Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

lake gilles land sailing club

Created by beachball57 > 9 months ago, 22 Jul 2011
SA, 538 posts
22 Jul 2011 9:34AM
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just throwing this out there,,, lake gilles land sailing and social club anyone one interested and thoughts

j murray
SA, 947 posts
22 Jul 2011 12:21PM
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Yep!...I'll go with that BB........Lotsa ideas...too much to type

will unwind when we get together day....

WA, 700 posts
22 Jul 2011 6:39PM
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I'm in - anybody want to volunteer to help with the clubhouse?

j murray
SA, 947 posts
23 Jul 2011 10:17AM
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That's good Bazl !, you gonna come cross the paddock and dig the

foundations?.............. Maybe for starters an old [pre loved] tow in tow

out caravan [store at the Knob or Kimba] would be good, so dollar

donations instead of working bees, could be good kick off point........

Ill kick of with $50.......

SA, 538 posts
23 Jul 2011 10:23AM
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i'm working on a small van to use as a club house not sure if i can get it it's a freeby so i hope i can,, i can leave it at port augusta at my brothers place for the time being if i get it and it's towable he's aving a look at it for me can go with anything to big cuase ofthe narrow track in and we have to be able to get it back out up the rise near the lake too, so don't go chucking any cash around just yet haven't got the ok from national parks yet either still working on that one

j murray
SA, 947 posts
23 Jul 2011 10:25AM
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with you there BB....I don't think my PM is working effectively

j murray
SA, 947 posts
23 Jul 2011 10:53AM
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may be able to get this....i did own half share, she got the dog too

14 mtr long , 6 mtr wide, 3 mtr roof , fly screened etc etc .....

yep...thats two planes [light aircraft] parked under there.......

WA, 5921 posts
23 Jul 2011 9:46PM
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why do you need all the "stuff"?why not focus on yachts and people,some witches hats and orange flags.

SA, 8 posts
24 Jul 2011 12:23AM
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I agree with landyacht worry about the logistics when you have the people power to set it up

I am interested in the idea however

TAS, 1972 posts
24 Jul 2011 10:20AM
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Yeah! Guys,
Don't get too High Fluting with the Club. Keep it to a Friendly minimal and a bunch of people out to have fun. Start Hauling gear and Top Heavy infrastructure and you WILL Kill the joy. The aim is to have fun and push each other to greater Highs.
PS; If I am lucky I will make it over there to Run Lake Gilles.

j murray
SA, 947 posts
24 Jul 2011 11:07AM
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It seems to me that BB is talking about a Landyachting and Social club

there may be others who are not technically self important, such as women

and children who may wish for a bit of shade or a respite from flys and

night time mozzys....or a dunny, things that make all over a greater

experience. Ideas is what is asked for....... flags and pegs are a given etc...

I think BB is looking for something a little better than what is the

current outcome for this pursuit within South Australia. It may never be a

green light for many reasons, but it is an idea. Once more jumped upon

by the so called peer ? group. intelligent discussion not knocking is here in

front of everyone. "Moving Forward " etc

SA, 538 posts
24 Jul 2011 11:48AM
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people lets not loos sight of what i put forward by turning it into a spit session,, i wanted to do this the right way and cross all the tee's, the actual idea was put forward by MRS beachball,( hell she'd kill me if she knew i said that) anyway it was said that maybe the partners would like to go from time to time,, hence the want for some comforts up there, but to start out with it would, i think , be best treated as a "bit of an adventure" and bush camping with maybe the provision of a portable toilet or long drop or porta loo or something like that,, anytime that i go in the future i will be taking an oztent which has fly screen attached to get respite from flys or mozzies,, but to go, for lack of a better word, crazy with putting up huge structure i think will detreact from the whole idea of the place as being somewhat wild and remote,, also as it it a conservation park i doubt very much that Nat parks, SA would even let you do anything like that, in the past it has alway been, take in take out with minimal footprint left which is the way i'd like to see it happen as it is a prime spot for sailing and i'd hate to think that we would get kicked off for "stuffing up the surrounding enviroment"....As a bit extra i have been checking out some dry CLAY PANS a few k's out side of Port Augusta and 1 of them would be good for sailing on in the dryer months, all be it a bit rough in places but generally it's not to bad to sailing on and is very easy to get to and the big advantage it has is that it's only 5k's from town and several caravan parks and all that they contain, lake gilles is aprox 2 hours drive from Port Augusta, so my thought was perhaps Port Augusta could be used as a base camp for those who do not wish to "ruff" it so to speak,,, i have family in the port and i have asked them to find out if "some sort of deal" could be dne at one of the caravan parks for a group booking or something along those lines,,, it is just another suggestion that i'm putting out there so that we/i can get land sailing up and running here in SA rather than the way it is at the moment, so again any thoughts

WA, 15 posts
24 Jul 2011 2:24PM
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What is the aim with this , not trying to have ago at the concept ,but

SA, 538 posts
24 Jul 2011 5:49PM
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seems to be getting out of control once again

WA, 700 posts
24 Jul 2011 6:33PM
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beachball57 said...

