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Nikrum's Page

Created by Test pilot 1 > 9 months ago, 25 Apr 2011
WA, 5921 posts
12 Jun 2011 6:57PM
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Nikrum said...

That is very clever Chook, I should have thought of it myself.. Ah! what the heck I suppose you can't think of everything.. The only part that won't work is the wheel weights, Rims are too small a dia but using that technique along with removing and adding weight from the tire will do the trick.
Thanks Lads,


TAS, 1972 posts
12 Jun 2011 11:32PM
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Silicone Adhesive you say?? I will give it a try.. I ran a balance test on one tire today and it took a 2.25 oz Washer to bring the wheel 1/4turn.. It certainly is a long way off colour..

WA, 2775 posts
13 Jun 2011 10:17AM
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are the tyres actually round?
or possibly fitted slightly off centre?

perhaps your old aircraft tyres could do with being checked for being out of round- just spin the wheel on its axle and check the profile with a piece of chalk?

TAS, 1972 posts
13 Jun 2011 1:48PM
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Been 'ere done 'at. Spun em up with the Angle grinder when regrooving, that's when I found out.

SA, 2865 posts
13 Jun 2011 4:20PM
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So are the wheels "out of round" OR "out of balance"? Yes you mentioned they shake about at speed but it could be either or both....

TAS, 1972 posts
13 Jun 2011 5:54PM
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Out of Balance, they seem to be nice and round.

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
13 Jun 2011 11:53PM
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Ay nikki pooh. 'ave ya 'eard 'bout da nu square wheels
'parently dey be soo gud ya dont need breaks to stop 'em rollin[}:)][}:)]

TAS, 1972 posts
14 Jun 2011 9:47AM
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Yer a Bleed'n Nut TPI,
They sounds real cool like. Where cin I get half a dozen.? I got this idea fra 6 weeler what is a bit like a Tumble Bug wit side sails. Should be Heapafun n them Sqare weels should make it more interestin!

1262 posts
14 Jun 2011 7:57AM
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Hey Ron, I think I might have found a LOGO for this particular thread......

Like it?!?!?!?[}:)][}:)]

Cheers, John

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
14 Jun 2011 11:50PM
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Nah! Sod off![}:)]

1262 posts
15 Jun 2011 4:13AM
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Test pilot 1 said...

Nah! Sod off![}:)]

TAS, 1972 posts
15 Jun 2011 10:55AM
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Now you are looking more Aussie than TP1, DY. Keep it up an you're gonna make the grade.. Yu Bleedin' Galah.

WA, 5921 posts
15 Jun 2011 8:09PM
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they love a big lawn dont they, any water restrictions where that sod centre is?

1262 posts
16 Jun 2011 2:23AM
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landyacht said...

they love a big lawn dont they, any water restrictions where that sod centre is?

There are some; every other day watering, NO water overspray onto driveways, sidewalks, etc..... not too bad, I guess.

Big push from water companies to go with low/no water landscaping, tho

WA, 5921 posts
16 Jun 2011 5:35PM
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were on a complete watering ban, cos they didnt have any restrictions back in summer, when all the water was being wasted. all the dams and aquifers are at their lowest, yet the keep talking about increaseing the population

1262 posts
16 Jun 2011 6:09PM
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For the first time in a number of years, we are no longer in a 'drought condition'. My guess is that we will be by the end of summer, but hope for the best....

TAS, 1972 posts
17 Jun 2011 12:07AM
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You Drongos just don't get it do you???
This whole Rain Fall, Global Warming, Failing Infra Structure etc etc etc is BS.
It is just a toy for Governments and Bureaucrats to use against the population. Oh! sure they are real problems but ain't sh**te we can do about it.. What happens if we halve our CO2 output within 50 years?? What happens if in those 50 years the Global Population trebles?? What happens when a Species outstrips itself?
Canberra said years ago that we should build the Snowy River Scheme, that the water and Electricity would be good for 100years.. BULL! We outgrew it way back and Droughts have done nothing to help. They are just throwing the baby out with the bath water. Sad thing is they just can't see what they've done.

Commerce and Progress must continue forward if it doesn't it can't Stagnate it must go backwards and your Governments will not let that happen. Where is the sense in sending produce to China to have then Process and Package it?? Huh? Because it is cheaper than doing it in this country or yours DY, you can have a cheaper product. Is it Cheaper??? In your Pantries may be but what about Environmentally?? All those Millions of Tonnes/Tons of Fuel Oil into the atmosphere. Oil spillage into the Oceans.. Go back to your basic Physics. They have known this for a long long time Perpetual Motion is a physical impossibility,
one cannot take a hold of ones pidler and lift oneself off the ground. If it were possible then what the Hell would we need Fuel for? Just give it a shove and hope you have good brakes. The higher our demand for water the less water we will have. We have a S**t Load of it here in Tassie and they are talking about Pipping it to the Mainland.. Just like they are doing with our Hydro Electricity. Because of that Electric Link to the mainland we now have to pay premium Mainland Prices.. It isn't about you getting cheaper power it is about Gouging the maximum for minimum input. The Gov't paid the Power Stations off Long ago and they do Zip about maintenance so where has the money gone??

Give me a Break..

1262 posts
16 Jun 2011 10:17PM
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Nikrum said...

