Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

Landsailing at 80 mile beach W.A.

Created by Donna > 9 months ago, 11 Jan 2009
WA, 17 posts
11 Jan 2009 12:48PM
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Graeme sailed on 80 mile beach which is north of Port Hedland W.A. There is a caravan park near the beach for easy access. It was something he always wanted to do. On our travels late last year we spent a few days there where he enjoyed a sail. There is 80 miles of beautiful beach. Only problem is you can't swim in the water. Too many bities and stingers. Didn't worry him as he only wanted to sail. Check out the photo's

SA, 1622 posts
11 Jan 2009 3:40PM
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That looks amazing, looks like a good firm surface too!!

Welcome back, did you have a good trip?

WA, 17 posts
11 Jan 2009 2:29PM
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Thankyou. We had a great time. Ended up in the Northern Territory. Helped out on my sisters property. They grow cucumbers and mangoes. Now back in the real world. Sandgropers have got their first race meeting today. I didn't go down as it is going to be 37 C today. Too hot for me when I don't sail. Only two weeks until the W.A. state titles. Hopefully it won't be this hot.


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

"Landsailing at 80 mile beach W.A." started by Donna