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Created by BodieCDHS > 9 months ago, 7 Oct 2010
TAS, 113 posts
21 Feb 2011 7:15PM
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Some pics may help????
"Eyebrows" are the rounded section where the cabin top meets the cabin sides...same with cockpit.

TAS, 113 posts
3 Mar 2011 2:36PM
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We've built some sliding seat mounts.
Nice how the Duragal comes in such handy sizes.....telescopes quite well.
Pity I don't know how to do all this in Alloy.
The front seat will have about 400mm of travel, the rear one only 250mm.
The rear seat's mount will have to go over both the front and the rear of the back cross member. We had to cut 250mm off the bottom face of the Duragal, and left 80mm each side , hope its strong enough
O'Sully was pissing himself laughing when he tried it out
Now for the mast positions......the fore mast is easy. The main's position will be determined by how close the fore mast's boom is able to swing through while keeping in mind that the greater the gap/ slot between the two the more efficient it will be.
We don't want to make the whole thing too long though.

TAS, 2 posts
17 Mar 2011 1:57PM
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Here are the six new wheels, tyres and bearings. We paid $25.00 for each because Transmission Australia in Devonport made a deal with Fallshaw. This is fantastic so we are thanking them very much. They are going on the "The MAD-HATTEN PROJECT" and the old Land Yacht.
(In the pic is [Adam] and my teaher [ MR P]

WA, 1244 posts
18 Mar 2011 10:40AM
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Wow !!!!! How good is that.

It's just fantastic to see companys getting in behind school design projects.

This is our future engineers coming along here.

Well done guys.

TAS, 37 posts
18 Mar 2011 2:13PM
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Thanks for your comment Chook2

It is good that some companys will support schools who are really into land-sailing like us

The MAD-HATTEN PROJECT has taught the landyacht team at C.D.H.S. alot about designing, building and about the different types of materials used. There's alot to learn about land-sailing, especially for those who are justing starting But it's definitly worth learning

TAS, 113 posts
20 Mar 2011 9:39PM
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Progress at last!
Having a bung back for the last month has really slowed things down......back on track now
We figured out the positions of the masts and seats and got into it.
Issac has had some lessons in welding.
The fully loaded trebuchet/ ball tearing thingie to pull the roll bar into position was a hoot.........all balls survived....even though it was touch and go there for a while.,
Have to work out the width for the rear wheels......and find something stronger than broom sticks for axles!!
What is that stuff you guys use for axles?
Issac, having spent a few hours drilling holes has vowed to work harder at school and not get stuck in an assembly line!
Bugger!!! Just ran out of MIG wire

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
20 Mar 2011 8:02PM
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tassiefubar said...

Have to work out the width for the rear wheels......and find something stronger than broom sticks for axles!!
What is that stuff you guys use for axles?

Broomsticks are ok if'n your'e flying.
We use 60mm pipe on class 5or 35mm sq pipe for mini

TAS, 113 posts
21 Mar 2011 9:26PM
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Chook2 said...

Wow !!!!! How good is that.

It's just fantastic to see companys getting in behind school design projects.

This is our future engineers coming along here.

Well done guys.

This has been a fantastic deal...especially when you consider that the guys we got them off come from the NW of the state and we are miles away down South.
Yep...Tassie's a BIG place!
I also have to put in a huge thank you for the support and materials that have been provided by Steve Walker Sails. What an excellent effort from a couple of small, local and enthusiastic players. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
On a sour note, however
Have mulled over whether to say this or not for the last week........but .....booger, what the here goes.
Took a car load of troops into Hobart to get some gear organised for our decided to see if we could garner up some support for the "Mad. Project" as well. The company we approached,(A large....Australia wide player!) perhaps due to an ominous degree of prescience...hummm......categorically said "BOOGER OFF! it is company policy to refuse all sponsorship...blah...blah etc..."
I fully understand that business players, no matter how large have no obligation to provide any support for anybody. The thing that rankles with me is that this is a mega company that seems to undercut all local competition...and floods the market with cheap. imported products.
The following day I recieved in the mail a cattle dog from said company.....however, there is no way that I will ever be buying anything from them again. It seemed a distinct lack of business acumen.
I'm buying matter how much it costs.

