well yes Giz, i want one, it has a lot of style, so
recumbent $2500 plus sail set up $500 I recon $3000A + GST
I note in one vid he passes 7 panels of power line in 30 seconds
fifty mere panels. 350 meters in 30 seconds that is about.............
I have no sound thingo so no commentary, but he did get along ....easy.
EDIT...... I checked out their site......mommmmmmaaa mia!!!!!!!
$4950 YANKY road complient tolerated....so $10,000 Aussie
not welcome on roads a battle to get it accepted....Thats Australia !!!!!!!!
And while on the subject of road sailing and dual mast / wings here is something from "Popular Mechanics 1977"
Wondered when someone would dig the Pop Mech thing. I had it years ago and lost it. Research I did way back indicated it went very well.
until Nord crashed and destroyed it. you still needed a big open space to sail it on.
maybe if Gizmo did his CE/CR thing on the ptera sail we could see why all the videos seem to be sailing down wind
Yes the ptera looks like it would have massive amounts of lee helm as they say on the water which is usually a very bad thing on water anyway Love the Logo though