Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

checking out old haunts......

Created by VindisDad > 9 months ago, 14 Apr 2012
317 posts
19 Apr 2012 5:43PM
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VindisDad said...

Sorry guys,
Didn't mean to cause a ..... storm

Just interested in having a bit of a sail again

Global warming I've noticed one or two freak storms crossing the Southern Hemisphere of late[}:)][}:)]

Heed the words of SN. In the UK we have a finite list of venues that dwindles over time. We have clubs that have dropped out of the Fed, negotiated with their local council for 'exclusive rights' that means day membership from the club to sail and no chance of competition there. Little bits fallen off that weaken the whole.
Venues (the councils thereof) look for excuses to ban sports from areas, as that cuts their public liability - St Annes was a special case but a major venue was lost but 4 years later kites with 2 or more lines were banned due to public safety so it was a matter of time anyway. Once a precedent is set others can follow suit.

You lot have venues that I can only dream of for size and consistency of surface. Anything that large in the UK is a nature reserve, SSSI (site of special scientific interest), a bombing range, still littered with WW2 garbage (, mud or too popular to allow sport. Elvington Airfield where I sail is obviously private, but we are a quiet, green sport, the club has a good relationship with the owners, we leave no footprint (hard on concrete but hey ho), we get several sailing days a month through the whole year, but we do have to hire the venue.

Pull together guys, don't follow the UK, organise things for everyone, keep your land owners sweet, keep the access as open as reasonably possible for all. Stop bitching and get organised or you'll lose stuff, sometimes before you really knew you even had it

Cheers Col

Cheers Col

SA, 956 posts
19 Apr 2012 9:05PM
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No one will ever tell me , in a forum, or on the street, who i can or cannot talk to,

nor about what ever subject is being disscussed at any time... I would not tell

you any of the above or the same . I am not committed to you or any orgainization

that you may belong to. "IF" i thru my own efforts wanted to use some piece of

lands for my personal pleasure, i would do my own research, i dont leave that up

to committies. And when people Print in Capitials , heavy block. i read that as

something loose in the top paddock, a personal problem.....not mine.

WA, 1659 posts
19 Apr 2012 9:17PM
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This is not helping guys. We should all be working in the interest of land sailing. Bill put up a couple of great sailing areas that he Knew about, I for one thought that was great and somehow it has now been turned from a positive to a negative. I Had hoped that we had left that stuff behind us. Lets get back on track and keep it fun and informative.

SA, 2865 posts
4 May 2012 9:34PM
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I drove past Lake Bumbunga today on a work trip.... lake is wet with quite a large pool of water toward the centre of the lake, the edges look a little browner / muddier than on previous visits.

SA, 538 posts
8 May 2012 9:21AM
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for god sake you clowns this is not helping the past time of land sailing is it,, why not meet somewhere out in the mulga and dook it out and get it out of your systems, this is one reason i'm thinking of selling all my stuff and taking up knitting !!


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

"checking out old haunts......" started by VindisDad