TAS, 1972 posts
21 Mar 2011 9:56PM
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G'donya! That is Good on you in Russian tassiefubar.
Who were these Jerks anyway. It isn't a matter of policy or requirement or any of that Crock. They are positively Un-Australian! It is a matter of generosity which is an Aussie Trait.. Oops! Sorry was an Aussie trait. Australia no longer exists. It was all given away in the 70's to 90's and Gillard drove the final nail in it's coffin for me. Taking advantage of our generosity then shoving a Tax on us to make up the short fall. I am sickened by today's attitudes.

PS; Sorry for the tirade but I'll not remove it.

TAS, 113 posts
21 Mar 2011 10:16PM
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Hi Ron
Is one allowed to name these guys on the forum?
Boy...they do make me cranky but.
AND.....I know 5 young extremely enthusiastic sailors who will definitely think twice before they grace the shop's entrance.

TAS, 1972 posts
21 Mar 2011 11:12PM
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Would you be espousing the Facts??? Occasionally I am asked to remove a post and they are politically based jokes and are to be removed because some may not understand and take the gravity of the matter to heart. Naming the Un-Australian as just that would be Ok! In my opinion, as we are Aussies and should stand shoulder to Shoulder like our Grandfathers and Fathers before us. people have to remember that although Companies like Coles, QANTAS, C U B etc were initiated in Australia, now they are anything but . That is one thing I love down here in Tas, there are a few people that are prepared to look after local businesses.


TAS, 113 posts
23 Mar 2011 10:36AM
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Quess so!!!
I think they were a Witless bunch that sells Worthless products...enough said

WA, 5921 posts
24 Mar 2011 7:47PM
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is there any more framing to go into the middle of that chassis/ what Im mseeing at the moment is something that will bend under its own weight , and buckle under a torsional(twisting ) load.
dont want to scare you
something to think about with aussie companies. when we started dealing with our wheel supplier they were indifferent to what we were doing, now with positive feedback , encouraging discussion and positive images of thier products, they now are one of the companies you are thanking as being a great supporter.

sometimes they just need educating

TAS, 1972 posts
24 Mar 2011 11:53PM
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Are you suggesting an Aussie Company did that?? What Planet are they from.. I have found very few Aussie Companies that even bothered to reply to emails.. Whereas Americans are looking to do business and be as helpful as possible.. I had become of the opinion that Aussies Couldn't give a S^&%$&* and that, "This is what we sell Take it or leave it". The helpful ones, with the exception of Edwards wheels bought their products in from over seas anyway. Shoot I can do that for myself..
Why involve a middle man??

TAS, 113 posts
25 Mar 2011 10:44AM
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landyacht said...

is there any more framing to go into the middle of that chassis/ what Im mseeing at the moment is something that will bend under its own weight , and buckle under a torsional(twisting ) load.
dont want to scare you
something to think about with aussie companies. when we started dealing with our wheel supplier they were indifferent to what we were doing, now with positive feedback , encouraging discussion and positive images of thier products, they now are one of the companies you are thanking as being a great supporter.

Hi Paul
Yes......there will be two sets of framing along the length of the chassis. The first set will be used as foot pegs for the front passenger. (chucked the foot pan idea as stoopid!). The second frame is positioned behind the front seat.....but far enough forward for us to position the steering bar.(Humm....this was one reason why it had to be so long.....catch 22).
Reason for lack of advancement......very Tasmanian.......rain= wet sand= hard to shovell into pipe for bending!!!
When I was talking to Fallshaw they were very aware of the landyachting use of their wheels.......very supportive.......Perhaps they may even start a product line for landyachts.
We also have to re-cut sails to fit shorter masts etc.

sometimes they just need educating

TAS, 1972 posts
25 Mar 2011 1:48PM
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Hi Tassiefubar
That is funny.. There will always be someone to put the Lie to any statement.
It is good that Fallshaw are encouraging input into their products.. More Power too them. I suggested to Edwards that they look more closely at our chosen sport with a view too creating a line of wheel products more suited to our use. I then found BrisKites and their wheels (French Imports) which are hard to get hold off. Perhaps Fallshaw would be willing to look into the matter as Edwards don't seem to be interested. As it turns out Kite Buggies use the same as us and Larger so that creates a larger Client Base/ Niche for a Manufacturer. There are coatings and materials that aren't as inclined to Corrode in Salt conditions and there are quite a few people about that are prepared to pay a little more for a higher Quality of product..