... thoughts

Maybe call for volunteers to form a group whose job it will be to see if it's worth doing

SA, 1622 posts
24 Jul 2011 8:23PM
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How long does it take to get from Pt Augusta to Lake Gilles? I've spent plenty of time up there and there are some good motels. I think my wife would insist we stay there and just visit each day if its not too far.

317 posts
24 Jul 2011 7:53PM
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From experience of the local club, a toilet is a must for the ladies to be happy. Any chance of just starting with an old caravan stored locally and towed in for a days sailing. Shelter, tea brewing, a bacon butty and out the way again at the end of the day.

Cheers Col

TAS, 1972 posts
24 Jul 2011 10:16PM
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Now that's what I'm talkin' COLK.. Apply Occum's Razor and the KISS Principle.
Sure the ladies have to be catered for privacy wise but surely a Thunder Box over a Short pit (To be covered at the end of the day) with a Canvas Surround would do the trick???? KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID!!!!

Why is it with Clubs that there are one or two Volunteers whom are Put Upon whilst the rest go for The Ride (In this case quite literally) I may act the clown and give people a Bit of Lip but principles are a part of my deal. The CLUB isn't here for you nor Me. It is here for Us let us all be volunteers and Pull Our Bloody Weight. That way we all get to have a bit of fun as well.

How long does it take to get from Pt Augusta to Lake Gilles? I've spent plenty of time up there and there are some good motels. I think my wife would insist we stay there and just visit each day if its not too far.

Thanks Hills,

So what are the Hotels/Motels like? and How far from GILLES are they??


SA, 538 posts
24 Jul 2011 10:11PM
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from port augusta to lake gilles is about 2 hours at the most and more like 1 1/2 hours drive, as for the motels and caravan parks well the motel range from budget yet comfy to 4 star so do the caravan parks all have onsite vans and cabins, the port it's self has a wide range of shops thats why i put forward the idea of the port as a base in the first place,, as for towing a caravan in and out i very much doubt that you'd get anything but the smallest of vans down the two wheel track that leads to the lake as when i was there in june it was very over grown with trees and it would be very close in places getting a van through then you have the last bit to go down which is rather steep and rutted again it would be possible to get a van down there but i wouldn't want to be the one towing it in and out,, a van isn't gong to last long,, toilet is another problem, the only sort would be a tow in 1 or something i have spoken to the local ranger and run the idea past him and the answer is that it's doubt full that and sort of structure would be allow to be built there, there is apparently also some "native title" issues that would prevent anything being built,, he suggested a contact at Nat parks that i should speak to but say in all honesty the answer would probably be no to anything being built,, having said that this is why i put forward the idea of using Port Augusta as a base to operate from, it would be nice to come back after a days sailing and have a nice hot shower etc and not have to squat behind a bush, camping at the lake would be good as a "bloke thing" maybe but use the port for a family trip, do a bit of sight seeing as well as sailing, there are also the clay pans to sail on and i would think that maybe some assistance from the Port Augusat council might be able to be obtained if it could be shown that it was going to benefit the area by us being there from time to time.............anyway there you go more to think about

SA, 538 posts
27 Jul 2011 5:48PM
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today i was sent a PM and i think it was regarding the lake gilles landsailing club idea, the person sending the PM didn't choose to identify themselves even after several messages back and forth, that is their choise, however being told well "I'm not having a go at you but you should calm down a bit" has left me rather annoyed, if anyone wish to "not have a go at me" then at least have the balls to identify yourself via PM if that is the way you wish to contact me,,, i do not hide behind my nickname, do not hide behind yours, and just for the record the idea of forming another club or something here in adelaide was my idea and i have never hidden that fact fom anyone,,,the Lake Gilles idea was and still is just an extention of the original idea,,,I don't give a rats arse about the politics of who controls what so far as land sailing in this state and in this country is concerned,, for me land sailing is a hobby, like stamp collecting maybe for someone else,,for those that want to fight over the bones, well go right ahead i don't give a crap,, i would like to sail with like minded people who enjoy the sport for what it is and if you fit the bill then come along and join me and hell maybe have a bit of fun along the way but if you want to bring politics into it then go somewhere else and do it because i can get that sort of crap at work i don't need it in my personal persuits of enjoyment,,, The lake gilles idea was not going to be some sort of formal structured thing just a group of people and families out to have a bit of fun from time to time and also to have a bit of sailing fun close to home as well,, and to be warned off using the local areas well all i have to say to that is that the last time i looked this was a free country ( as much as Canberra would allow it to be) and if i want to sail anywhere I shall dam well do so and if anyone wants to join me then as far as i am concerned they will be more than welcome to do so,,,or if i organise a bbq as a social get togeather for like minded people then everyone will be more than welcome,,but if anyone is going to start taking shots at me then have the guts it put a name to it, because i dont hide who i am.................

