Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

Wind Harnessing?

Created by Gizmo > 9 months ago, 16 Oct 2011
SA, 2865 posts
16 Oct 2011 10:15PM
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WTF..... And you were worried about a carbon tax?

TAS, 1972 posts
16 Oct 2011 10:54PM
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What a Load of Petty Bureaucratic Shiite. Have they not started to charge you for the Rain that falls freely from the sky? I thought the wind wash a natural force of nature??? Charging one use for the use of a phenomenon should then be charged to all users, including the Venue.
No wonder the Crows Fly Backwards over there. It isn't to keep the dust out of their eyes but blind them against Corruption.

WA, 1244 posts
16 Oct 2011 9:21PM
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A 200mm lead is very short. You would get a very sore back.

What does a permit cost I wonder??

Geez what next!!!!!!

WA, 2775 posts
16 Oct 2011 9:25PM
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but it doesnt ban dune buggys, 4wd's or trailbikes!

WA, 5921 posts
16 Oct 2011 9:29PM
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I think you will find that the sailboarders and windsurfers have well organized associations in each state that covers members for things like public liability. the members have to actually learn to do thinks properly and safely as the are sailing/kiting in a very public place.In return they get access to great beaches and setup areas

WA, 101 posts
16 Oct 2011 10:28PM
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baaaahhhhhh!!!! who goes to the beach on a windy day anyhow?. i'd just plead ignorance. "what sign???...sorry mate i didn't see it". 25,000kms of coastline makes a big playground.

TAS, 1972 posts
17 Oct 2011 10:10AM
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That is discrimination, no matter how you look at it and it sounds to apply to even flying a Flag.. Think about it. It would passively deter anyone that uses the wind for an activity.

SA, 2865 posts
17 Oct 2011 11:59AM
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sn said...

but it doesn't ban dune buggies, 4wd's or trailbikes!

That's the sign above this one !!!!

Just contacted the council about the bylaw, it only refers to wind things that pull or carry people.... ie. Kite boards, Kite Buggies and Land Yachts.

Kids kites, stunt kites, flags etc are exempt.

1229 posts
17 Oct 2011 12:48PM
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Okay here is the way I read this sign
The council has had no end of trouble with windsport bozos who feel it is their right to mix it up with little kids etc in that particular popular area and will only allow those who have proven to them they are responsible to use that particular area
That is the reason the landyachters I know stay off certain beaches at certain times Because councils have a responsibilty to protect citizens and so should we
If we dont do it voluntarily it will be forced upon us probably in a way we dont like
Simple really

WA, 5921 posts
17 Oct 2011 8:36PM
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Hiko said...

Okay here is the way I read this sign
The council has had no end of trouble with windsport bozos who feel it is their right to mix it up with little kids etc in that particular popular area and will only allow those who have proven to them they are responsible to use that particular area
That is the reason the landyachters I know stay off certain beaches at certain times Because councils have a responsibilty to protect citizens and so should we
If we dont do it voluntarily it will be forced upon us probably in a way we dont like
Simple really

have to agree with you hiko.
its all great for us to sail on remote spots or even when the beach is not busy, but when the crowds are out you need to think about other beach users.
I would expect that if WA metropolitan areas had really great hard wide beaches we have long ago seen heavy restrictions/bans on kitebuggies and landyachts.
keep in mind they struggle over here to use the hard lake that nobody else uses.
The one I slow right down for is horses as they often really freak out from an approaching landyacht

TAS, 1972 posts
18 Oct 2011 12:00AM
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What worries me in all this is; Given today's mentality, A buck at any cost. I wonder how long it will be before local Councils will start slapping tariffs on the use of Wind Harnessers . Damn! The Gov't started mouthing-s about limiting the amount of rain you are aloud to catch and or charging users. Mind you, that was slapped down pretty quickly. Having said what I have in this thread I tend to agree, as much as it pains me, with Cisco and Paul. None of this would be being discussed if people used a little common sense. Land Yachts are roughly guided missiles and should not be used on a pedestrian populated beach especially when children are about. Land Yachters in general have transport for their equipment so go play outside town.


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

"Wind Harnessing?" started by Gizmo