You Drongos just don't get it do you???
This whole Rain Fall, Global Warming, Failing Infra Structure etc etc etc is BS.
It is just a toy for Governments and Bureaucrats to use against the population. Oh! sure they are real problems but ain't sh**te we can do about it.. What happens if we halve our CO2 output within 50 years?? What happens if in those 50 years the Global Population trebles?? What happens when a Species outstrips itself?
Canberra said years ago that we should build the Snowy River Scheme, that the water and Electricity would be good for 100years.. BULL! We outgrew it way back and Droughts have done nothing to help. They are just throwing the baby out with the bath water. Sad thing is they just can't see what they've done.

Commerce and Progress must continue forward if it doesn't it can't Stagnate it must go backwards and your Governments will not let that happen. Where is the sense in sending produce to China to have then Process and Package it?? Huh? Because it is cheaper than doing it in this country or yours DY, you can have a cheaper product. Is it Cheaper??? In your Pantries may be but what about Environmentally?? All those Millions of Tonnes/Tons of Fuel Oil into the atmosphere. Oil spillage into the Oceans.. Go back to your basic Physics. They have known this for a long long time Perpetual Motion is a physical impossibility,
one cannot take a hold of ones pidler and lift oneself off the ground. If it were possible then what the Hell would we need Fuel for? Just give it a shove and hope you have good brakes. The higher our demand for water the less water we will have. We have a S**t Load of it here in Tassie and they are talking about Pipping it to the Mainland.. Just like they are doing with our Hydro Electricity. Because of that Electric Link to the mainland we now have to pay premium Mainland Prices.. It isn't about you getting cheaper power it is about Gouging the maximum for minimum input. The Gov't paid the Power Stations off Long ago and they do Zip about maintenance so where has the money gone??

Give me a Break..

Is this the sugar coated version ron?

TAS, 1972 posts
17 Jun 2011 10:26AM
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Hey DY, Wadayou Trying to kill me?? I am diabetic and avoid sugar!!
Anyway Sugar coating the Bitter Pill is a Politicians way. Spin and BS. Truth is if they didn't Pull the Wool over our eyes they would never get anything done.. They all have unethical Interests at heart.

PS; Best had aught to do away with Politics as we are forced to vote (In this Country) "For the Devil or The Deep Blue Sea".
Did you like that Poem??

TAS, 1972 posts
21 Jun 2011 12:22PM
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OK! Friday; Out on the Strip, Wind 20-25kmh, SW. I am reasonably happy to Rig and have a shot, and So Away we go. Shoot down the strip and scratch about for awhile and eventually get an increase in wind for about half hour and then the so-called Wing Drops right out. Bugger pack it up and go home with the breeze chopping all over the shop.

Saturday. Ripper Coop' good wind of around 30kmh so I give it an hour to be sure it is going to hang around for a couple of minutes and off to the Strip again.

Wing Sock Erect (Happy Happy) Rig up the Razor and----------is that wind dropping??----- OK give it a Try and we scratch a WHOLE 10mtrs and the wind is gone. I lay there like a stunned Mullet for about 10 minutes hopping against hope for "My Friend the Wind" to return.. Bugger Pack up and go home..
And people wonder why I am becoming Paranoid and think even The Wind Gods are against me... Well you explain to me why Yesterday and Sunday were so windy and it Piddled Down most of the Day??

WA, 5921 posts
21 Jun 2011 9:51PM
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youve angered the ash gods niccy poo[}:)]

TAS, 1972 posts
22 Jun 2011 12:55AM
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SHEES! You wana hope and pray I don't ever make it back across to the West Buddy/Mate/Pal/Sweet Cheeks cos if'n I do yer in for a Bloody Good Slap![}:)]

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
22 Jun 2011 12:36AM
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Hey! Paul Have you fitted brakes on it???? You know! To Stop you're Coughin'!! Jees! I Slay Me..
I wish some one would[}:)]

WA, 5921 posts
22 Jun 2011 3:53PM
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Nikrum said...

SHEES! You wana hope and pray I don't ever make it back across to the West Buddy/Mate/Pal/Sweet Cheeks cos if'n I do yer in for a Bloody Good Slap![}:)]

better get the kids busy with the wet stone then

TAS, 1972 posts
22 Jun 2011 9:40PM
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Careful Boyo! Mines BIGGER n yours

and they are Shaving Sharp.

WA, 1244 posts
22 Jun 2011 7:45PM
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ya really should be more carefull Ron!!!!!
Leaving a nosebag on the pillow, it could be taken the wrong way mate.

TAS, 1972 posts
22 Jun 2011 11:46PM
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I'm right into leather tougher than rubber n less Blowouts[}:)]

TAS, 1972 posts
23 Jun 2011 12:14PM
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Aw Gees! He started it first

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
23 Jun 2011 2:38PM
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Nikky Pooh, think about it! What youv'e seen so far are his "youngest" daughters' blades. She has 4 other sisters bigger than her, with blades to match. Then you have Landyachts' blades and he is a lot bigger with blades to match plus a large variety of axes some f'ken nasty sharp things on long handles[}:)][}:)][}:)]

TAS, 1972 posts
23 Jun 2011 5:00PM
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That'd be yous Sand-gropers, Bring a knife to a Gun Fight.


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

"Nikrum's Page" started by Test pilot 1