Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General


Created by landyacht > 9 months ago, 29 Dec 2007
WA, 5921 posts
29 Dec 2007 11:06PM
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The commitee met this afternoon and measure a yacht to give us some official specifications and construction rules. We decided that freedom of design should be encouraged by setting only wheelbase dimensions,and minimal safety requirements.
RULE 2. Yacht must have an effective seat belt which must be worn correctly when sailing.
THe following are recommendations only.
yacht should have a brake.
Designs should take into account the Australian class 6 rules if the yacht is intended to be raced in that class

SA, 1622 posts
30 Dec 2007 1:18AM
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Is the 4 sqr metre sail area a rule or just a recommendation? If so is there a max?

WA, 700 posts
30 Dec 2007 1:26AM
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Depends if you want to conform to the Brian Reynolds spec of 4.25 max. I guess you could always put your class 5 sail/mast on if you want something different.

SA, 1622 posts
30 Dec 2007 10:31AM
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My thoughts exactly. If its not illegal, it would certainly be worth it in the light winds.

WA, 5921 posts
30 Dec 2007 2:32PM
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As I said we want people to experiment. weve usedsails up to 5m2. on salt they tend to overpower you. using 400x8 wheels all round gives your yacht better rolling ability, thus you can use a smaller sail. weve also used sails as small as 1.5m2

9 posts
30 Dec 2007 2:43PM
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Landyacht quick question.

On cat sailing, we can depower the rig. Can this be done to a landyacht? In other words applying more downhaul, making the sail flatter. You go faster this way in high winds and settles the boat down pretty darn good.

This is why I want to go with a cat rotating mast. The rig is very easy to depower when overpowered.

What is your take on this?

WA, 5921 posts
30 Dec 2007 7:52PM
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in a landyacht you wont have the time to depower, or you want that power to make you go faster. the sheeting/mast/boom system we use has the boom sitting under the sail and as you sheet in you are effectively tensioning downhaul/vang and outhaul. upwind at speed you will be fully sheeted,reaching the same, downwind the same!
I will try to bring up a photoas an example

WA, 5921 posts
30 Dec 2007 7:59PM
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here goes
the sail is not quite fully sheeted and has now been recut

WA, 5921 posts
30 Dec 2007 8:08PM
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It is worth noting the simplicity of the rig . no stays or support bars. no handlebars to tangle the sheets. mast is a 4.6 glass mast with a bit of scrap ally 600mm long in the base to stiffen it. boom is a cut down broken mast base. pulleys are tied on and a plastic rowlock on the front of the boom.
yacht has been timed at 87kph

SA, 1622 posts
30 Dec 2007 9:41PM
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Wow, that's a steep lake!!

VIC, 21 posts
30 Dec 2007 10:59PM
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So why does one part of the country have to make new rules for class 6?

The lake LeFroy committee state "freedom of design should be encouraged by setting only wheelbase dimensions,and minimal safety requirements"

ALSA have a set of rules for class 6
Wheel Base: 1.8 metres
Overall Length: 2.25 metres
and a sail area of 4.25 sq.m which was offically increased to 4.5 sq.m by ALSA

If we want to grow the sport of Landyachting and encourage new sailers, then there SHOULD ONLY be one set of rules.

The ALSA Class 6 rules allow for plenty of "freedom of design" and covers all mini landyachts. Blokart, Phoenix, Manta, Ludic, just to name a few commercial available designs.

So not being a member of the Lake Lefroy club,
what is the advantage of this new measurements?
Do you not want to compete nationally or internationally?

WA, 700 posts
30 Dec 2007 10:12PM
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landyacht said...

Designs should take into account the Australian class 6 rules if the yacht is intended to be raced in that class

Don't see a problem. If a club wants to make regulations that only apply to them, it should not be an issue. If that club holds a national event then presumably national rules will then apply.

9 posts
31 Dec 2007 1:57AM
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Landyacht I see what you are saying, sadly that setup will release downhaul and mainsheet at the same time. There is no way to un hook the leach without release the luff.

See where im heading? If downhaul and mainsheet were separate you would be able to twist off the sail release power when not needed and this at the same time makes you faster.

WA, 30 posts
31 Dec 2007 11:16PM
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I see where you are coming from Robi regarding sail control ,i am also a high performance cat sailor and know that it is the only way to sail them in haevy wind ,to say that land yachts because of speed you wont have time to re act to any gusts i believe is not correct,as you will know out on the wire 18 foot to 20 foot cat 20 knots plus wind rough water and things do happen very quickly but we survive so give it ago,you may need a boon vang not just a downhaul.

