a group of people of which i am apart of is having a come and try land yachting day on saturday 26th of november at port gawler beach just north of adelaide, there will be blokarts and i/we hope a few land yachts as well so if you live in adelaide or near by and have a land yacht or just want to find out what it's all about come out to port gawler beach on the 26th of november from about 10 am and join in the fun.......... the formation of a "fun" and social sailing club will also be discussed on the day,, so if you're looking for a fun day and to be part of a social and fun land sailing club come on out and lets see what happens..........any questions you can pm me if you want
well what i ment to say there was a few class 5's and any other wind powered vehicle,, sorry my mistake with the posting, the point i was trying to make is come out and have a look at what is going on regardless of what you my or may not have
I hope it all comes together for you Beachball.
If you can break this "them and us thing" between blokarts, mini yachts and class 5s, you will deserve a medal.
Hopefully people can just come together for some fun sailing and socialising without making distinctions about which stamp of land yacht they are sailing.
Cheers Cisco.
Never understood that "them and us thing" are they not all land yachts? with people looking to have fun with other like minded people?
In the UK the 'them and us' situation 'seems' to be more how about how they are sold and 'seems' to be coming from the suppliers/manufacturers rather than the good people that own them - IMHO. The whole no parts other than Blokart allowed thing. Hey ho. At York we have no problems with whatever turns up (as long as it's safe), and have various class 5's, 3's, Standarts, Seagulls, Air Tracks, x-sails, DIY and Blokarts all sailing together for a fun time - so a mixed come and try day is a great idea.
Cheers Col
PS fastest thing on the runway on Sunday was a modified Blokart, in light winds it was completely untouchable, with a Goacher sail and an interesting internal/external outhaul system. Hitting 22mph when others were 'becalmed'.
Slightly drifting off topic but... heres the best one the missus took of the Blokart.
The outhaul is a 4:1 ratio mini (micro) pulley system running outside and inside the boom using shock cord. You can change the tension either way on the move - genius. We checked the wind speed where we were parked at 5-8mph. It managed 22mph. Obviously wind varies on the runway but even the other Blowie with us waited for the wind to pick up.
Cheers Col
No insurance problem stands at this point in time
However anyone that is interested in attending please post your intentions so that appropriate measures maybe taken in regards to insurance and equipment
don't forget everyone the come and try land yachting day and new club talks are on this saturday 26th from around 10am so if you're interested in either or know someone who is come on out on saturday and introduce you're self and lets see what we can get started
thanks,, i've had a few enquiries via PM's from this site and word of mouth so yeh hope it turns out all ok
i'll post something on here after the day has concluded
well tomorrows the day looks like it could be a little damp as it's raining today (friday 25th) oh hell only 4 week 'til xmas,,, but i'll still be out there tomorrow so if you're not doing anything and can still make it out to Pt gawler come on out,,, it could get interesting ( if you get my drift)
A GREAT fun day.... good wind, friendly people and many "come and try"-ers.
5 yachts ..... 4 blowies, a class5 and a damp beach but smiles all round.
it was indeed a great day with mixed "classes" all joining in and no bitching, it's amazine what cam be done when we all come togeather with a common interest,,, having talk with those who came out and it's agreed that a new"group" of social sailing misfits has been born and i invite everyone who livs in South Australia and has a wind powered vehicle to be a part of the fun or even if you have an interest in land yachting also be a part of the fun and join the
..... We hope to hold regualr sail weekends,, bbq's,, social get togeathers and the odd trip away to explore new places to sail,, but the main aim is to have fun..........so welcome to the world
..........Anyone who wants more info or wants to be a part of the group PM me and i'll give you all the details i can
sorry but there has been a slight change in name,,, The Adelaide Misfits Social Land Sail Club is now it's new name,,,,, but Adelaide Misfits for short,,, no joining fee as yet,, all you need is a sence of adventure, a yearning to have fun and and acceptance of others no matter what they sail....
thanks everyone,, but i was only one of many who made the day so congrates should also go to them,,,particularly to nathan,, he started the ball rolling on the come and try day, i just helped push it along a bit,,,,,group effort and thanks gizmo for the photo;s i haven't got the hang of posting photo's on here yet
Nice one Mifits/BB.
Posting pic's. Firstly you should reduce those to be uploaded to around 700KB and put in a specific folder (Upload Pic's) Then when making a post/reply?
Add an image (Below), this will point directly back to your PC, if the folder is on your desktop open it and show the pic's up as Thumbnails, From here double click the image to be shown and give the PC time to up load it when done the pic will show on the post screen as an address, this can be tested by previewing you post. When satisfied you have the post set then Post your thread or reply.
Easy as when you are shown.