Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

The **** Saga

Created by niaychi > 9 months ago, 10 Nov 2011
97 posts
10 Nov 2011 3:03PM
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I am not suprised **** was shut down ,but Gismos assertion that the associations he named dont communicate to members is not correct,you only have to look and you will see they supply a lot in my BFSLYC site sends you off to 2011 Hoylake site and Wirral Sand Yacht Club which supplies info on events,accomodation etc which is there for members and so on,there is a lot of other info as well.
What does **** supply nothing at all,if you dont look at seabreeze you would not know the sport existed,no advertising in the press ,tv ,radio ,local community papers or magazines which is a pity as the sport will always be looked at as a recreation and not a serious sport. Colk 2004 is a classic example of what should be available which he got from BFSLYC.
I have not named**** as it will only get shut down again by Hills as it is a naughty subject,if sport is to be succesfull they have to get out in the public forum and sell it,by not having secret mens clubs where info is only available to a select few,i have had my say so as far as i am concerned i hope those involved can get things rolling.The only interest i have now is if Gismo gives me a broadside as per usual.

WA, 15 posts
10 Nov 2011 4:08PM
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well said . you might even get to the truth one day ,
yep faceless are all in hidding

SA, 2865 posts
10 Nov 2011 9:39PM
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So niaychi do the BFSLYC communicate via a forum OR website there is quite a difference between them?
My post the other day mentioned communication via the forum method... NOT website.

Seabreeze primary use is as a forum....

Seabreeze has a section for clubs to promote their Events and Championships, both WA clubs use it, Blokarts use it, Overseas groups use it yet i'm surprised that clubs in Australia actually don't use it more, it would be nice to see ALL club sailing days from All Australian clubs to be listed on it... but its up to the clubs themselves to promote whats happening in their local area, whether it be Seabreeze, Radio, TV, print media or local advertising. That's what other Local Community Sporting Clubs do. ie. Football, Netball,Tennis, Soccer, BMX etc BUT it is a decision for the Local Club alone to make whatever the sport, NOT a National Body to be responsible or do that work for them.

1229 posts
10 Nov 2011 7:16PM
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Anonymous snipers calling others faceless?
Hillsy please

WA, 15 posts
10 Nov 2011 7:18PM
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Are you not the media person for ****.
it wouldnt have any thing to do with the way you conduct your self mr G ?

SA, 2865 posts
10 Nov 2011 10:02PM
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blowhard you make some very broad assumptions indeed..... I have had no direct involvement with ALSA (or any other national sporting body) for 20+ years.
My seabreeze profile explains who I am and what I do.... unlike yours.

WA, 15 posts
10 Nov 2011 7:38PM
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may be you should read what you have posted in the past, ? you seem to have a lot to say

WA, 15 posts
10 Nov 2011 7:45PM
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Gizmo said...

blowhard you make some very broad assumptions indeed..... I have had no direct involvement with ALSA (or any other national sporting body) for 20+ years.
My seabreeze profile explains who I am and what I do.... unlike yours.

so what is your involvement with ****,(may be a traffic controler, lolly pop man )

WA, 3848 posts
10 Nov 2011 9:29PM
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For goodness sake, please have some mutual respect.

Please play the ball, not the man.

SA, 1622 posts
11 Nov 2011 8:35AM
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This will be locked again due to the personal attacks if they continue not because it is discussing ALSA.

I also think a couple of you are talking at cross purposes.

Gizmo, I think Niaychi is saying ALSA need to promote the sport, I don't think he has said it needs to be done on here. In fact he refers to other organisations' and ALSA's web site not this forum.

Niaychi, I have no problem with your question or to date with any of your recent posts. I am happy for ALSA or any other association to be discussed on here if it can be done in a constructive manner.

To other member/s aligning themselves with the new federation. I have no issues with you promoting this federation on here. Its success will depend on it being able to attract new members and should people who post on here in a negative manner be associated with it, I think you'll have an uphill battle achieving that. Again, keep it constructive and positive for your own sake.

I have no affiliation with any club or association so I'm not really fussed what happens in this space. I would just like the sport to be promoted in a positive way and that was the sole purpose Landyacht and I asked Laurie to start this section. I think it has done a good job as I can see there are a lot of people constructing and sailing today who probably wouldn't be if it wasn't for the info they've gained on this forum.