WA, 5921 posts
1 Jan 2008 7:39PM
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Select to expand quote

Robi said...

Landyacht I see what you are saying, sadly that setup will release downhaul and mainsheet at the same time. There is no way to un hook the leach without release the luff.

See where im heading? If downhaul and mainsheet were separate you would be able to twist off the sail release power when not needed and this at the same time makes you faster.

thats a lot of sail bling your adding. . Make your yacht bigger,and your sailing area clearer,bigger to allow you time to didle around. also let other landsailors get out of the way because your going to be rather busy sorting your tanged lines.
I'd say yiu have this all pretty well sorted so the next thing to do is go try it. I did ,and i learned all those lessons . Gosh that was almost 30 years ago!

WA, 5921 posts
1 Jan 2008 8:11PM
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boogie said...

So why does one part of the country have to make new rules for class 6?
wehave made no rules at all for class 6 > we simply recommended that IF you wih to race in class 6 at some pointyou should allow for those rules also.
I would live to race class 6 again. I have a cl 6 mothballed in development because it was faster thatn the cl 5 yachts we are racing and I didnt want to confuse people with even more designs

The lake LeFroy committee state "freedom of design should be encouraged by setting only wheelbase dimensions,and minimal safety requirements"

ALSA have a set of rules for class 6
Wheel Base: 1.8 metres
Overall Length: 2.25 metres
and a sail area of 4.25 sq.m which was offically increased to 4.5 sq.m by ALSA

I wasnt aware of any changes to sail area. When did this happen? perhaps TEST,who by good fortune is president of ALSA could post the current andcorrect specs and rules.
It should also be noted that the rules once statedthat the overall lengthwas measuredto the outside of the wheels, not the FULL OVERALL LENGTH. as a commitee member throughout the life of claas 6 in the 1980's, this discussion tdid crop upand was clearly defined in the rule books.

If we want to grow the sport of Landyachting and encourage new sailers, then there SHOULD ONLY be one set of rules.

The ALSA Class 6 rules allow for plenty of "freedom of design" and covers all mini landyachts. Blokart, Phoenix, Manta, Ludic, just to name a few commercial available designs.

unfortunately the cl 6 rules over time were altered to stop pilots useing all the things that made cl 6 exciting to build and sail. WING MASTS, SWINGING SEATS< FAIRED BODIES. with the materials available today ,class 6 could be absolute screaming rockets,rather than the sedate yachts that we see

So not being a member of the Lake Lefroy club,
what is the advantage of this new measurements?
Do you not want to compete nationally or internationally?

the LEFROY mini spec have been set becuase after a first wave of designing an building, people here are thinkingLONGER?,WIDER? ... by holding back these 2 parameters there is a chance for the club to grow. if a person wants wider /faster we encourage cl5. the minis started here as a small yacht to compete on an equal footing with the BLOKARTS that had started to appear. . despite the number of yachts in the club very few seem to turn up and sail, particularly home builders seem to be the more regular sailers.
thesize spec is a good one for portability etc and the blokart wheel dimensions is technicaly well thought out

WA, 5921 posts
1 Jan 2008 8:21PM
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oops, hit the wrong key. as I was saying, you have to realize thecl 6 was never an international class, only a local thing between the 4 australian clubs. as we became more international cl6 died away.
I would personally love to race cl 6 again, but dont expect us to turn up in rustic rural machines. we have learnt to build some nice stuff.
Also you need to realize that internationally cl 5 is in its death throes as it became too high tech ,and too expensive. if you look at the entry numbers for the world champs , you will se that fisly has embraced the PROMO cl 5 , a more regulated form of cl 5 which is reminiscent of the yacht we were building the late 80's.

next question please

SA, 1622 posts
1 Jan 2008 10:06PM
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landyacht said...
next question please

Ooh... ooh... me... me... (puts hand in the air)
Whats the difference between cl5 and promo. On that classes page the only difference is the annex 02C1 and 02C2, whats that?

EDIT: Ok now I've found annex 2C1 and 2C2, so my question now is, what specifically in annex 2C2 precludes a class 5?

EDIT again: OK so after reading them thoroughly it looks like the main differences that I could understand are:

1. Mast step can not be adjustable
2. Can't have strenghening braces behind the "Y" join
3. Seat must basically be above the chassis, not wrapped around it as is the case with the PM

Is that about it. If so other than making a new seat it wouldn't be too hard to convert one would it? (not that I would want to though, they all sound like backward steps to me)

Promo girl
259 posts
1 Jan 2008 9:09PM
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Hi Hills, there is a number of differences between international cl5 and promo class 5. Promo's are class 5's but not all class 5's are Promos.

