new team member come on board , Belgium will be represented by Bastjin Demusyere . The Demusyere Family have a long history of landsailing and it will be great to see another generation getting stuck in and sailing on a beach.
I suppose that means it will now be known as the International Eucla Beach Expedition

VIC, 1066 posts
3 Oct 2008 1:43PM
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Grrr [}:)] Some people have all the fun, just giving note that Im very envious Hope all goes to plan.

SA, 6 posts
6 Nov 2008 1:39AM
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Hi Paul
I am interested in coming over just been busy lately so am not up to date with recent plans.So am curious as to any plans /arangments made so far?
I would appreciate any info so I can make a final decision as to venture over.
Cheers Lindsay

WA, 5921 posts
7 Nov 2008 4:10PM
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Are you "the lindsay" lindsay?
Bill wanted to come bbut is stressing about the cost.
Plan is to meet atEucla on the evening of the 18th January, 19th is to sail on the beach and give the locals a go, 20th,21st,22nd we head west along the beach to RedRocks point. approx 200kms. we do not know if we will be able to get all the way to the end. then drive out 40kms to Madura
You would need a 4wd and someone competent to drive in sand, as we are going one way with vehicles following. bring extra fuel so you can be sure of getting out to Madura. anything else I can help with?. I now Bill would love to do it , he is just worrying about costs

SA, 6 posts
7 Nov 2008 11:35PM
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Hi again Paul
Yes I am 'as you put it The Lindsay.
Thanks for the heads up,
Ive just put the finishing touches on my newly aquired 4x4 (95 Jeep Cherokee) and it is still a little unknown with some sorting still needed.
I will give it a little more thought and see how things pan out plus work out fuel usage to get an idea of how much to carry.
Cheers Lindsay

SA, 1622 posts
8 Nov 2008 10:17AM
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Well, what a fantastic choice of vehilcles!!!

If you need any info on how to repair or modify it look at these threads I've prepared on my other favourite fourm!

Index to XJ repairs


Index to XJ modifications

or alternatively ask the question on that site. There is a wealth of knowledge over there!!

Oh and BTW here's how you carry a landyacht on one

ok ok, thread hijack over

SA, 2865 posts
10 Nov 2008 10:08AM
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Paul the trip is starting to sound good
what yachts are you using and do they have good ground clearance.
The magazine clippings that andyB just posted reminded me of the type of yachts Bill Finch used on the Coorong trip many years ago.
Bill had baloon tyres which worked well, i was in a Free flight "Manta" with standard tyres which struggled at times on the softer sand.
The major problem we found was the constant salt spray from the breaking waves blocking vision on goggles and glasses

ps. Here is a link to that story

WA, 5921 posts
12 Nov 2008 8:56PM
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sorry I'm so slow at answering lately, Having a work crisis( actually having to do some). Plan is to take minis and a CL 5, and a BLOKART, and see what works best. main thing will be to have interchangeality of wheels and sails.
I was shown a recent photo of the beach at low tide and the weed was all clear already . It would appear we could have done the run in late Oct,onwards

This is the beach with a 20knt+ reaching breeze. no surf due to a offshore reef which protects the beach.
I think the minis and the BLOKART will work best.

SA, 55 posts
12 Nov 2008 11:12PM
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G'day Guys,

Beach looks good Paul, but also looks like it could be 'spongy' from the way the sand lies. Might be different by Jan though.

I'll try to save some petrol money....

WA, 5921 posts
13 Nov 2008 9:49PM
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Wayne forbes told me he stood on the beach,realized it was like concrete and cursed himself for not putting his yacht on the roof rack. the sand here is fine quartz with no silt or clays, similar to the squealing sand at Lucky Bay

104 posts
17 Dec 2008 8:22PM
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landyacht said...

Wayne forbes told me he stood on the beach,realized it was like concrete and cursed himself for not putting his yacht on the roof rack. the sand here is fine quartz with no silt or clays, similar to the squealing sand at Lucky Bay

what is happening with the big trip ? how many going,what type of yachts are been used.

WA, 5921 posts
17 Dec 2008 8:37PM
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Not good news im afraid. got to the stage of building special yachts, modifying 4WD etc. money aside for fuel. tides worked out , the lot. then I was informed that i would be required to make 3 other trips ,all in the opposite direction, all in January. We were also unable to to confirm a second 4WD to act as a fuel tanker. ( even looked at hireing one). at this stage we are on hold, ie not going and will look at trying again in the spring, when we can get good wind and a clear beach.
we didnt know that the beach could clear so early in the year or we would have had a go a lot earlier in the season.
getting accurate local knowledge about a place that has only a few locals can be difficult.
So can we put you down for next spring splitty.
Sorry I didnt let you know sooner Lindsay, this has all come about in the last 72hrs

SA, 6 posts
21 Dec 2008 1:36AM
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Gee What a shame
Bill told me by phone the other night.
Some things are a little more important than sailing!
I was just about to contact you as my vehicle is now sorted and ready to go, Have arranged extra time off work but have been so busy as I am now in the middle of refurbishing a trailer as we are going to Pt Lincoln for a week leaving Dec 27 with plans to head your way a couple of weeks later.Finished welding in the new floor at about 9pm tonight under torchlight as I am worhing on the lawn
I trust all will go well on your trip west.
I will try to make it when you reorganise

WA, 5921 posts
21 Dec 2008 7:23PM
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I will work on a date for october . still buckets of wind. I will work out the bst tides and let you all know[}:)]

WA, 5921 posts
4 Jan 2009 7:19PM
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All is not lost. Commodore Cook and his good lady wife,will be stopping for a sail over that good tide week, for a good day sail and recce. Cooky had both the holidays and the required enthusiasm needed for the task . cheers Mate


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

"Finalizing the team for Eucla in January" started by landyacht