This is our mate Issac he has just started this sport and is learning well, as you can see he still is getting the hang of it! lucky we got seatbelts!
This picture is taken at our school oval. On the left is our teacher, he has taught us everything about sailing. I am on the right as you can see i am winning the race. The yacht on the left has a feature that not many land yachts have it has got a small jib on the front.
Haha!! Great photos guys - well done!
Let Issac know he has been immortalised on the leading landyachting forum!
and pass on our congrats & thanks to your teacher! He's developing the next generation of landyachting champions!!
Outstanding effort!!
This is Issac over agian ha ha this is a great pic!! He caught a gust of wind and did'nt let his mainsheet out!!
This is me zooming around!! This picture is taken on a gravel carpark the yachts really fly on hard surfaces!!
This is how we load our yachts up, when were about to go out sailing!! Both yachts are made to just fit on the trailer. As you can see it is pretty packed and there is not alot of space left!!
Great pics there, although flying a wheel looks spectacular its perhaps one of the slowest points of land sailing (but fun and skillful to do).
If your after high speed sailing do some research on that subject, and how high speed sails are different from conventional water yacht sails or even do research on aircraft wing profiles and how the draft or chord changes the lift drag ratios.
Land sailing is a wonderful way of putting "Physics" into action.
Hello Issac glad to see you in the forum. I do belive you was playing cricket in the background instead of taking photos.
I do admit i crash, but i can count all my crashes put together with my hands, where Issac surpasses his hands in counting crashes in one day quite often.
Yes I do agree that I crash alot, 'JOEinTAS'.
To that result it's taking more risks.
All I have to do now is NOT limit them, but improve on it.
Which I will do in the future.
P.S. Still I enjoy the safety of those seatbelts. lol
What risks are you acutully taking Issac. Besides who help teach you Issac I belive it was bodie, pato and ME