Class 5 for quite a number of years was very big internationally and developments in the class were fast and furious. FISLY often had to interpret or allow/disallow various new ideas that people came up with. However internationally over the last 5-7 years to be competetive on a international racing stage you needed an ever increasing pocket as advancements became more and more costly. Here in Australia we tend to hang on to our yachts for several seasons and can still race locally at a good level. This is not the case elsewhere. Last years yacht design in class 5 was old and slow.

There have been several attempts to regulate class 5 to a more *one design* or cheaper version - both here in Aus and internationally. The Club 88, FEd 5's and Pacific Magics are all examples of this. Aussies started modifying Pacific Magics at about chassis no 7.

One design classes can and do work as Standart as shown.

The Promo class 5 is another attempt to regulate class 5 as a cheaper and simpler land yacht that can be built and raced internationally on a reasonably level playing field rather than just on who has the most money. The big advantage that Promo has over other attempts to regulate class 5 is that it has been ratified by FISLY, none of the others had.

It is currently being raced in Europe (mainly France at the moment), several Sth American countries and here in Aus.

Interestingly enough with the exception of your Pacific Magic mast step your class 5 would be close to fitting into Promo rules.

I like racing class 5, it is fast and fun. However my posket is not deep. Internationally my yachts have not been competetive for some time. However my new Promo is now up there with the best and cost just over $2000 to build.

Promo class still allows quite a latitude for personal design and expression however you need to use a relatively simple chassis, wheel barrow wheels and a dacron sail.

I won't bore you with any further differences between Promo's and Class 5's best way to see the difference is look in the FISLY specs. (Aussie class 5 rules are donkeys years behind the rest of the world)

I'll find some photos of my yacht and post.
Promo Girl

SA, 1622 posts
1 Jan 2008 10:49PM
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Excellent, thanks Susan.

I was editing my post while you posted yours. Yes I see what you mean now I have read the annexes more closely.

Ok my plan then is to keep sailing my class 5 as it is as that's what everyone around here has, and down the track get one of Phoenix's Standarts

Problem solvered

Promo girl
259 posts
1 Jan 2008 9:24PM
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Hills said<EDIT again: OK so after reading them thoroughly it looks like the main differences that I could understand are:

1. Mast step can not be adjustable
2. Can't have strenghening braces behind the "Y" join
3. Seat must basically be above the chassis, not wrapped around it as is the case with the PM

Is that about it. If so other than making a new seat it wouldn't be too hard to convert one would it? (not that I would want to though, they all sound like backward steps to me)>

With regards to point 3 we are not sure on this and have actually emailed FISLY as the interpretation of this is not clear due to the fact that much of the design work on these class specs has been done By Spanish and French speaking land sailors for whom English is a 2nd or 3rd language. Not all the linguist kink in the rules are yet ironed out...this is happening now.

At the World Championships next month there will be a Promo pilots meeting with pilots from all over the world represented. We hope that this and a couple of other minor points will be clarified then and we can then give you a diffinative answer.

Exciting times

Promo Girl

SA, 1622 posts
1 Jan 2008 10:55PM
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Sooooooooooo... getting back to the class 6's, are you drawing parrallels between the Lefroy mini and the old class 5 and between the class 6 and the Promo?

Promo girl
259 posts
1 Jan 2008 9:33PM
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Hills said <Is that about it. If so other than making a new seat it wouldn't be too hard to convert one would it? (not that I would want to though, they all sound like backward steps to me)>

Ahh Hills, if is speed you are really after you need to go to the big maxi class 2 and 3 yachts if it is good racing you are after then the best and fairest racing is the racing that is close together so skill is what wins on the day not the person who can afford the fancy fibreglass wheels and a $5000+ land yacht.

So how can a slick, fast yacht that is affordable and will not markedly date from one season after another a backward step?

I can't wait until the opportunity when I can race you boys and show you just what my little speedy yellow Promo can do!

Promo Girl
P.S 56 pilots from around the world have entered this class in the WC08, compared to only 8 in class 5, 27 in class 3 and 18 in class 2.

Promo girl
259 posts
1 Jan 2008 9:42PM
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Hills said <Sooooooooooo... getting back to the class 6's, are you drawing parrallels between the Lefroy mini and the old class 5 and between the class 6 and the Promo? >

No = Class 6 and Lake Lefroy minis are not reconized anywhere else except here in Aus. They are both useful for experimenting with new designs, they are smaller and more portable than 5's. Portability is one of the reasons the minis have become so popular here on Lake Lefroy. You can often get away without a trailer and just stick them in the boot!