TAS, 37 posts
25 Mar 2011 2:34PM
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tassiefubar said...

Issac, having spent a few hours drilling holes has vowed to work harder at school

The reason why I was drilling out the holes was to make it a lot lighter than it was before and to place it inside the MAIN beam, where the sliding seat is positioned. The "MAD-HATTEN PROJECT" group decided on doing this because it will make it a lot stronger and will help, maybe even prevent it from a point where it might make a crack in the MAIN beam when the lug bolts are tightened.

The sliding seats have bolts underneath. To stop the seat from sliding along the MAIN beam, we simply tighten the bolts.

After spending nearly 3 hours drilling 190 holes, I've decided it should be Joedens turn to do the other 190 holes for the other sliding seat. I hope my teacher (Tassiefubar) will agree with me.

TAS, 37 posts
25 Mar 2011 7:07PM
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Today was a windy day in Tasmania, so we took the chance to do a bit of land-sailing on our wet, grassy oval.

It was a perfect chance to train some of our new recruits wanting to be in involved with our MAD-HATTEN group at C.D.H.S.

We didn't go very fast but that didn't stop the learners from having fun.

Here are a few pictures that I took of us having a good time

TAS, 1972 posts
25 Mar 2011 9:02PM
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I hope you young blokes really appreciate your Instructor, Tassiefubar. You don't know how lucky you are. Sure I am getting old now but in my day if you didn't play football or Cricket you were a wright off. They just weren't interested in the Odd Balls.
Go for it Be young and enjoy yourselves but please be astute in your Learnings. Much of it may not have an effect on the Life you choose but you will never know until you have lived it. Live long, Play hard and Love carefully.

TAS, 37 posts
26 Mar 2011 12:28AM
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Nikrum said...

I hope you young blokes really appreciate your Instructor, Tassiefubar. You don't know how lucky you are. Sure I am getting old now but in my day if you didn't play football or Cricket you were a wright off. They just weren't interested in the Odd Balls.
Go for it Be young and enjoy yourselves but please be astute in your Learnings. Much of it may not have an effect on the Life you choose but you will never know until you have lived it. Live long, Play hard and Love carefully.

The "MAD-HATTEN" group is very lucky to have a teacher like Tassiefubar who spends his free weekends on building the "MAD-HATTEN PROJECT"

I could not think of any other teacher who would have the experience, and let alone teach us their skills to us!!

And I believe land-sailing will have an effect on me down the track because I really enjoy working on the landyachts, Leisure time + wind = land-sailing for me


TAS, 113 posts
27 Mar 2011 6:59PM
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Bit more progress today......slow because it was too bloody hot in the shed.
Typical Tassi weather....had to wait till late afternoon before we could get into welding. One's welding helmet gets way too hot with the sun beaming onto it and it is too bright to see what you are doing if you take it outside. Need to rig an awning or something. How do you guys cope out there in the desert in WA ?
Got some axles happening and the first of 2 bracings in the main frame. This one will also be used as the foot peg for the front crew.
Getting heavy...we may seriously need to consider some form of brakes......any suggestions out there???
Had a mate drop by today......suggested the school puts up some form of link for philanthropists to make donations to......hummmm...sounds good to me We could sure do with some donations of gear.....blocks, rope sails, masts......a million dollars
I said to him..."you could be the first cab off the rank with a donation!!!"
He said, "yep....I'll donate the's all yours!"
Gee thanks Jason

430 posts
28 Mar 2011 9:05AM
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I am a bit worried about your front wheel and fork setup. I would rather see a Fallshaw wheel on there and I think the front fork material size looks a bit light for the two-up two-masted concept. Could you post a close-up photo of that front end please.
What you are building has the potential to get up to some serious speeds, and there will be a lot of load on that front end.

