I'm working on a seat that works as a seat and
can then be transformed into rudder.
then leave the swimming pool
I had some problems that kept me away from the forum.
I'm back!!
Wondered where you had gone??? Great to hear from you again.
Thank you!!. I was remodeling a house to lodging to travelers. diving and flying in a balloon with my son. (Then tell this amazing story).
Here landing in a landfill a few meters from the highway. An extreme situation.
Yet you can hear the laughter of my son at all times.
jUSTO, I give up...what will it be, a mono rail rider, but knowing you it could be a telephone line rider
I give up, but am intrigued......post more...gibba
gibba. No, just a part. You'll see finished. But it will be interesting because it'll get from my house to the railroad and then continue traveling.
Interesting Justo.........you show no power source........the line is shiny is it still used
or are you just doing trials still
well justo ....nice photo....but.....needs explaining somewhat
Q1.... the pedals....how do you work these, is something missing?
Q2..... the rear wheel....does it run along on the sleepers....that wouldn't work here.
Q3...... the extra bits if square along the body.....what for?
but you did select a nice flouro paint job, and it looks an interesting whatsit!........
Gibber, the back wheel lines up with the left hand rollers by the look of it.
I'm guessing the pedals are just an intermediate shaft for the gearing reduction.
2nd vote for a great colour. Love it!!!!
Very clever how it's both modes of transport. Road and rail. Lots of thought gone into it.
The pedal "might" be for starting the engine which [I think] has a centrifugal clutch,
There are heaps of these "Z BOX" engines bolted to pushies around here,
They come in 22cc [or thereabouts] which is street and bikepath legal with no vehicle rego or drivers license required as they are under 1/4 horsepower.
Also available in 48cc and 60-ish-cc
I am pretty sure most of the kits around here are the 48cc version-which technically puts them in the moped or scooter category, which requires both rego and license - but the riders dont seem to be too worried about getting caught.
You can buy a brand new "BIG TARGET MART" bike and bolt one of these motors on for around $400 total, and with not having to have license, rego, insurance and getting 76578646547657mpg its cheap transport even compared to a regular scooter!
Now i see it Chook ! thanks for pointing it out.....clear as mud........solved Justo, by Chook & Steve
I can see clearly now,,,,, the paint is bright.......
Thanks, here I leave a video that explains it better than my words.
The engine is 48cc no papers or registration required .
Yesterday I returned from travel 200 km by rail an amazing adventure
Great one Justo ! interesting gauge set up. Where does that set up run between so we can google earth the line.
what speeds did or can the "Bug" travel at ? we have a lot of unused lines within aust, it has possibility
yep- there are a lot of either little used or unused narrow gauge trainlines here in W.A. too!
As far as I know- the ones that do get used are only for carting grain - and that a lot of those lines are supposed to be getting shut down and road transport used instead.