sad news yesterday, Bertrand Lambert passed away.
amazing landsailer to watch racing and complete gentleman .
When susan and I raced in UK in 1987, he made the effort to find us on the beach and introduce himself, just because we had come from another country and heard never heard of us
That is sad. Any more info Paul? It was he who told me that I should use KZ307 as his number was F307. A lovely man. He had a very interesting background before being adopted by M and Mme Lambert. RIP Bertrand, the beach in the sky is filling up a bit too fast.
most of the info Ive got seems to be from bits and pieces on various facebook groups, like fisly.
I had heard that hed been ill for some time, and had passed on his sail number
I have picked up that he had been battling cancer. His F307 should be retired as they do with outstanding Hockey players (like Gretsky) and some race drivers in the US.
I have picked up that he had been battling cancer. His F307 should be retired as they do with outstanding Hockey players (like Gretsky) and some race drivers in the US.
I think he passed it on to his daughter? definitely a F307 racing in promo team france
rather bizarre youtube, that was kiwi, but amazing to see what he could do with a 3. rather impressed by his push start speed too
You might remember that a LOT of training went into starts, and a fair bit of thought on starting techniques. With the 50 + yacht fleets it was a very critical part of the race, and why "duck waddling" like you guys use wold never work, along with the need to overcome lighter winds/soggier surfaces.
I see on the Classe 3 site that our thoughts from here have been copied over.
Clemence, Charlotte and Elisabeth are coping well, Bertrand was suffering for around 9 years! I would not have recognised him from his latest photo.
If one of the girls uses the number, that for me, is OK, but never out of the family IMHO.
frustratingly Ive got a ripper tape at home showing a class 3 start,where Lambert is simply in another league, but havent seen a VHS machine for some years
frustratingly Ive got a ripper tape at home showing a class 3 start,where Lambert is simply in another league, but havent seen a VHS machine for some years
You haven't looked on top of my tv, eh!!!!!
In 1990 the US hosted the Worlds. Bertrand competed and won class 2 and got 2nd in class 3 behind Colin Palmer. His boat was amazing. I think it weighed 220lbs. I've never seen someone sail so well in light winds.
Hi everyone,
Di & I have just returned from our holiday in US & Canada.
Very sad to hear of Bertrand's passing, I remember him as a gentleman of the sport as well as an unmatched sailor.
Like Rhys says there are too few left.
Best wishes to his family from us.