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Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

Nikrum's Page

Created by Test pilot 1 > 9 months ago, 25 Apr 2011
TAS, 1972 posts
22 May 2011 9:52AM
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Ah! Yes TP1,
This is a method I have used time and again to turn up small objects only I have a Drill Clamp and Old B&D Drill for the purpose. MAkes a great Lathe but I don't got a Large Drill for the Purpose. Dang! I just thought, a Mate up the Road has a Wood Lathe.. Hmmm! I will have to do some experimenting.
PS: Thanks for the thought, you horrible piece of work. Sorry couldn't be 100% nice now, could we.. People might think we are becoming friendly

WA, 5921 posts
22 May 2011 8:34PM
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simply put the pumped up wheel in a vice or betwwen your legs and lightly cut in with a cutting disk in your grinder, not to deep at first, maybe practice on a spare tyre first

TAS, 1972 posts
22 May 2011 11:51PM
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Just thinking about the Air Tracks it just maybe that there isn't enough rubber between tread groove and canvas to re-cut a tread. Me thinks I will have to do a test patch and maybe do a trip to the Devonport Air Field.

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
28 May 2011 10:51PM
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landyacht said...

simply put the pumped up wheel in a vice or betwwen your legs and lightly cut in with a cutting disk in your grinder, not to deep at first, maybe practice on a spare tyre first

Yeah simply put the pumped up wheel betwwen your legs and lightly cut in with a cutting disk in your grinder, careful you dont slip 'cause we wouldn't want you cutting anything else off([}:)]much[}:)])

WA, 5921 posts
29 May 2011 9:22PM
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Nikrum said...

Just thinking about the Air Tracks it just maybe that there isn't enough rubber between tread groove and canvas to re-cut a tread. Me thinks I will have to do a test patch and maybe do a trip to the Devonport Air Field.

yes but theres bucket loads of canvas

TAS, 1972 posts
30 May 2011 10:15AM
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Trouble with running on Inner Tubes is they don't go flat Slowly..

The point of the 3rd pic is to show a section removed to make a Fender for the front wheel. It works really well. It clears the Front Tire by about 5mm and no water gets past it. the beauty of a fender like this is if it gets caught on a stone etc it just bends out of the way then returns to position again.

WA, 5921 posts
30 May 2011 8:18PM
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I assume youve worked out that those tyres run tubeless on the eddwards rims.
if the tyre is a slow leaker , just give it a wipe of silastic on the inside of the tyre

TAS, 1972 posts
31 May 2011 12:14AM
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Not when the tire Blows out through the Canvas
There also was a problem with the Bead leaking through the rubber. That is when I fitted the Tubes..

WA, 1249 posts
30 May 2011 11:20PM
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A desert spoon full of black pepper and some water in them when you mount them up tubeless and it works a treat.
When I worked for an ag pilot and the air strips had double gees on them, (Mainly around the wheat belt area) this sealed them up. Sometimes the tyres were furry with prickles, there were so many stuck in the tyres.
The Cessna 188B did have tubes in them. It was slow to get the solution in through the valve with the core removed with a syringe though.
Works just as well on the lawnmower tyres too.

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
31 May 2011 3:33AM
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How do you find any slow leaks Sniff until you sneeze[}:)]

TAS, 38 posts
2 Jun 2011 10:15AM
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Hey Nikrum,
For the next 2 weeks i am up the coast in Wynyard. I am interested in going for a landsail, if your still interested give us a yell

From Bodie

TAS, 1972 posts
2 Jun 2011 10:25AM
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Good Morning Brodie,
Yes, I will probably make a run for Pegg's Beach if the wind comes up in the next few days. The wind looks good for tomorrow and the weekend. At the moment I have the Seat off Schrodinger's Cat and hopefully I can get it sorted today..
Do you have clearance with your parents for this venture??? How old are you??

TAS, 1972 posts
4 Jun 2011 4:18PM
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I have become extremely Paranoid where the wind is concerned. This morning I went to look for my Dog and found to my dismay that it had been Blown Off of the Chain and was pinioned firmly against the neighbors fence some fifty meters up the yard. Silly Mutt should have known better to leave it's Kennel on a night like last night. Oh Well! When the wind drops it will be able to go do a piddle on the trees.
Anyway I had to go out this morning but returned home in time to Take The Razor to the Strip for a Run and Damn! Me. I managed a single run down the strip and the Bleedin' Wind Died.. I am now convinced that the Wind Gods are Toying with my mind... I suppose though the Dog can go take a Pee now[}:)].

