I picked up the sail the other day after finding it had been sitting at the depot for two weeks as they forgot to scan it when it arrived. The sail looks absolutely fantastic, thanks very much Jester and Cisco!!
Ok I couldn't resist, this is what it looks like unaltered.
And here's a comparison to my LY sail:
Now its time to get the stitch picker out I'm going to use the original sail as a template for the leading edge.
when you next lay the sails together, fit it to the top of the KA sail. retain the leech of the sail and cutfrom the luff side you can probably cut of the front of the foot and use it to add to the bottom of the foot to retain some overall sail area. when it is unpicked , post some pics BEFORE you cut
Yep, will do!
This is where I got to today. There's quite a bit of technology behind the mast pocket. I'm going to have to unstitch that white strip as well, as thats where some of the battens terminate. The rest have brackets that sit on the mast and are accessed via zips in the side of the pocket.
These sails are quite a bit advanced compared to ours arn't they!
No they are not, they just need lots of stuff added because they are tensioned so much . on the water on a slip of foam you need constant supply of power.
you wont need to unpick the white bit as most of it wiil get cut away.
next job is to fill in that hole in the pocket then stretch it out nice and tight. you should find that the leading edge is really straight and the trailing edge has all the curves I would recommend as a first sail you rebuild witha straight,untapered pocket. Put all the cams in the bin and never use them again.
Fit the sail by the leech as I said beforeto your cl5 sail. then I will do a drawing for you.
Remember that reverse of the luff curve at the head of the sail...... That is how the sailmaker stops the head from falling away so draw a template of the top 500mm of the sail at least
Ok, so take the cams off (I assume they're those bracket thingys that sit on the mast) and then sew up the end of the batten pocket like the other three, is that correct?
Yup , bin em.
Leave the pockets alone as you will cut through them when you redo the luff. THe bits of webbing on those two top battens is really stiff and heavy isnt it!. it will destroy your needles so cut it off and throw them in thr bin as well.
Back to the pocket, you will need to unpick the zipper pockets and neatly backfill your holes. the type of sail youve chosen as a first is a bit more work than some to redesign.
you will have the pleasure of making it go 50% faster than the original as compensation tho
Yeah they are really thick, there is one piece of thick webbing and then 2 thinner pieces under that.
Are they not needed becasue we don't put as much tension on the battens? Would just sewing the end of the batten pocket closed be enough or could I just use a piece of the thinner webbing to give it a bit more strength?
BTW I was going to take the white strip off so that all of the cloth I recovered was the thicker blue stuff that could be used at the bottom. The white cloth is really thin.
Is the white stuff an extra layer or integral to the overall sail area?. if it is an extra layer then pick it off and save it
I have tried all sorts of alternatives to the screw on batten tip protectors but in the end they are the best . I use little RONSTAN PNP087 ones . If you are having trouble with one of the battens sticking (usually a top one) you move the batten pocket further back to alleviate the problem.
I don't know what purpose it served. The sail pocket was sewn onto the edge of the blue fabric, so the white strip just extended into the sail pocket. The batten pockets go right up to the edge of the white strip though. I'll take more pictures next weekend.
Here's a blurry shot of the other side. You can see the tape where the mast pocket was attached at the edge of the white strip.
Paul are these the shots you were after:
I was thinking of just using the luff of my sail as a tepmplate and cut along this line.
and see how clean my gutters are
sounds like a plan. when you recut the foot I would suggest that about 50mm below the G in Gaastra.. The offcut material should be enough to add on to make a foot looking like the other sail. Dont cut it straight. Have a look at the shape of the foot of the sails Ive been doing,and cut some round into it to act as an air trap down low
Excellent thanks Paul, Could I get away with keeping the eyelet on the luff and cut along the red line or should I go higher along the green line or even higher. I assume it would be best to keel away from the clear sail cloth (what ever its called)
The green line looks about right. when you have drawn that line on the sail you can then measure forward along the foot to a length of say 1.4m this will be the point that the bottom of the luff curve will come to. that black scuff tape along the lower edges of the sail needs to be preserved for re-use . The re-inforcing at the back of the foot is probably many layers thick . Is it possible to pull of a few of the layers?
An alternative will be to move the green line up to incorporate the eyelet and you will get sail of around 3.0m when finished . Im comparing that to the earlier photo with a BLOwie 3m sail.
Ijust went back and realized you have the 4.7. you will have to make the foot abit longer say 1.5 to retain some sail area . Do a tricky line thing and lets see how it looks
Ok you lost me a bit there (perhaps one to many red wines this afternoon )
I measured the sail and the red line shows 1.5m, just for reference. Are you saying that I should make the foot this length (roughly the green line) and then cut the luff curve from that point (the other green line, damn I knew I should have made that another colour)
The green lne is ideal , BUT who is doing the resewing and where will the extra cloth come from? hwat a dilemna. you may have to move the line of the foot up to use the rear eyelet. this will give a smaller sail but will be easier to make as a first go . it will also give you an idea of what to look for in the next sail.
to gain some sail area you could make the foot with more curve , because that sailcloth looks quite stiff and wouldnt collapse
Well actually I'm glad you asked I'm not too bad on mum's old sewing machine (solid metal 1960s husquvana). I have made the curtains and pelmets in both our son's bedrooms and I also upholstered the cusion on my landyacht <insert smug look here
> So I'm up for the challenge
I was hoping to recover enough sail cloth from the luff and the foot to fill in the bottom corner. If you think those lines are ideal, leave it with me and I'll see what I can do
Send me your adress and I'll mail some 130 needles . 90 denim are not really tough enough. Its looking good so far. Does it zig zag? I use a no 36thread and one bobbin will do 1 run up the luff in zig zag mode
Far out, thanks Paul, done.
Yes it does zig-zag, but not as wide as the zigzag that was on the sail. I was thinking I would strengthen it by doing 2 zigzags next to each other.
the plan gets better.
2 packs of needlesin the post the 1955 are the best, I think the most places 1 line should be fine but when the time comes to do the pocket 2 rows will be good
Thanks Paul, got the needles. They are the right type for mum's machine, so I've got my project for next weekend or two!!
If Faze5 needs any let me know and I'll drop some around.
G'day Hills,
Yes I'll take you up on that (just a couple), I also recently bought some heavy stainless eyes & tool for doing them. Catch up some time you're passing through & have a look.
check those needles bill ,as I bought a box of 100and 1 needle lastsabout 5 sails. If they fit I'll putsome in the mail. I'm sure I remember the adress
Sounds good Bill. As Paul has given me enough needles to make 75 sails I'm sure I can spare a couple.
How big are the stainless eyes, I'll need to get a couple as well.
Sorry, I'm not as good at multitasking as you and Kody
Every winter I go a little stir crazy which seems to manifest itself by an overwhelming desire to move house - so we spent the weekend house hunting.
The medication should take effect soon and I'll get back on track
That sort of thing could be bad for your health.
Go looking on a rainy day,when the house is leaking ,cold and darkinside. It will put you off quickly