TAS, 113 posts
28 Mar 2011 12:24PM
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Hi Clemco
The fork material is Duragal, the next size up from that recommended for use in the LLM. The steering tube has a solid rod inside.
We have sourced some Fallshaws and have been considering using them in the front end.....with forks on both sides.

TAS, 1972 posts
28 Mar 2011 6:21PM
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Yeah! Tassiefubar,
I totally agree with Clemco. This problem has been confronted in earlier threads by Landyacht. Hence when I did my build using BMX Front End I fitted a Solid Rod down most of the Steering Tube as Paul suggested that repeated heavy shocks would bend it. For the Razor I got too work and formed the Forks from 3.5mm wall thickness 25mm tubing then welded the Axle Mounts in place. The Forks were designed to suit a 480/400x4" Wheel, it has about 5mm clearance either side of the tire. You definitely do not want a Front End Collapse at speed. Someone will get hurt and Parents do get a Tad Miffed when their little darlings are injured, so better sure than sorry. People turn faster than Boomschlangs and will bight the hand that feeds them as well.

The outer Steering Tube look like a nice long one, you should leave enough of the inner tube of reinforcing for the Tapered Wedge of the Handle Bar Tube and about 10 to 15mm above to lock the tube in place to take the Steering Bar (Handle Bar). The Razor and the Cat both function fine.

TAS, 113 posts
28 Mar 2011 9:12PM
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Yo Ron!
I'm tending to think the Fallshaws are the way to go.
Fitted the second frame tonight and was able to bounce around on the thing in the shed...really gave it heaps....concerned at the amount of flex in that big plastic spoked wheel ...considering what happened to the other one.....well you know!
Wish I had a lathe so I could spin up decent axle.....2 forks means I'll have to rethink how this bit goes together. Will get the troops onto it tomorrow.

TAS, 1972 posts
28 Mar 2011 9:48PM
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I guess I was lucky as I know someone up here that has a small lathe and we cut a 25mm rod to suit the bearings and bored it through the guts to take a threaded rod which then was locked into the forks. Simple and effective I also had to use spacers in the system to lock the inner Race down. These were made from Tractor 3 point linkage bushes, a couple of bucks from your local farm/tractor sales point.

TAS, 113 posts
29 Mar 2011 2:55PM
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Hi all
We were wondering if anybody out there knows where we could get a couple of these seats,......"Real cheap"!
We got this one from a stock car driver......but we paid way too much for it!
Apparently they are now banned from competition stock car racing in failed and killed somebody. I guess there must be some out there somewhere.
We could make some fiberglass ones....but there are only so many hours in the day!!!
They are perfect for what we are doing.

SA, 2865 posts
29 Mar 2011 6:45PM
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Lunch room type plastic seats for years have been used as land yacht seats... you possibly have a few with bent legs around the school (like you have used in the tandem version you are building)

I was wondering if your students could do me a favour?... can they measure the rolling resistance of your 2 yachts, I want to get actual figures of 2 similar yachts but with different angled back wheels.
It would need to be done on a hard flat surface, with the same passenger, same tyre pressure, don't worry about the rig. Use a spring fishing scale to see how much force is used to get it rolling to walking speed.
Lets call it a maths / physics project

WA, 1244 posts
29 Mar 2011 5:05PM
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Hi, get your lads to draw up what they wan't for the front axle and spacers.
I'll turn one up and post it as a gift to a great cause!!!!!

1262 posts
30 Mar 2011 4:49AM
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Several here, but I have no idea what it would cost to get them there.

I have 2 made out of plastic that you can have for free, but I need to research the shipping also. PM me if you are interested, and can wait a little to get mine.... cheers

I'll donate the seats and the shipping for a good cause like this one....


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