If in your local news agent here is a magazine that might be of interest to us landsailors.... well worth the $7.95
Some of the subjects "Dust Devils" Blokarts in the US, sails and the new technology of sail cloths, battens etc.
Some of the articals are here on these linkswww.sailsmagazine.com.au/j/index.php/current-issue-8/114-dust-devilshttp://www.sailsmagazine.com.au/j/index.php/current-issue-8/109-rocket-man
Trying very hard not to sound like a whinging bit...blight, but when are we going to see some landyachts other than Blokarts in the media
I don't think we are expensive or shiny enough
Thanks for putting this up Gizmo.
There's an idea..... with pics of fancy CF boats, and fancy land yachts from the european champs on seabreeze recently.
Let's see who can come up with some fancy "conceptual" drawings and come up with a yacht that looks like a F1 race car or Ferrari with fancy bodies and streamlining rather than just a pile of tubes....so the media will want to take pics and put them in the media.
Why are Blokarts in the media so much.... fun, fast, compact, handling, performance upgrades, 2 seaters, easy to set up and use, don't break, 1 design, leg use optional, get them anywhere, sold world wide, turn them into ice yachts or catermarans, 1000's sold....that could be it....
Well Gizmo...my plans are done, but i cant post them,
have found my support engineers, and I have more
than one ticket in Lotto, that covers finance. So i recon if
you live long enough you just may experience what you dream of
Never, ever, let anyone convince you that it cant be done nor
That YOU personally cant do it........... And the rest here on
this forum keep having a go..........................
Last summer I had an article about landsailing out on a aviation magazine. It was more from the historical point of view, describing the connections between aircrafts and landyachts (stuff like Bleriot, Coppens, Great Gransden in the UK), but to show what's going on now there're pics of class 3 yachts and some hybrids seagull standart/california in a race in Africa.
A lot depends on the feelings of the author. I'm not a blokart's enthusiast, so blokarts are of course described in the text, but have no images (because it's up to the author to collect the images).
Cheers - Enrico
try advertising in one of their magazines ,then you get the articles as a bonus,
since the only blokart adverts Ive seen have been in caravanning , and other Grey nomad type mags, thats where the articles turn up . Ive been told that that is where most of the sales are too, not in the racing/adrenaline type mags.
it is all about sales dont forget,
Basically you write it , supply the photos, they accept it and do the layout
thats how its always been
Magazines aren't about their subjects, they are about the "Buck". Someone Pays the Magazine to put an Add in a magazine and Vamp up an otherwise boring story of some Old Farts puttering up and down a beach somewhere warm and sunny and a few more Old Farts read this BS and believe it and so Blokarting becomes an exciting and FASHIONABLE thing to do. Blokarts could be Clothing, Cars, Fancy Dining etc. Some Dumb Schmuck comes along and Pays for an already Paid Up Advert in a glossy surfaced Mag, gets all wet over an over priced piece of Crap and so the circle goes. Personally I refuse subscribe to Glorified over embellished pieces of BS. My money is much more efficiently spent on things I can do for myself. The problem is the people themselves, they look at an item, think "Oh! Joy what a great idea, I'd love to do that" someone else -- The Great Spin Dr rip off merchant comes along and says "Yes! Great Idea but you are unable to build one"
First person believes them and says "OH!! Looses confidence and wants to buy one" There is nothing special about me nor most of the other guys on this forum other than We want to do something and we find ways to do it for ourselves or help each other to do it. The entire World is not commercial -----------! Is it I could be wrong there. Spend your money on a new bearing or bit of steel for the next machine. Go have a look at ADlandyachts CF. It isn't a commercial thing-----------Yet anyway.
It's all really about convenience , it takes up little space, little time to assemble
and your away. It's what most are doing when they percieve that the
weather in appropriate, their on to it.
The other side a special build that needs thinking , workshop , experience and
experimentation, above all time. Frustration waiting for suitable window of opp.
However to me , it is the most interesting therefore rewarding.
There is plenty of space for both camps......
Not sure where your info is coming from but all indicators I've heard is that all wind users will be welcome, kite buggy, speedsail, landyachts (all types inc. Blokarts), etc. It would be a shame to limit the club to machines that are cost prohibitive to many people (I'd have to give up a kidney to afford even a basic model Blokart
This said I feel as though Port is doing a little Stiring for fun (I knew I shouldn't have had a go at Nikrum the other day . . . Karma sucks!).
BTW I think Blokart use would be a good base for a club to have.
Our initial foray is with Blokarts, but we are keen to see various forms of Windsports catered for at NEW.
having written for a couple of oversea (usa) magazines in the past when i was involved with radio control model car racing all i did was to approch the editors of that magazines of that type and just look at on your local news stand and you'll see hundreds of magaiznes on just about any subject you care to mention, and put the ideas that i had to them,, yes sure there were many that said thnaks but no thanks but eventualy I got published and then got a regular column as well so with that in mimd it's just a matter of coming up with the idea some good pics and then do some "door knocking" sure blokarts are the flavor of the month because they are different and popular and are out in the "public eye" more than land yachts are so as far as i am concerned land yachters have no one else to blame for the lack of publicity than ourselves and i'm sure that the bitchi'n and moaning and poop slinging that goes on in this so called sport of ours doesn't help publicity wise either[}:)]