SA, 538 posts
11 Nov 2011 9:25AM
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this sort of thing is why land sailing will only ever have a small following until all the bickering stops,,, aren't we all doing the same thing anyway,, land sailing ?? people in overseas land sailing clubs must be shaking their heads at the way we conduct ourselves on here sometimes,, so much for it being a fun thing to do,,,,or is it world domination in disguise well i for 1 am going to do all i can to push this "sport" into the public eye as a fun social family thing to do on a windy day,,,,

WA, 1659 posts
11 Nov 2011 9:39PM
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I know against my better judgement not to post this, but I do not appreciate PM or email threats from ALYF, It is not in the interest of land sailing to act like this. Please have a little common sense and have positive impute to this forum, by all means let us know about you association.(could not find a WEB page for it maybe you could point us in the right direction)


WA, 15 posts
4 Dec 2011 6:15PM
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may be the person that posted the above could shed some light .and start being a bit up front being a person of ofice in the said ALSA
how long will the so called ALSA last got to be on its last legs, it does nothing
what it comes down to is the simple bit that ( if one dosnt agree with certain parties veiw it is unacceptable )

SA, 538 posts
5 Dec 2011 10:11AM
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i can not believe that something that is suppose to be a fun thing to do has dissintergrated into personal attacks no wonder this so called sport in this country is in such disarray,, who in their right mind would want anything to do with this i guess it's a good thinng that i'm not in my right mind, and the misfits will just go about the business of having fun sailling promoting land sailing as a fun thing to do, and let those that want to sling mud do so,, after all who is the better man the one who throws mud or the one who takes it then washes it off and gets on with it keep on throwing that mud there's plenty of water to wash it off

SA, 32 posts
5 Dec 2011 1:34PM
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so tughard what do you actually want baloons on your birthday or somthing
it has been said they will not comment on here and i can see why. so get your club to contact them or even contact them yourself.
but what do you want and what do you expect them to do

317 posts
5 Dec 2011 5:06PM
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beachball57 said...
people in overseas land sailing clubs must be shaking their heads at the way we conduct ourselves on here sometimes,,


Cheers Col

WA, 2775 posts
5 Dec 2011 6:42PM
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that one word reply speaks volumes to me

VIC, 1066 posts
6 Dec 2011 10:08AM
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I'm sure other landsailing groups have their arguments so I wouldn't feel too bad, its just ours are on a public forum for all to hear/read. Im sure people browsing the forum will know what they want to read and what they dont.

Its both a blessing and a curse at times (the forum, not the people)

WA, 1659 posts
6 Dec 2011 10:03AM
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Its a pity. 99% of people on only want positive impute, there are a couple who have there own agenda neither will say who they are so, Until they can man up and and let us know who they are I will not participate in there silly games. I am not about to respond to people who remain faceless on the other end of a PM.

Vic Bermingham

183 posts
6 Dec 2011 10:19AM
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hmmmmm wonders why he isnt out sailing....(He is Me) lets all get along and go sailing

TAS, 1972 posts
6 Dec 2011 7:37PM
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You are right Big Motor Bike BUT aus230 is also right Clowns like that have Testicles the size of Dried Peas and are all mouth and no Guts.
Ignore them and they usually dry up and Blow Away.

WA, 15 posts
23 Dec 2011 8:38PM
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Thats it ALSA is dead no more, gone to where ever !
certain parties will soon make an anounouncment !
it will all have to pulled off here for legal reasons , you cant misinform the public

SA, 538 posts
24 Dec 2011 9:42AM
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so does that mean there is no national body anymore

WA, 15 posts
24 Dec 2011 2:05PM
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Your on the money Beachball , if one tell's enough bull one starts to believe in your own bull

SA, 538 posts
24 Dec 2011 8:23PM
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It's all to dam hard for me, i just want to sail, i'll leave the fighting to those that seem to enjoy that sort of thing[}:)]

WA, 15 posts
24 Dec 2011 6:37PM
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cant add to that , certain parties have 29 days , its up to them

SA, 32 posts
24 Dec 2011 9:43PM
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so tughard hows the xmas drinks going where do i need to send the balloons?

TAS, 1972 posts
25 Dec 2011 12:07AM
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beachball57 said...

It's all to dam hard for me, i just want to sail, i'll leave the fighting to those that seem to enjoy that sort of thing[}:)]

Wise man Blowhard wise man.
Sailing is the only important thing, the rest is just peripheral BS.

Sail for the Pure Joy of it..

104 posts
28 Dec 2011 8:52AM
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beachball57 said...

so does that mean there is no national body anymore
Bugger did not believe it,did some home work on SA gazette took a while but it is there in black and white , a dark day for sport

SA, 538 posts
28 Dec 2011 2:01PM
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like i said it's all to hard


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

"The **** Saga" started by niaychi