TAS, 1972 posts
27 Jul 2011 8:56PM
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Yo Tony,
Way to go! You are beginning to sound like someone I know? Beggared if I know but I will think who at some point.
The problem with large bodies (Clubs) is that there is always someone that wants to run the Show to their own Spec's, controlling who does what, etc. Get over it and go enjoy yourself and tell them to go "B----t-----s" Sooner or later 5 or 6 of the guys will get together and form a loose group that can rely on each other.
Like I said you can use a Dunny (Aussie for Dunny) that fits in your Boot/Trunk, a peice of Canvas a few Stakes and a Thunderbox. Sure someone has to dig a Short Pit and back fill it later and the Blokes can go Pish up a Tree. Toooooooo Easy! Keep in mind that generally a Loo isn't gunna get a lot of use in a couple of days and if the stuff is well buried at the end it can only break down and feed the surrounding growth.

WA, 5921 posts
28 Jul 2011 9:42PM
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ron, they dont want you digging pits etc for your poo, your supposed to take it all out.
Beachball, the person who PM'd you wanted you to have a rant on seabreezewithout the person getting blamed, I think you might have fallen into that trap.
Im not sure on you distances and time s fellas, but I do recall a 1 hr drive in from the turnoff, in a landcruiser.
Pt Augusta to turn off, about 108kms, Kimba to turnoff 48kms

WA, 1659 posts
29 Jul 2011 6:37AM
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I noticed there is a new graded road going into gillies an my way past, dont know how far it goes in though. Seen some nice beaches along the way but no wind.( Heading for Queensland now)

SA, 538 posts
29 Jul 2011 9:39AM
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landyacht said...

ron, they dont want you digging pits etc for your poo, your supposed to take it all out.
Beachball, the person who PM'd you wanted you to have a rant on seabreezewithout the person getting blamed, I think you might have fallen into that trap.
Im not sure on you distances and time s fellas, but I do recall a 1 hr drive in from the turnoff, in a landcruiser.
Pt Augusta to turn off, about 108kms, Kimba to turnoff 48kms

i wasn't having a rant as such but if someones going to tell me via a pm or any other way to "calm down and things are not as they seem and all will be known soon" and so on and so on and not put their name to it then i guess i'll have something to say this has been going on for ages every time a new club or whatever you want to call it is mooted about, their is only so much "turning of the other cheek i'm going to do" as for the travel times and so on to gilles i lived in port augusta for many yeears before moving to adelaide and i still travel there regularly to see family so i know the west coast well...

SA, 538 posts
29 Jul 2011 9:40AM
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aus230 said...

I noticed there is a new graded road going into gillies an my way past, dont know how far it goes in though. Seen some nice beaches along the way but no wind.( Heading for Queensland now)

don't go down the graded road thats not the road to the part of he lake where we go sailing that is the road for the tourist buses and such,, the road to the lake where we go sailing is nothing more than a two wheel track and is several k's before you get to the graded road

SA, 538 posts
29 Jul 2011 9:42AM
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Nikrum said...

Yo Tony,
Way to go! You are beginning to sound like someone I know? Beggared if I know but I will think who at some point.
The problem with large bodies (Clubs) is that there is always someone that wants to run the Show to their own Spec's, controlling who does what, etc. Get over it and go enjoy yourself and tell them to go "B----t-----s" Sooner or later 5 or 6 of the guys will get together and form a loose group that can rely on each other.
Like I said you can use a Dunny (Aussie for Dunny) that fits in your Boot/Trunk, a peice of Canvas a few Stakes and a Thunderbox. Sure someone has to dig a Short Pit and back fill it later and the Blokes can go Pish up a Tree. Toooooooo Easy! Keep in mind that generally a Loo isn't gunna get a lot of use in a couple of days and if the stuff is well buried at the end it can only break down and feed the surrounding growth.

landyacht is right they don't want holes dug all over the place with crap in them the whole idea is to take out what you brung in

WA, 2775 posts
29 Jul 2011 11:10AM
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Cheap and easy fix to the dunny problem.
A few of the places we took scouts camping were no "impact sites" like water catchment zones.
20 litre plastic buckets with air tight lids.

When you get back to civilisation dispose of by pouring down approved dumping point at caravan parks.

Dont let them get more than about 1/2 full.(makes carrying and tipping into disposal drain easier.)


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing General

"lake gilles land sailing club" started by beachball57