Wow That is great!!!!! Arjay
Thanks Col for those ideas.
I was very lucky. After lunch a mate called and when I told him about my hassle, he said there was an old abandon car in the bush near his house.
Slipped over there and got a condenser, a few spare relays (that only one was suitable, it needs an 87a "Normally closed terminal") and the centre seat belt out of the back seat for a land yacht.
Rang the shire ranger and arranged to have it crushed, as the mobile car crusher is in town. So a good result.
I followed this link and made up a buzz coil and it works a treat.
Throws a non-stop spark about 25mm, from the spark plug electrode to an earth.
Brilliant !!!!!!
Here's one sure way to rig up a quick and easy spark coil to run old engine ignitions, keep dogs out of your trash or test the strength of one's continence. The best part is that it is made of ordinary junk car fodder - namely a coil and condenser (preferably one with internal resistor) and a NO/NC Bosch relay found in clusters under late model car hoods! (If you like, you can add a 0.5 to 1 mfd capacitor in series with a 500 to 1000 ohm resistor across the breaking points of the relay (30 & 87a) and they will last much longer).
Just got to make a box to house the ignition, as it tends to bite a bit if not handled carefully.
Onwards on upwards!!!!
I remember the pilot saying something like, "...I am a bit worried about the litres of kerosene between my legs!"
Great Nebbian, saw your post and I have just purchased them.
8 cents for the resistor and 17 cents for the capacitor. Everything else I have scrounged.
Geez, I can't carry on outlaying money like this, willy nilly.
Question; There is an arrow on the side of the capacitor.
Do you know which way round the capacitor would go?
Arrow on the capacitor to the centre/top, terminal on the relay #30, or should it face 87a the horizontal terminal.
Heya Chook,
Geez it's been a while since I've dealt with this sort of stuff, had to go into the shed to double check one of my caps!
Arrow should point to the negative terminal, ie, terminal 30 on your diagram.
You might notice that the buzzing slows down a bit when you connect the cap and resistor, this is normal, the amount depends on the sizes of the resistor and cap. It might not be enough to notice. Also make sure that your cap is at least a 16V capacitor.
AWESOME !!!!!!
Thankyou kindly for that. I'll check the voltage.
We have ignition !!!!!! Well spark anyway.[}:)]
Your a champ, Nebbian. It stopped the fireworks inside of the relay
Nice blue arc from the end of the plug.
The white control box (that I'll mount the components in) is from the old CSBP fertilizer works, that was pulled down years ago.
Now onto building the test bench. I nicked a broken desk from school to give me a head start.
Wow looking good there Chook!
That spark must be pretty impressive to be able to catch it on a camera...
Can't wait to see your completed jet in action
I reckon the ultimate in cool would be a kauffman starter for the pulsejet, pity it would probably be too hard to do though-there are a few technical hurdles in the way with it being a bit different to a piston or turbine engine.
Buzz coil is much more practical for the job,
(I just like the idea of starting a jet with a shotgun shell)
kauffman (not sure if I spelt it right) starters were common on a lot of old tractors, also on aircraft engines, radials and V types.
Our canberra bombers had kauffman starting for thier turbines- not sure how it worked on them though.
The original "Flight of the Pheonix" movie gave a good demonstration of the system on a radial.
Years ago, I knew a bloke with an antique tractor- cant remember the make, part of the starting procedure was lighting a fire under the engine!
Yes, my youngest brother has restored a Lanz Bulldog like this.
It lives.
The dogs have just stopped barking and the test run was 2 hours ago.
My hens won't lay for weeks and all my neighbours turned up within 30 seconds of it firing.
A mate rang me to say he heard it above his TV, from 2 and a 1/2 kilometres away.
To say I'm happy is an understatement.[}:)]
This is 20 seconds into its very first run.
Actually it was after my son landed again, after it fired and scarred the hell out of him.
Not what he expected. I had talked it down to get him to film it with my phone.
It is pretty hungry and requires a LOT of gas. Had to remove the regulator from the cylinder and the tap is set at about 2 turns on, when it's running.
It stopped after about 2 minutes as the gas line had iced up.
I fired it up for a second time as no one was going home till they had seen it run.