TAS, 1972 posts
5 Jun 2011 1:39PM
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Ok! That was too freaky.. This morning I made for Pegg's Beach and arrived after Low Tide. Plenty of room, I thought.. Pegg's for those that don't know it is worth the look, on Google Earth. At the Eastern end it pretty much runs East, West but smartly hooks into the North West so that a Norwester nearly runs straight down the western extremity. The Norwester was blowing at a fairly steady 30kmph and gusting up to 45kmph in the later part of my sailing. When I left home I tested my Action Cam, Damn! The battery has gone flat but the Data Logger appeared to be OK. So I set up Occum's Razore with the Speed Sail and me in Dry Riders, Camo Water Proof Jacket and Helmet and set off to clock some serious speed. 'tis a pity about the Action Cam. I managed to clock 63kmph before the Dater Loggers battery gave up the ghost.. 63 kph seems pretty stable a speed for the Razor to run at so a got in a few runs until I was Gusted and things started to get Freaky. It seems that that new Sail loves strong wind and I have no clew nor inkling of the speeds at which we managed but the faster we went that sail wanted to generate even more power and speed in the head. At times we ran on 2 wheels but where the Scary came in is when the Razor became unstable and started to weave wildly until I Let the sheet go and spun crazily around down the little beach that was left to me. My last run was from about a kilometer up the beach where I hauled the Sheet in tightly, angled slightly across wind and let the Razor have it's head... Bugger me I have to do something there isn't much beach to run now, like about 100mtrs and going like the clappers. There is a moment of 'Oh S**t! and The Razor breaks out and spins wildly down the Beach and brings both Sail and Mast down around my ears whilst running backwards and leaves me about 30mtrs of Beach to use..
I have no idea how fast we were traveling before the Break Out but it was B***dywell quick and I wasn't sure as we weren't going to finish smashed up on the rocks at the eastern end of Pegg's[}:)]. So endeth the Lesson and I called in at the Rocky Cape Road House for a Ginger Beer and B and E Burger on my way home.

WA, 5921 posts
5 Jun 2011 4:27PM
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Ah ronster, as TP1 is away, I'll have to do a reply for him.
63!!!!!!! you are going to have to stop sailing with the brakes on[}:)]
from myself , welcome to world of skinny sails, i forgot to tell you earlier , but when they lose it , they really lose it
cant tell you everything , that would spoil the fun

TAS, 1972 posts
5 Jun 2011 6:52PM
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Landyacht Alias TP1,
When it all Crossed Up Buddy we were way above 63kph and Crossed Up we most certainly were. I am only too aware of the fact that the Data Logger was down.. Bugger!
Landyacht as himself,
Thanks for the information.. Remind me to offer you a votive sometime.
Lose it Big Time we did, me and The Razor and it was still acceleration when the Breakaway came, 15mtrs backwards after the Spin was interesting seeing as there were Rocks somewhere behind me. I am beginning to think the 100kph is not going to happen as controlling the weaving is going to be the thing to beat. Strange thing is when I walk back along the tracks the weaving is not greatly evident.. I don't understand that cos I knowed it was happening.

WA, 5921 posts
5 Jun 2011 5:06PM
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ron I would consider looking at some stiffer rear axles for days like that. your A/C tyres will have enough suspension to compensate. some 2mm wall water pipe fitted in to replace the carbon masts
it will certainly make you more stable

TAS, 1972 posts
5 Jun 2011 9:41PM
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Thanks Paul for the suggestion.. There must be one hell of a load coming against those axles then to make them spring that badly.

WA, 2775 posts
5 Jun 2011 10:19PM
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Nikrum said...
strange thing is when I walk back along the tracks the weaving is not greatly evident..

its even more strangerer when you find there is about 6 metres of tracks missing - with a ruddy great dent in the ground where you landed to explain what just happened

430 posts
6 Jun 2011 4:15PM
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It looks to me you are getting the 3D wobble From those carbon tubes like had on the "skinny mini" last year. Don't panic Ron! there is a solution. Get rid of the horrizontal swaying by giving the tubes some width. Could be airfoil in shape. These desert sailors are spoilt having nothing to hit. It can get quite scary when you only have a 10m wide strip of sand to sail down in thirty knots. You cant just veer off down wind to scrub off some speed. You have to do it slowly in small bites on the side that has the soft sand. Dont choose the water side, unless you have to, to avoid a beach walker. The beach is good practice for desert sailing. It makes you work harder.