The mini's are also great for getting new people into the sport, including women and children. My younger children have their own little mini yachts - nice and small with a small sail area so they can have fun, safely. They can also be built sleek, grown up size and almost as fast as a class 5 for a fraction of the price. As the minis are also in comparison in size to Blokarts, they race with the minis competitively in club racing.

Promo Girls

Promo girl
259 posts
1 Jan 2008 9:50PM
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Hlls said <Excellent, thanks Susan.

I was editing my post while you posted yours. Yes I see what you mean now I have read the annexes more closely.

Ok my plan then is to keep sailing my class 5 as it is as that's what everyone around here has, and down the track get one of Phoenix's Standarts

Problem solvered >

Ummm Hills for the record they are not Phoenix's Standarts - they are Seagull Standarts. I am sure Mr Seagull - the brilliant designer Jean Phillippe Krisher (a lovely small bald man) would like to know that I have corrected you on this little slip of the tongue!

Standarts are a lovely yacht to sail. We seriously looked at importing one after the last Pacrims but channeled the money into a trip to the WC08 instead.

By the time you get the california spindles (for sailing on anything but sand) and couple of other extra things you will need you will have spent enough money on you beautiful STandart that Paul could build you a whole fleet of minis or even a fleet of class 5's.

Still you would have my envy if you got one!

Promo Girl
PS signing off to put children to bed

WA, 5921 posts
1 Jan 2008 10:14PM
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crikey ,that promogirl loves to type.
you both missed 2 important differences.
Dacron sails ,5 battens. Ie sails for $700 not $2000.
400x8 rims as the Max size wheel. no $2000 carbon rims with$200 tyres (Im not joking).
You can afford to be competative and raise a family. the construction cost is low enough that a fleet could be built in a country for a competition cheaper that they can be freighted around the world. . that is what the Argentinians have done for us.
Does that start to tempt you?

SA, 1622 posts
1 Jan 2008 11:46PM
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Promo girl said...

Ummm Hills for the record they are not Phoenix's Standarts - they are Seagull Standarts. I am sure Mr Seagull - the brilliant designer Jean Phillippe Krisher (a lovely small bald man) would like to know that I have corrected you on this little slip of the tongue!

Hehe, yes I know he's not the designer. It was like I was saying I'd buy one of Goldfield Toyota's Land Cruisers as apposed to saying I'd buy one of Kiichiro Toyoda's Land Cruisers (to use Paul's previous stab at Jeeps )

Make sure you keep us updated from the comps next month. Want to see lots of photos on here

SA, 1622 posts
2 Jan 2008 1:05AM
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landyacht said...

crikey ,that promogirl loves to type.
you both missed 2 important differences.
Dacron sails ,5 battens. Ie sails for $700 not $2000.
400x8 rims as the Max size wheel. no $2000 carbon rims with$200 tyres (Im not joking).
You can afford to be competative and raise a family. the construction cost is low enough that a fleet could be built in a country for a competition cheaper that they can be freighted around the world. . that is what the Argentinians have done for us.
Does that start to tempt you?

Sorry this is getting a bit confusing now. These are differences between what you're limited to in Promo compared to what you can do in class 5, yeah? If so, I guess so... I suppose I'm used to yachting where these advantages are limited by handicapping, which doesn't occur in landyachting or does it? (I'm still only new to this )

It does seem to take a bit of the fun of tinkering by us home builders out of the equation though. This is one thing you say is an advantage of being able to experiment in the mini's, but once you've done your experimenting and achieved something great you can't apply it to this international class.

I guess class 5 is better for the tinkerers and the Promo is better for the rest. That doesn't mean we home builders are a dying breed does it, that would be sad

WA, 700 posts
1 Jan 2008 11:45PM
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The way I see it you can still tinker as much as you like within the confines of the Promo rules. Just means you dont need to mortgage the house to make simple changes.

SA, 1622 posts
2 Jan 2008 1:27AM
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very true, but I guess you can tinker even more in the class 5 and still race it internationally and even more so in the minis, but only race it locally.

I'm not so concerned about the constant rake of the mast or the supports between the "Y", but I really like the way Pauls PM seat sits down over the tubes.

WA, 700 posts
2 Jan 2008 12:17AM
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hills said...

I really like the way Pauls PM seat sits down over the tubes.

Can't say I am familiar with this concept, hopefully all will become clear when Susan posts up the pics she promised..


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