we just got back from a 80km sail on the lake today. the lake is really incredible, the really smooth patches are huge and clean.with only 4 minis out for a sail you could get completely lost.
the down side of course is that you cant see the bogs coming
wind all day was around 15kph with a couple of nice gusty periods towards the end of the day. we all managed over 59kph on the GPS's for the day.
i managed one little movie for the day , so when Utube lets me back in I plan to upload it.
I did find a rather unusual set of landyacht tracks, so Bryans claim of sailing on a skinny blokart can be comfirmed
Good pic there of the land yachter that got lost on the Lake and his pony that stayed by his side beyond the bitter end.
Whaa,kcee,kcee,kcee. LOL
Not drunk. Just a six pack.
Wow I'm looking forward to using your playground guys.
Our Pink Lake is quite soft after the rain.
We have been out yachting for the last 3 afternoons in awesome winds!!!!
I'm just sooooo cream crackered tonight.
But I am on a huge high, as we had all 5 skippin' round today.
Lots of new pilots, have gone home smilin'.
Cisco ,
That was some poor Sod lost out there the last time Landyacht was on the move and he ran him down.. The Local Dingos are into Salted Long Pig.
PS; Oh! I managed to Knock up 10.23Ks in 55 minutes and topped out at 51kmph. That Data Logger is a Boon once you get the hang of it. A couple of times it felt as though a giant decided to help us along with a bit of a shove. No Doubt you old hands would have cracked to see my antics getting the upwind wheel back to earth Lost Sheets,tangles and legs flailing to get the sheet back in hand whilst trying to keep The Razor on the straight and narrow
You better not be bulldusting us with how good your secret spots are because sooner or later you will get company if you keep bragging them.
Must say though that the pics you have posted are giving you plenty of cred.
The blokart people are having a big competition meeting at Yeppoon in a couple of weeks. It is a fantastic beach for land sailing.
Check it out on google earth. Cheers Cisco.
It is this way Cisco, If any of you guys are passing through Wynyard on a Tassie trip, swing by and say G'day Mate where are these sights you've been going on about. The Nearest one is about 5 or 600 meters from my house, that is The Strip.. Pegg's is less than 1/2hr from here and Ocean Beach is a couple of hours away at Strahan, which, I might add, I will sail before too much longer. A 30knot Sw to Nw Wind will be perfect.
PS, Might even be able to find a spot for you to set up a Tent
Yeah! I could do that, though I thought Glyn's idea(The Lady that is in the Razor with a wheel off) Tied a loop which she had around her wrist. Nah! That was tooooooo much for me..
I will try the seat belt.
Where's the drooling smiley face???
If I tried to sail that far in a straight line at once, at any moderate speed, I'd have to send the resulting video to 'Funniest Home Videos'!!!!
heres something from our little claypan, almost 2 laps, so its not too big , watch out for the willy-willy chasing, starring testPilot1. you can very rapidly run out of lake
Lovely Scenic Tour Landyacht wish we had something as good as that here abouts. That Silly danged Testpilot1 can't you find someone that can keep their machine up the right way to sail with or does he give you feelings of superiority??[}:)]
that gets me stoked... havent ever landsailed except on a big skate board...worked on my seat today... still gotta resolve the sail part then ready to go.. i got invited to go to a 70 acre sod farm for the maiden voyage... should be cool... my friend said he would video from his ultralight...
Now that'd be Way Cool, something I have yet to see in LY Vid's Great.
Now What the Bleedin' Hell is a Sod Farm My interpretation of a Farm is a Place you Grow ****. Animals, Grain, Vegetables etc. Sod is Earth with Grass on top, hence, we turn the Sod or Have a Sod Roof. No That isn't a term of abuse i.e. That Bloke is a "Right Sod" (Possibly ****) So what are we growing
Clarify Please.
Nah! Ain't gunna be a problem landyacht.. We wuz bruvers in a past life. He's welcome over here any time and verbal Jousting is fun.
I gave Pegg's Beach a bit of a Shellacking today. Knocked up 36KmH, Max'ed 57. Funny though as under power and at speed you can feel the wind pushing the back end out.
Ain't got time to Joust this morning the wind is better than yesterday so it's back up to Pegg's again.
sod farm.. in the usa we grow grass that gets scooped up with roots and is transplanted to a home or whatever,,,,basically instant lawn.... it is cut in rolls and rolled out for instant lawn,.. so its supersmooth fresh grass..kinda like a golf course..lots of grass not obstacles...