WA, 5921 posts
6 Jun 2011 8:28PM
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Clemco said...

It looks to me you are getting the 3D wobble From those carbon tubes like had on the "skinny mini" last year. Don't panic Ron! there is a solution. Get rid of the horrizontal swaying by giving the tubes some width. Could be airfoil in shape. These desert sailors are spoilt having nothing to hit. It can get quite scary when you only have a 10m wide strip of sand to sail down in thirty knots. You cant just veer off down wind to scrub off some speed. You have to do it slowly in small bites on the side that has the soft sand. Dont choose the water side, unless you have to, to avoid a beach walker. The beach is good practice for desert sailing. It makes you work harder.

thats what Goolwa was like, there was a softer slowing down patch up the beach but you had to cross the trenched no-mans land to get there

TAS, 1972 posts
6 Jun 2011 11:02PM
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Pegg's Beach may well be a little different to what you are used to, in that the Dunes if you can call them that

Are only a meter or 2 high and the beach is pretty much runnable from dune to waters edge. up to 50mtrs at low tide, the sand is hard as yer forehead but fine and nasty in the face. A slide is quite easy to generate on it's surface and happens close to like sliding on a polished floor-------Flip 180 and run backwards for 10 or 15mtrs the grooves cut in the sand are about 12 or 18mm deep. It is just hard for me to get my head around the 3D wobble and show little evidence of it in the tracks. The only time the wheels were off the ground is with the Generated apparent wind and the faster the faster, Faaaar Out . I have to build a new mast base or new Mast altogether and decide how I am going to sort out the Axle Flex issue. In the interim I will just have to Sail at lower speeds..


WA, 6277 posts
6 Jun 2011 11:27PM
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Fantastic photo there Ron, really gives a good indication of the speed

TAS, 1972 posts
7 Jun 2011 11:26AM
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You got it wrong Nebo, the pic isn't about Speed but about the Beach..
Digital Point and shoots aren't good for depicting speed set on Auto.

430 posts
7 Jun 2011 6:39PM
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50 metres wide !!! I see what you mean about the dune. Still looks softer than the water.
In those conditions you will still need to slow the yacht before attempting to make a U turn on the beach. Keep the sheet in as hard as you can and learn how to through the yacht into small leeward slides to slow the yacht down. It helps to use the soft sand at the top of the beach to slow down too but just take bites at it so you dont loose control. If you run into the water you will loose total vision and sense of direction and its cold in there!

TAS, 1972 posts
7 Jun 2011 9:13PM
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Thanks Clemco,
The sand at the dune is only a tad softer than that at the waters edge. When I go out again I will have a go at slowing slowly but from what I have learned so far the Beast is either all forward or all backwards, ain't no in between there at the moment. There are a couple of wrinkles with Pegg's that I would have to show in pic's part of the bottom end is -----like a sand spit close in or a small island with a shallow mote.. I know the water is cold and about flying blind. I am thinking I will have to replace the Axles with stiffer ones but that will be all in good time.


WA, 5921 posts
7 Jun 2011 8:44PM
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perhaps the wobble is you and the seat flexing , if the tracks are straight.
That is one of the disadvantages of a Y frame with long axles, and sheeting close it to the mast. when you build the next yacht , put the join of the Y frther back having the axles rake onlt 20 degrees off being perpendicular , have a good stiff main spine and a slightly taller mast step

TAS, 1972 posts
7 Jun 2011 11:13PM
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I can't believe I got caught out by the old chestnut; Flat Battery in the Action Cam and almost flat in the Data Logger. Had it been otherwise there would have been some evidence to show exactly that was going on. It seems that the faster the run the faster the wobble and countering it with the steering only exacerbates the problem as you can't prejudge the next wobble either that or one isn't quick enough to catch it before it begins. I am thinking your first suggestion is the more likely and I am thinking Aluminum Scaffold Tube.. How say you Prometheus??

WA, 1249 posts
7 Jun 2011 9:53PM
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Ron, they are AIRCRAFT tyres!!!!
They are just trying to fly, like homesick angels.

Glad you have nice conditions there to sail.


Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
8 Jun 2011 1:34AM
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"Those days are reserved for sitting by the fire and watching movies.
Mind you the Doctor prefers that I should walk for an hour at least...........I think he wants me to catch Pneumonia so he can make more dollars out of me."

Could you actually ambulate fast enough to catch pneumonia or does that carbo store in front of you beat you to where ever you are going[}:)][}:)]


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

"Nikrum's Page" started by Test pilot 1