Some great land sailing videos thats worth a look at.....
The loose wobbly wheel in the first one cracked me up as did the twisted kite. Great video quality in that one too.
Seagull certainly build great yachts. I want a Standart but $10,000 says no.
In the 1st video - S290 , thats me !
All of the Standarts we have in Ireland came from either France, Germany or UK as second hands several yrs old. As its a one design we are still very competitive , we just need to change a few parts now and then unlike the folks with newer ones. Cost new ?5700 we paid average of ?2000 - great class , and its great to sail with people from all over the world and be in the pack. One design at its best.
Why dont ye look at hiring Standarts for the Worlds this October in De Panne (I believe they will have some for far off countries) and join the rest of the world for some fun !
Some other videos with us paddies involved --
Hola! makes me want to cry tears of joy
thank you locky
them pesky varmints are spreading, and growing
Reminds me of the bottom mark at Rada Tilly Argentina. Only there you had to make sure you were well forward in your yacht other wise the wind would get under the front of your yacht and lift it off the ground and scrapethe back of the seat on the ground.
That means you lose steering until you get it back down. This was caused due to the design of the front of the yacht, almost like a wing in cross section. Made to take sand ballast I think.
Ah what memories, good old Brean where I sailed most weeks for 3 years. At least there is no sign of the ice we broke off the surface a few times!, yes the sludge is fun, especially if it's some clever young d'head in Dad's new car that gets stuck out there and you lend him the spanner so he can take out the battery so you can roll the car on it's roof to get it out! (Yes that is the only way!)
My friend Tommy in La Franqui, 2007, Seagull XL. Indeed, a movie, not a video The mast cam is a normal camera on a stand.
Enrico - great video from Tommy.
La Franqui - great beach , will be there in two weeks time , ye ha !
Had great craic last time -Watch me spin out at 9:20 while chasing Stephen.
Hi Alan, nice to hear from you again! I believe you'll meet some Italian friends there in La Franqui. Uhmm, a great temptation... amazing place for sailing.
Cheers - Enrico