Just need a good video now, as my phone has trouble handling the jets frequency.
The tailpipe is pretty close to the right length.
I'll cut just 3mm off it, before its next run.
I need to sort out a better way of controlling the gas flow. The tap on the bottle is a bit coarse on its adjustment. When it flames out with a rich mixture and reignites it make the ground shake.
Ahhh. I'm over the moon.
Dam the Lanz brings back memories, I did a season on one fallowing plowing and seeding in Morawa when I was 17 teen.
I remember a sales man coming to the farm trying to sell new tractor's (Nuffield I think) the boss said he would buy one if it could out pull the lanze.
He had some salt encrusted land behind the house, He knocked the pins out of the plow and the old Lanze hardly missed a beat going through. The new one did not have the grunt to get through.
I have always hoped to see one running again at a show.
Geeeeeezzz, Chook, youve' started something there.....
Red hot , throbbing, not bad for an Oldie..........
That is truly awe-inspiring, thanks for posting the pic
Do you have any idea of the amount of thrust it was generating?
I suppose you wouldn't want to put your hand in the jetstream to feel the breeze
Well got home from being called into work.
I went to go over to the shed.
I reckon our dog would have bitten me, had I gone any closer.
The Jet and the wife have now cooled down and the neighbourhood is slowly returning to normal.
I can't work out how to convert the vid off the phone to here.
So I will get a video camera and post it ASAP, guys.
Don't hold your breath though.
Not sure about the thrust, but a 2 mtr blue flame out the back and a small 200mm one out the inlet. Pokes out some heat.
hey Chook,
Any chance your neighbours might be selling up soon?, I think life would be much more funner in Esperance than here.
Yeh Wayne.. [}:)]
I wouldn't have that hassle of my wife in my ear either.
I've got one of those old diesel upright "woofer heaters" (that burn on the surface of the fuel in the 20 ltr bottom tank), in the shed.
It's not even close to being in the same heating league, as the jet.
My laser temperature gun, just topped out at "800 degrees C and read, ERROR" very early on in the test run.
I used 1.55 mm galv sheet to make the 2 cones and end cap for the spark plug.
It flaked all the galv off them on the first run and melted the nylon inserts out of all the nyloc nuts holding it down..
Upsize and multiply, Chook!
I plan on being at Lefroy later this year- and need to be jammed between a pair of these babies (need one each side to cook me evenly) on each rear axle should do it,
gas bottle strapped onto the mast step with cocky weld (of course)
If these wont work- I suppose I could make do with a pair of decent sized valved pulse jets
starting engines in the winter, had a demo one day with a diesel fergy that was
to say the least spray in additive, bloke took off his wollen
sock and placed it over the air intake.....cranked up nicely, one to remember.
edit need of a bigger spark? use a button, cut spark plug lead and wire dizzy
end to two button holes on one side. with spark plug end wire to other two holes
spark will jump gap and increase in size and power as it does...can help .
Thanks for that gibberjoe.
The system I have built, seems to be holding up, but hasn't done a lot of work yet.
" THAT ROCKET "......well really, that rocket has ceased to be and
modifications will make it " THIS ROCKET " ...sometimes management
just doe's not understand and because of changes in life has a cloudy concept
Now this thread is being watched by many MEN world wide already there are
contingency plans afoot I have it from a reliable sourse that Lake Lefroy,
could be the centre of the universe later this year Virgin Galatic is a word i
hear. This could be the start of something big...REAL BIG.....
Yr packed bag will b on the doorstep if u even think about firing up that rocket.
The management!!
Of course you did not acknowledge that you received the text[}:)]
Chook .....using the same thickness materials, minus the gal, as it could cause
unwanted gasses in your burn ? but if you welded some fins, like a motor bike
head, say six around circumfurence, maby 25mm high and for the lenght of the
box, this would reinforce the structure. More better, add to that secondary
circular skin similar looking to truck exhaust no burny shield. maybe help.
There must be a sale down in hesprence shops for middle management to
attend to while you fire up agen....remember for better or worst
Got bored again!!!!!
Should have 55 Lbs of thrust this time.[}:)][}:)]
It's a 180o "Lockwood" Pulsejet.
The sheet the angle grinder is laying on will be the tail pipe cone.