Barry (aus4) just came back from Merredin (WA) while he was there he went to Lake Chandler and drove around the lake surface with his vehicle and hardly marked the surface,certainly worth looking at. There is another system to the east that has interest. Lake Deborah has a salt works and going by google earth it has an area 8x8 k. Lake Chandler is about 45-50k north of Merredin. Lake Deborah is situated 10k north of Koolyanobbing.
Pic of Lake Deborah with dozed on lake surface.
thats gotta be on a salt pond I did some exploration work through that area in the 80's and the ONLY hard spot was the saltworks, but how about another look
never heard of lake chandler(wifeys maiden name)
looks like an interesting lake Vic and barry. 1940's ponds. not a huge lake but worth a look if its hard and DRY at this time of year