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Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

Show off your other toys here

Created by hills > 9 months ago, 1 Sep 2008
SA, 1622 posts
1 Sep 2008 10:59PM
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From Vic's thread it looks like we landyachters have more than just landyachts in common. Seems we also like to have plenty of other toys as well, so lets see them!!

WA, 5921 posts
5 Sep 2008 10:03PM
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WA, 5921 posts
6 Sep 2008 8:24PM
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Since your a mate,I show you one. warning ,this bike should only be ridden with a small child on the back as pillion passenger. riding it alone makes you look a bit daft.

SA, 2865 posts
7 Sep 2008 9:16AM
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Paul, in the future your kids will look at the family album with such fond memories of their childhood.....

Promo girl
259 posts
7 Sep 2008 10:48AM
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Trouble is Giz, they have to survive their childhoods first - with some of Pauls *inventions* it has been a close thing
Everytime I go away they get up to some mischief or other. One time they made a working scale model of a treboche and launched the kids barbie dolls down the length of the street! If that was not enough they all made costumes and dressed up in medievel clothing.
It can be a scary thing on the other end of the phone when your child says guess what we did today mum...

SA, 1622 posts
7 Sep 2008 9:30PM
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Haha! That looks great Paul. It make my latest bike look boring in comparison, but what the hell here it is anyway

WA, 5921 posts
7 Sep 2008 8:12PM
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round here something that beautiful is a calthrop( double gee) magnet..
I picked up a nice bike today from a rubbish bin . full suspension,CrMo forks and rear, tires good and pumped up. nly needed a new deraileur .
the sweetest bit was that I saw it in the bin when I visited Crazy TRavs place in Kambalda, but he wasnt home and didnt see the bike i the bin for himself sorry cousin Trav , first in ,best dressed

WA, 5921 posts
7 Sep 2008 8:18PM
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Gizmo said...

Paul, in the future your kids will look at the family album with such fond memories of their childhood.....

They will also remember being guineapigs in Dad fork angle test, the statistics test with the Trebuche which established that 2 in 10 launches will go straight up in the air and fall back on the catapulthence the hardhats ,kids
I know that 10yr old Josephine enjoyed driving the landcruiser

WA, 1660 posts
10 Sep 2008 9:46PM
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Not as interesting as Pauls pic (that is way out there)
1968 shovel
Royal endfield

VIC, 267 posts
11 Sep 2008 1:30AM
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I have a yearning for a trike!! or a 4wd beach vehicle someone can come and get me from the botton of Sandy Point!!

SA, 1622 posts
11 Sep 2008 7:52AM
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Wow, nice looking bikes Arjay!! I can see why you've got both, I couldn't choose between them either!

VIC, 267 posts
11 Sep 2008 9:25PM
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oh they are not my bikes!! Closest thing I own to a motorcycle is a new motorcycle helmet, for coming off the blokart at 80+ kph, even on sand!!!

Ummm cracked the last helmet, old Blokart one and on the walk home I lost it, probably for the best!

SA, 1622 posts
11 Sep 2008 9:35PM
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oops sorry, I mean Vic!!

SA, 1622 posts
11 Sep 2008 10:25PM
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Arjay said...

oh they are not my bikes!! Closest thing I own to a motorcycle is a new motorcycle helmet, for coming off the blokart at 80+ kph, even on sand!!!

Ummm cracked the last helmet, old Blokart one and on the walk home I lost it, probably for the best!

Is that when you bent your front fork? What happenend?

QLD, 12353 posts
12 Sep 2008 2:54AM
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Arjay said...

I have a yearning for a trike!! or a 4wd beach vehicle someone can come and get me from the botton of Sandy Point!!

Would this be any use to you Russell?

It's actually quite a bit of fun on it's own. Does about 50 kmh and I think you get a couple of hours out of a tank of juice. Bought this one out of Melbourne via ebay for $750 plus $250 delivery. (I think he touched me up on the delivery charge.)

One of the local mower shops here now has them for $950. I took the trouble to replace some of the bolts and washers on it for better quality high tensile. I will also be fitting a seat belt in the near future.

Cheers Cisco.

SA, 1622 posts
12 Sep 2008 7:47AM
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Is that the Queensland Blokart Club recovery vehicle?

QLD, 12353 posts
12 Sep 2008 12:27PM
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No. It is the Bundy Bombers Blokart Recovery Vehicle.

Not a bad little toy for the money. I was considering building a "Dirt Devil",

see but when I started pricing components and assessing the time factors and likely problems with building, I had to stop to ask myself a question.

Where do I want to spend most of my time, in the workshop or on the beach? You know what the answer was.

Cheers Cisco

QLD, 58 posts
12 Sep 2008 5:16PM
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Other wind toys:

This is a photo we call Mr.Pain. It is my younger boy Ryan on our Peter Lynn kite buggy.

Last summer school holidays the boys & I built a 12'6'' day sailer ;Lolligagger

This story fetured in: "Australian Amateur Boatbuilder" #62 Jul/Aug/Sep 2008 pages 19-23


WA, 1660 posts
12 Sep 2008 9:50PM
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My home built kite buggy on Lake Lefroy (behind Speedway track)

7 posts
13 Sep 2008 3:23PM
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Baja California ready 1994 DR 650 Suzuki dual sport. 6.6 gal. tank, dual Hella 500's and customized progressive rear shock link to lower the seat height since I have the legs of a short Hobbit.

SA, 1622 posts
13 Sep 2008 6:10PM
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Nice Bike! I was hoping we'd see some more petrol powered toys, here's mine

5ltr VK SS Brock Commodore

WA, 5921 posts
14 Sep 2008 6:04PM
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heres a little dinghy the kids and I built. 31'6" x5' folding gaff schooner, designed by Phil Bolger

VIC, 267 posts
17 Sep 2008 10:37PM
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lol looks good Cisco!! No thats not when I bent the fork. It was the day I hit 83kph top speed, on a dead true wind run, still had about 18-24 inches sheet between the pulley whip and boom end, with a 2m sail drawing beautifully. Imagine if the wind had've been a bit further round??? All I do is wonder! Can't remember what the wind speed was but it was Blowin!!!!

WA, 1660 posts
22 Sep 2008 5:09PM
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My strip built Kayak fitted out for sailing

Promo girl
259 posts
24 Sep 2008 7:10PM
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For those into other Toys, there is a book called Big Boys Toys that is getting lauched in Nov. (I have no financial interest in this book). I have only seen a couple of draft pages. Paul with Vindicator (built by the fabulous Faze 5) is one of the boys featured with his toys

So hopefully later this year lots of people will see this and also want a big landyacht for their toy?


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

"Show off your other toys here" started by hills